Since Power Rangers derives most of its footage from the Super Sentai series, it features many hallmarks that distinguish it from other superhero series. Each series revolves around a team of youths recruited and trained by a mentor to morph into the eponymous Power Rangers, able to use special powers and pilot immense assault machines, called Zords, to overcome the periodic antagonists. In the original series Mighty Morphin, the wizard Zordon recruits "teenagers with attitude" against Rita Repulsa.[6]

When "morphed," the rangers become powerful superheroes wearing color-coded skin-tight spandex suits and helmets with opaque visors; identical except in individual rangers' color, helmet design, and minor styling such as incorporating a skirt. Morphed Rangers generally possess enhanced strength, durability, agility and combat prowess. Some possess superhuman or psychic abilities such as super-speed, element manipulation, extra-sensory perception or invisibility.[7] In addition, each individual ranger has a unique weapon, as well as common weaponry used for ground fighting.[note 1] When enemies grow to incredible size (as nearly all do), Rangers use individual Zords that combine into a larger Megazord.

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Rangers teams operate in teams of three to five, with more Rangers joining the team later. Each team of Rangers, with a few exceptions, obeys a general set of conventions, outlined at the beginning of Mighty Morphin and implied by mentors throughout many of the other series: Power Rangers may not use their Ranger powers for personal gain or for escalating a fight (unless the enemy does so), nor may the Power Rangers disclose their identities to the general public.[note 2] The penalty for disobeying these rules is the loss of their power.

Titanus Ranger is my idea of extra white ranger Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. At some point in the series first season, David Trueheart, Tommy's brother, get the Titanus power coin and becomes the first White Power Ranger. His theme is the Titanus brachio zord.

Tommy started out as the Green Ranger, with the Green Dragon Coin created by Ninjor. When he loses that power, Zordon and Alpha created the White Tiger Coin and the Tigerzord. But when they seek out Ninjor, Ninjor has another White Ranger coin ready to go, despite it being likely that he never knew the White Ranger powers existed. I know the Sentai footage didn't really allow for it, but still.

A week after the battle against Sledge, new threats appear. Having to deal with new and more powerful villains, an infiltrated enemy and a World War, the Dino Charge Rangers will have to do anything in their power to protect the Earth! 17dc91bb1f

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