Indeed, i agree. Additionally, we found a major security issue in 2022.4, SW support claims it is fixed in the 2022.4.1 HF, though there is no mention at all of this issue in the release notes.

I will say i did experience that SWIS failure issue as well just last night, looks like the information service initiated a restart of plugins, when they were restarting, they couldn't connect to SWIS so my polling engine was down until manual intervention. This does appear to be addressed in the release notes.

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it would only affect things in NPM that were relying on syslogs/traps. I find that 90% of my clients shoot a mountain of syslogs at orion and never look at them again, but you'd need to know your environment to be sure.

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- Eventually we moved app02 to a unique IP address, and this allowed the configuration manager to run and the website to work, just extremely slowly. It sometimes hung trying to access the orion agent to download it.

In reading an similar discussion i see someone has provided an email to send the mibs to: so i have forwarded these to that address as well. i am still interested in finding out how to monitor these devices while i wait for the database update.

There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://orion:17777/orion/core/businesslayer that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

I don't think I have all of that available. Your screenshot shows polling method of VMAN but I don't use that. I am polling the VM by it's IP address using the orion agent. I am not monitoring the VM's through the host. I did find performance analyzer. The memory and CPU is below threshold.

On execution of the malicious SolarWinds.Orion.Core.BusinessLayer.OrionImprovementBusinessLayer.Initialize method the sample verifies that its lower case process name hashes to the value 17291806236368054941. This hash value is calculated as the standard FNV-1A 64-bit hash with an additional XOR by 6605813339339102567 after computing the FNV-1A. This hash matches a process named "solarwinds.businesslayerhost".

The attack used a backdoor in a SolarWinds library; when an update to SolarWinds occurred, the malicious attack would go unnoticed due to the trusted certificate.[68] In November 2019, a security researcher notified SolarWinds that their FTP server had a weak default password of "solarwinds123", warning that "any hacker could upload malicious [code]" that would then be distributed to SolarWinds customers.[69][70][71][72] The New York Times reported SolarWinds did not employ a chief information security officer and that employee passwords had been posted on GitHub in 2019.[73]

On March 1, 2021, SolarWinds CEO, Sudhakar Ramakrishna, blamed a company intern for using an insecure password ("solarwinds123") on their update server. Speculation that this led to the attack is discounted by the company and security professionals.[84][85] More than the intern using a weak password, experts noted that the main issue this fact highlights is the poor security culture the company has.[86]

There was another unsettling report about passwords. A security researcher in Bangalore, India, named Vinoth Kumar told NPR that he had found the password to a server with SolarWinds apps and tools on a public message board and the password was: "solarwinds123." Kumar said he sent a message to SolarWinds in November and got an automated response back thanking him for his help and saying the problem had been fixed. e24fc04721

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