Hi, so I'm a bit new to AE however I came across the plugin Sound Keys recently and I'm a bit confused. I know that in AE there's a built in option to convert audio to keyframes, which I've come to understand is the purpose of sound keys. So why buy sound keys if yo ucan do the same thing in AE for free?

So I'm relatively new to After Effects but I've been able to understand a lot of how it works. I'm trying to add a new effect in my music videos by increasing the particles per sec every time there is bass. I'll add a link to a video if i can. The best example is at 1:30. The particles seem to increase with the bass but when I try doing it with sound keys it just resets to 0 particles per sec until the bass then it goes to 150 and back to 0 after the bass stops.

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The visual perception of motion is delayed compared with the keyframes so when you are using sound keys to generate the keyframes you'll have to shift some things around in time so the movement matches the beat.

Your example video does not show an increase in the number of particles, it shows a change in speed towards the camera. One way to do that using Particular would be to animate the speed of the wind in the z direction with the default camera. Here's how you would set that up to experiment with the range of values you would need sound keys to generate. Size over time may help keep the particles from getting too big as they approach the camera.

Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed reply. I've been using particular for about a month and I have always used wind Z to move the particles closer to the camera. I have 150 particles/sec and I use sound keys to animate the particles with wind z. When the particles move closer with every kick drum it appears to be less particles due to many of the already existing ones being moved off screen by wind z.

I know I could do it manually but it would take a long time to do. The reason I was asking if I could use sound keys with particles/sec was because these music channels on YouTube upload every day and I thought they might have figured out a quick way to change particles/sec.

It depends on what you want the particles to look like. There is nothing that says you can't use sound keys for more than 1 property. You can even overlap the boxes in sound keys or apply multiple instances to get more than the 3 it comes with. I have used as many as 12 for one project. (4 copies of sound keys).

I only use sound keys for 3 different particle effects at the most. I tried altering some of the particle settings but as soon as there's a kick drum or there's bass the particle density decreases due to most of the particles being moved off screen by wind z. I think i'll have to change the particles/sec every time there is a kick drum or prolonged bass otherwise I'm left with barely any particles on screen until a few seconds later when more particles are emitted.

If you want to use the bass only or even the kick drum you will need Trapcode Sound keys or you will need to process a copy of your audio with some seriously equalized frequencies. Roll off all of the higher frequencies and jack up the bass, then the Keyframe Assistant will average the volume of the equalized clip and give you the changes you want. Another option would be to push the sound frequencies you want to drive the animation to the left or right channel. Convert audio to keyframes gives you left, right and both sliders and the graph editor will quickly show you what the values.

My main motive is to start the rotation when the beat drops(in short when the soundkey gets value more the 1) and when the beat drops the circle should start rotating and slowly coming back to rest until another beat drops and also the circle should keep rotating in the same direction.....basically rotation the object on the beat but it should be smooth not like jerk....it should be like giving a push to the free rotating wheel which eventually comes in rest slowly until another force is applied to it....(the force m talking about is the value of the soundkeys).The expression is at armature stage,,,Your contributions will be graceful.

2)By using Red giant trapcode sound keys,were u take a solid and apply the soundkeys effect and select your audio layer in the effect control panel( to get accuracy of required beats ) ,at the end the solid having soundkeys effect will produce the output keyframes (just like convert to keyframes does)..which is what i took

If you look at Dan's site, you'll find a section on frequency and speed control. The expression he applies to time remapping could be used with rotation. I don't have time to fiddle with it completely understand how it works but if you modify that expression as follows you get something close to what you want, a constant rotation modified by the keyframe values. If you are still using sound keys then the expression would look like this:

Obviously you also need to experiment with the numbers used in the Ease expression. Don't use the numbers I wrote, these are just example numbers. To find out the range you need, go to the Info panel in AE, click on the sound keys KF and you should see the Min and Max values displayed. These are the first two numbers you'll need in the Ease parenthesese. I'd suggest using sliders for the second two values as you can then adjust these easily while watching it loop in real time till they reach the correct value.

I work with after effects alot and i would need to automate a plugin called Trapcode Sound Keysand i did some research and unfortunately this cannot be done with ExtendScript(the built in scripts for after effects) as far as i know.The Script/Program would need to apply the keyframes as shown below in the picture

Sound Keys create instant audio driven motion graphics in after effects. Use Sound Keys to select parts of an audio track and generate keyframes that your link to animation properties. Scale, rotate, and move to the beat, or use audio to drive effects.

alternatively, break up your animation into loops or segments and then composite and edit the animation within aftereffects using expressions to tie it together. This would be my approach, but depending on your goal this may not be possible.

I've tried going to System Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Effects and disabled "Play user interface sound effects". This disabled sounds such as moving a file in finder but did not disable keyboard shortcut sound effects. I looked through the "Keyboard" and "Accessibility" preference panes and couldn't find any other relevant settings.

I have turned off sound on startup, interface sound effects and feedback, yet if I use - for example - backspace or another key which cannot do anything in a window, it makes the 'boop' noise. I cannot select 'no sound' in the audio options, yet I still get these [...]

go to System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects

turn the Alert volume all the way down

uncheck Play user interface sound effects (you've done this already)

uncheck Play feedback when the volume is changed

Select the Soundkeys Data layer in the timeline to reveal the Sound Keys effect in the Effect Controls Panel. Click on the title of the effect (Sound Keys) and press Enter to rename it to Sound Keys U. Renaming the effects will help keep track of the multiple instances of Sound Keys.

most smoke sprite sheets are made with either stock footage and just making it loop in after effects, or from simulations in maya or houdini or similar. alternatively for slow moving smoke you can often just get away with two static images panning against one another.

hi there

I didnt know before what Trapcode Sound Keys exactly does, but after I had seen this tutorial I thought about a way to achieve the same without this plugin:

You have to create a Solid with the "audio spectrum" effect on it. Then create a Null Object and position it exactly on a specific part of the audio spectrum like it is done in the tutorial with soundkeys. Then apply a expression slider with the following expression:

target = thisComp.layer("your musiclayer");

p = target.fromComp(this.toComp(transform.anchorPoint));

s = target.sampleImage(p,[transform.scale[0]/2,transform.scale[1]/2],true)[3]*100;

the slider now will give you values from 0 to 100 depending on how much the Null-Rectangle is covered by the audio spectrum. Works very nice.

Does anyone know a way how to then apply a falloff to this expression values, similar how it is done with soundkeys? So that the values do fade back smoothly and not so abrupt?

I think i found workaround for this. as far as i was able to translate the french site the workaround is as following(probably only CS6).

1. have the Sound-Squares scaling to the music (usual soundkeys way)

2. place a solid, which is spread all over the composition width and height, 

under the last square in the layer palette. 

3. set the solid to 1% opacity (probably black works best in this case)

4. set up the adjustment-layer

5. apply the cc-kaleida effect on it. 

6. now everything should work right.

Great TUT! in terms of the CS6 issue, I made a precomp of my 3 square layers + soundkeys, inside that enabled continuously rasterise on the 3 layers, then back outside in the main comp, I enabled collapse transformations. Ive got the adjustment layer in my main comp and its now filling up my entire comp. 


Although video/film types sometimes say that sound is half the experience, sound and music are often an afterthought in After Effects. Music industry people who crossed over provide exceptions, like Chris and Trish Meyer of Crish Design, who have provided guidance on audio matters in After Effects since the days of InterActivity magazine.

If you have been using After Effects for a while, you might definitely know Trapcode Soundkeys which is an excellent plug-in to create extremely audio driven animations. But there are many disadvantages like you need to re-insert keyframes everytime you change your audio track/change the position in the time line. Not only that, you cannot control the frequency range that it samples. For example, if you want to analyze only high frequency sounds in detail, it is not possible with Soundkeys. Also, you cannot change the length of the spectrum if the amplitude of your audio is low. Although this can be achieved by increasing the decibel range of the source audio, it is not accurate. Also, one of the most important advantages of using this method is, audio spectrum shifts hue value with respect to the sound. Which actually means you can get an audio reactive sampling right out of the box. I will update with proper tutorial in the next couple of days, but meanwhile you should get an idea. Below is a complete 1 min video (instead of the 20 sec at AETUTS) in which I analyzed only two frequency ranges belonging to the main beat and the water sounds. But we can get a much more organic and hyper reactive form if 3-5 frequencies are analyzed. 2351a5e196

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