Can anyone help me figure out how to connect my social media profiles to the footer of this landing page layout? I also only want to include specific profiles. How do I add or de-select the ones that have pre-populated this template?

When I try to edit the page, it only allows me to edit the Social Media header (Get Connected) and not the actual profiles. I should warn that I don't have any CSS or HTML skills to pull this off so hopefully none are required for something that I have always managed to pull off with one-click.

Download Social Media Icons


From looking at the code, it looks like this is a custom module in the template. You would most likely have to go into your Design Manager and then check the footer area for a module that would have a UL with a class of social-links like below:

Looking to find the CSS to enlarge the size of the social media icons in the footer area. I've tried multiple CSS but have not quite gotten the right one. I'm hoping to enlarge the icons while keeping them centered.

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In Squarespace 7 you can change the size of Marquee social media icons within the footer content editing area. The sizes range from XS - XL and you can also rearrange the alignment from left, center and right.

I'm trying to change the size of my social icons in Squarespace 7.1, and I need sizes larger than XL. Is there a way to do this? I'm referring to the icons after the services on our Home Page. Thanks! I'm still on a trial mode.

Please post the URL for a page on your site where we can see your issue. For us to see the URL you need to include the link in the content of your post. The URL field the forum software provides is not shown to us.

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I have built a site on the Avenue template, and cannot figure out why the social media icons are not showing up in the site footer. Based on the documentation, they should be in the lower right corner automatically, since I have the links in the social links panel of settings, and I do not have them hidden in the site styles. I'm at a loss here. Any suggestions for what I'm doing wrong?

I had a Twitter and Facebook link under the disclaimer on my site in the footer in a social links block and it's always shown up no problem. However, I noticed recently they have completely disappeared even though I haven't edited the footer since May. The icons aren't the same color as the background; you cannot click them at all and there's no space on the published website where they used to be.

I have a Personal plan that collects donations for a non-profit. The website is a standard website with a few product pages. I cannot figure out how to get the Facebook and Twitter icons on the product pages linked to anything. I'd also like to remove the Pinterest and Google+ icons. I have no problem linking them using the standard pages where I added them using Build. I do not have anything (that I can find) that says Store > Layout to toggle something on and off, which was the advice on another thread from a few years ago. Is this impossible with a Personal plan? Thanks

I also realize that I misunderstood what the social media icons on the product pages were for. They are for others to link the product to their own Facebook or Pinterest pages rather than for the user to get sent to our other sites on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Thanks - despite the Header being the location where they ask for my social media info, it's the footer where they have a check box to display them - and even then, they're tucked away at the bottom, blended into the theme - I definitely need to find a way to display them right up at the top.

When you're in the theme settings > click on the Footer section > then look on the opposite end of the screen for the enable social media icons option. That will display the icons that you've entered a link for. This way you won't need to use a 3rd party app just to show those icons.

I actually had this issue too, but then I found an option in the Footer Settings menu. You need to make sure the box is checked to display social media icons. You may need to widen your browser window to see the settings on the right. Looks like this:

"To enable social sharing icons for stories published to Everyone in ArcGIS Enterprise accounts, the portal administrator must select Show social media and sharing icons from Organization settings."

Please add more options for social media such as an RSS feed (blog) and Houzz (interior design specific). In addition, please "lock in" the social media icons per email campaign. For example, I create email campaign 1 and set up the social media icons. Then I create email campaign 2 with the social media icons linking to different social sites. As soon as I save the social media profile for email 2 it changes the social media links in email 1. This is VERY frustrating as we have 6 different brands that we send emails out for and we cannot use our email templates due to this issue.

We tried to create our own social media icons by using images however, we cannot place more that two images side by side like we could in the old interface. Also, please put back the ability to add a table into the new user interface - you took away this feature! Having the ability to add a table would allow me a workaround to my first issue. UGH! Very frustrating - this is making us re-consider our decision to use Constant Contact for our email campaigns.

I am trying to achieving the exact same thing. I have created the ACF fields for the users.

I have tried your CSS code but it does not work for me. It stills showing social icons even if there is no URL.

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May I suggest a couple more icons? Spotify and Apple Music. As a musician, we use this sometimes on posters and EPKs. It's always useful that the logos match the social media icons in style too But no pressure. I just thought I would suggest it.

The repeating group will only display the links that the particular user has, meaning it will be dynamic for each user (if a user only has 1 it will only show 1, if they have 5 it will show all 5 etc. with no empty gaps.).

On one hand there is repeating group connected well with data (Custom data type [User Social links] and Option set [Social Option] with icons, and there is a new custom data type-field for User [Social links - List of user social links], and all of that as shown above connected well.

So create all the user_social_links for the user as part of the user-sign up process. Then you can display them in a repeating group for the user to view and edit in their profile, and use autobinding to make changes on them.

Created a rest review app. I want to use social media. Created a footer with floating group. Thought I would put icons in footer and attach the social links like I have done with WIX in the past. It was super easy. I found this article but it seems like this is not the right approach. I am not really interested in the amount of accounts of the person logged in or whether they are even signed up for any social accounts. I just want to maybe tweet about a new restaurant opening, or Facebook a picture of a special cocktail at a bar. Need som help please.

Would you consider adding the social icons in the socket or the container below the footer widgets? Edit the Enfold > Footer > Default Footer & Socket Settings to display the footer and socket, then enable the Social Icons. 152ee80cbc

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