One of the oldest in the world, the Spanish national anthem was first printed in a document dated 1761 and entitled Libro de la Ordenanza de los Toques de Pfanos y Tambores que se tocan nuevamente en la Ynfant Espaola (Book of the Ordinance of Newly Played Military Fife and Drum Calls by The Spanish Infantry), by Manuel de Espinosa. There, it is entitled La Marcha Granadera (English: March of the Grenadiers). According to the document, Manuel de Espinosa de los Monteros is the composer.

There is a misconception that its author was Frederick II of Prussia, a great lover of music. That mistaken belief arose in 1861 when it was published as fact in the periodical La Espaa militar (Military Spain). In 1864, Col. Antonio Vallecillo published the story in the diary El Espritu Pblico (The Public Spirit), claiming a supposed Prussian origin for Marcha Real. According to Vallecillo, the anthem was a gift from Frederick II to the Count of Colomera, who was serving in the Prussian Court to learn the military tactics developed by Frederick II's army, under orders of King Charles III. In 1868, this spurious history was published in Los Sucesos, changing the beneficiary of the gift to the Count of Aranda. The myth was picked up in different publications of 1884 and 1903 until it was included in 1908 in the Enciclopedia Espasa.

Download Spain National Anthem


In 1770, Charles III declared the Marcha de Granaderos the official Honor March, an act that formalized the tradition of playing it in public, especially on solemn occasions. It became the official Spanish anthem during Isabel II's reign.

In 1870, after the 1868 Revolution, General Juan Prim organized a national contest to create a new official state anthem, and a jury consisting of three well-known composers was chosen to designate a winning entry. Although over 400 compositions were submitted, including those written by the young composers Federico Chueca, Ruperto Chap and Toms Bretn, a new anthem was never selected. After extensive deliberations, the jury had advised that Marcha de Granaderos was already considered the country's official anthem, and the contest was suspended.[4] By Alfonso XIII's time, the Royal Circular Order of 27 August 1908 established the musical score orchestrated by Bartolom Prez Casas, Superior musician of the Royal Corps of Halberdier Guards, as the official version; it is known traditionally as the Grenadier March or the Royal Spanish March. During the Spanish Second Republic the Himno de Riego was adopted as the anthem of the republic.[5]

Though the Marcha Real has no official lyrics, words have been written and used for it in the past. One version was used during Alfonso XIII's reign and another during the Francoist State; however, none of them were ever made official. The national anthem has been played without words since 1978, when lyrics that had been approved by General Franco were abandoned.[10] Occasionally the Francoist lyrics have been erroneously performed after their abandonment.[11]

After witnessing a rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone at Anfield in 2007, the President of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), Alejandro Blanco, said he felt inspired to seek lyrics to La Marcha Real ahead of Madrid's bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games.[12][13][14] That same year Telecinco, enticed by the COE, organized a national contest and posted 25 different lyrics on their website which they thought best matched COE's requirements. The winner was chosen, although only 40,000 people voted. The lyrics by Enrique Hernndez-Luike, magazine publisher and poet, spoke of freedom, peace and the Constitution.[15] The winning lyrics were sung by the Ronda de Aranzueque choir in Pastrana, and filmed by German television.[16] However, the COE organized a new competition for the lyrics, which resulted in between 2,000 and 7,000 entries (depending on source). A private team of jurors chose the entry by Paulino Cubero, then unemployed.[17] The new lyrics received criticism, resulting in them being pulled only five days later, and the idea was scrapped indefinitely.[18]

Military bands of the Spanish Armed Forces and the National Police Corps of Spain and civilian Marching bands and Concert bands play the B flat-major version of the anthem adapted for wind bands (as arranged by Francisco Grau), and playing the A major version is optional.

The bugle call To the Colors in Spain is the version played by Bugle bands in Spanish churches in religious occasions and processions organized by civil groups and the parishes. Various versions adapted for the drum and the bugle are used, even though brass instruments play the anthem as well. But in some bugle bands, the A flat version of the anthem (the old official one, adapted for the bugle) is played. Only a bugle call is sounded when the B flat version is played.

Being the national anthem, and played in honor of the King and the Queen of Spain, it is common for all to stand once it is played. Even though it is also played in church events, respect for the royal family is required by everyone in attendance; civilians stand at attention, and those in uniform salute when not in formation.

The World Will Always Remember September 11

 At 2:15 local time, President Aznar and invited guests (several former Latin American presidents) held a ceremony at Moncloa. U.S. and Spanish flags were displayed as the Spanish anthem was played. President Aznar also issued a statement.

The lack of lyrics in Spain's anthem has long created awkward moments for winning Spanish athletes at the Olympics. They stand on the podium silently or hum along while winning athletes from other nations sing when their anthem is played during their moment of triumph.

Spain is made up of many different peoples, and five languages are spoken across the country. The Catalans in the northeast and the Basques in the north already have their own national songs with lyrics.

The president of the Spanish Olympic Committee conceded he doesn't know when there will be lyrics for the anthem, and many here say there isn't enough time to get lyrics approved before the Aug. 8 start of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.

The most recent chapters of the complex history of the Spanish national anthem continued with the Royal Decree of October 10, 1997. The Government of the Kingdom of Spain acquired the copyright of the Royal March because until then those rights belonged to the heirs of Prez Casas. The government had to pay an amount of money every time the Spanish national anthem was played at any event. The amount paid each year was calculated, multiplying over a series of years to arrive at the agreed price paid. The current version of the national anthem is the work of maestro Francisco Grau and replaced the previous version of Prez Casas.

Spain's National Court has fined the person who promoted booing and whistling at the king and national anthem during the final of the 2015 Copa del Rey football tournament. The fine of 7,200 euros was handed down for the crimes of offence to the Crown and affront to Spain. The judge said such conduct is not protected by free speech because the protection of the Crown as a "symbol of the unity of the state" and the "preservation of the constitutional system itself" prevails. Moreover, it is unnecessary to disparage the king in order to publicly proclaim the idea of an independent Catalonia.

Colonels Adrian Spain and Alexus Grynkewich salute during the national anthem at the 53rd Wing change of command ceremony June 18 at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. Spain assumed command of the wing from Grynkewich, who moves on to the Pentagon. (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.)

Tech. Sgt. Jordan Newsome, 16th Electronic Warfare Squadron, salutes during the national anthem at the 53rd Wing change of command ceremony June 18 at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. Col. Adrian Spain assumed command of the wing from Col. Alexus Grynkewich, who moves on to the Pentagon. (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.)

volcanism: volcanic activity in the Canary Islands, located off Africa's northwest coast; Teide (3,715 m) has been deemed a Decade Volcano by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, worthy of study due to its explosive history and close proximity to human populations; La Palma (2,426 m), which last erupted in 1971, is the most active of the Canary Islands volcanoes; Lanzarote is the only other historically active volcano

three horizontal bands of red (top), yellow (double width), and red with the national coat of arms on the hoist side of the yellow band; the coat of arms is quartered to display the emblems of the traditional kingdoms of Spain (clockwise from upper left, Castile, Leon, Navarre, and Aragon) while Granada is represented by the stylized pomegranate at the bottom of the shield; the arms are framed by two columns representing the Pillars of Hercules, which are the two promontories (Gibraltar and Ceuta) on either side of the eastern end of the Strait of Gibraltar; the red scroll across the two columns bears the imperial motto of "Plus Ultra" (further beyond) referring to Spanish lands beyond Europe; the triband arrangement with the center stripe twice the width of the outer dates to the 18th century

note: the red and yellow colors are related to those of the oldest Spanish kingdoms: Aragon, Castile, Leon, and Navarre

name: "Himno Nacional Espanol" (National Anthem of Spain)

lyrics/music: no lyrics/unknown

note: officially in use between 1770 and 1931, restored in 1939; the Spanish anthem is the first anthem to be officially adopted, but it has no lyrics; in the years prior to 1931 it became known as "Marcha Real" (The Royal March); it first appeared in a 1761 military bugle call book and was replaced by "Himno de Riego" in the years between 1931 and 1939; the long version of the anthem is used for the king, while the short version is used for the prince, prime minister, and occasions such as sporting events 9af72c28ce

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