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In Hitman: Codename 47, the W2000 holds a 6-round magazine, and while it featured widely in promotional material and on the main menu, it only appears towards the end of the game. It can be purchased on one level and found on two. It is named the WA2000 in this game.

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In Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, the W2000 can only carry one bullet at a time (although there is a short magazine shown, probably due to ingame limitations) and has a very slow reload rate. Despite that, it typically kills NPCs with a single shot. Another drawback being that the stock variant of the rifle is un-suppressed. Due to this, it can be considered one of the worst rifles in the entire game.

In appearance, it is the same as the W2000, except that it has a black sleek design with a wood trim, has a large scope capable of high zoom and precision and a laser sight under a sound suppressor. Unlike the regular W2000, the bipod is no longer present, and it has a magazine capacity of ten rounds.

In Hitman: Contracts, the W2000 holds only a 6-round magazine, a strong scope, fast rate of fire, and a silencer. It mostly comes in a concealed briefcase, but it isn't protected from metal detectors.

*If the player replays a level that gives the player the WA2000 in Contracts without having it equipped, it will spawn anyway. (If the player has a two handed weapon such as an Spas-12 instead selected, the rifle briefcase will still spawn on the ground near 47.)

The W2000 can be customized with several upgrades in Hitman: Blood Money, making it, along with the Silverballers, one of the two most useful weapons in the game. The upgrades can be purchased at the start of each level; these upgrades include scopes and sound suppressors. For a full list of upgrades, see W2000 Sniper upgrades.

With these upgrades, the W2000 is without doubt the best weapon for snipers. There is no delay between shots (unless the bolt action upgrade is installed), which makes it semi-automatic. With the W2000 concealed, at the price of a disassembled rifle, it's excellent for infiltration. Even without upgrades, the W2000 is the most accurate weapon in-game. While the game has no hold breath feature, all sniper rifles in game will "shake" when zoomed in. The lightweight frame upgrade can solve this problem for the W2000, however.

When Agent 47 needs to reach out and touch someone with direct precision, this rifle in most cases is his personal choice. The handgrip and trigger pull fits his style of shooting. Sniping is an extremely important aspect in the art of assassination. The main reason being that a target can be silenced from a distance. This eliminates the troubles of infiltrating a highly secured area and running the risk of blowing your cover. A common issue with mastery over this art is the steadying of the hands. In most cases, even a well-established hitman like Agent 47 can't keep the crosshairs dead still. To reduce this major problem, Mr. 47 has used methods such as reducing movement of the rifle while aiming, but the most helpful is to crouch while aiming if possible. This greatly aides in steadying your aim in preparation for a clean head shot and silent assassination.

Sniping can also be utilized to trim the numbers of security patrols in an area, but Mr. 47 is known to try and keep the casualties limited to those only marked by the contract. Such a tactic, due to the stealth it provides, should never be overlooked. Mr. 47 has stated a few useful tactics for preparation, if you have doubts about your particular sniper's perch, make sure no one can see you from any direction. Steady your aim and try to center the crosshairs so that when it moves to its highest point it is directly on the targets thinking cap. Then focus and squeeze. After the clean hit, cautiously depart the area. Congratulations! You now can consider yourself a professional hitman.

In tag_hash_105___________________, the W2000 Sniper is one of the five customizable weapons. The upgrades range from doubling the magazine capacity, reducing the noise, and to enhancing the precision.

The Sniper Monkey is a Military-class tower that was released in the initial release of Bloons TD Battles 2. It is the Battles counterpart to its Bloons TD 6 counterpart (refer on this page). It is relatively cheap and does multiple layers, but has only one pierce and a slow attack speed. It will require upgrades such as Shrapnel Shot and Bouncing Bullet to affect more than one bloon at a time.

Sniper Monkeys wield a long-range rifle and can attack a bloon anywhere on the map, assuming clear Line of Sight. Compared to other towers, the Sniper Monkey's main role is in single target damage as it initially deals 2 damage to one bloon at a time.

The Sniper Monkey makes a return in BTDB2. When compared to its BTDB1 Mobile counterpart, the BTDB2 Sniper is much more versatile, particularly with the addition of upgrades that help Sniper deal with bloons in ways it normally struggles with, with Shrapnel Shot being a very helpful upgrade at cleaning up bloons.

Path 1 has been dedicated to increasing the damage of each bullet. Full Metal Jacket increases the initial 2 damage per shot to 4 damage per shot, along with granting the Sniper Monkey with frozen-popping and lead-popping power. Most of the subsequent upgrades increase the amount of damage per shot, but the Maim MOAB and Cripple MOAB upgrades deal secondary stun effects to MOAB-class bloons.

Path 2 improves the utility of the Sniper Monkey, improving aspects of the Sniper that normally cannot be done alone by the other two paths. Starting with Night Vision Goggles, this upgrade allows camo detection while additionally adding +2 damage to Camo Bloons. Shrapnel Shot and Bouncing Bullet make it easier to damage multiple bloons at once via shrapnel and bullet bounces, respectively. Supply Drop, similar to the predecessor, grants an ability that drops a crate worth $1200 cash, but also improves Shrapnel pierce and allows the Sniper Monkey to hit lead bloons. Elite Sniper further improves the Sniper's own Supply Drop ability, along with an entirely unique buff to all Sniper Monkeys on screen to acquire a unique Elite target priority option plus bonus attack speed.

Path 3 deals purely on increasing DPS. The first two upgrades, Fast Firing and Even Faster Firing, simply improve attack speed. The next two upgrades, Semi-Automatic and Full Auto Rifle, are upgrades that modify the Sniper Monkey to make it specialize on pure DPS, which in turn eliminate the alternate specialization options. Elite Defender adds even more DPS but with specialized increased attack speed mechanics - it can increase attack speed faster the closer bloons reach the exit and/or when lives are lost.

Sniper Monkeys use the four basic target priorities (First, Last, Close, Strong) to target at bloons from full-map range, obstructed by Line of Sight limitations, but can also gain Elite targeting once Elite Sniper is bought. If Elite Sniper is sold, that target option will be lost. The following are a list of target priorities a Sniper can use:

The Sniper Monkey is a cheap, long-ranged tower that does high damage but has low pierce and firing rate without further upgrades. It is very effective on maps that give it clear vision, and against the grain when utilizing Shrapnel Shot. Additionally, it has decent countermeasures against Camos, including Camo Leads and DDTs.

Snipers work best against single targets such as Ceramics or MOAB-Class Bloons, especially with top-path upgrades such as Maim MOAB. Middle-path monkeys have better crowd control and are useful for farming money, while bottom-path monkeys can contribute a high amount of overall DPS.

Sniper MonkeyBUFF x5x Elite Sniper: ability no longer has an initial cooldownIn a previous update, with distinguished the tier 5 ability from the tier 4 ability, which had the side effect of introducing an initial cooldown for the tier 5. We have removed this cooldown so that like before, the cooldown will remain unchanged when upgrading from tier 4 to 5.

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American Sniper has been one massive whirlwind of controversy since it's initial release in theaters. From the troubling personal politics of Chris Kyle, to director Clint Eastwood playing fast and loose with history, and even the presence of a fake baby, Sniper has been the epicenter of heated debate that has polarized many. Such negative publicity has yet to throw a wrench in its success within certain film circles or at the box office, as Sniper lasso-ed in an Academy Award on Sunday and has officially become the highest grossing war movie of all time.

It's that latter element that has birthed a new wave of contention. The $400 million earned by American Sniper the film, coupled with the royalties [estimated at $6 million] from the slain Navy SEAL's memoir of the same name, has caused some behind-the-scenes friction between Chris Kyle's wife Taya and other grieving military families who were promised financial support yielded by the success of the Sniper properties. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Taya Kyle has not honored her fallen husband's requests and has been withholding money from families who also lost loved ones in battle.

When he was alive, Chris Kyle told friends and business associates that he viewed any profits from his memoir American Sniper as "blood money." The legendary Navy SEAL, whose account of his four tours of duty in Iraq was adapted into the Clint Eastwood movie that is now up for six Oscars including best picture, maintained that he wanted the money to go to support struggling military families. After Kyle and a friend were shot and killed in 2013 by a veteran Kyle was helping, The New York Times retold this widely known point of view: "Though his book became a best-seller, he never collected money from it, friends said, donating the proceeds to the families of two friends and fallen SEAL members, Ryan Job and Marc Lee." 152ee80cbc

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