After many, many years in the FS world I've just received a new problem. After I load FSX and try to load or create an FS flight plan, the system locks up. Not a crash to desktop just a freeze. In order to get out of this situation I use alt/ctrl/del. Once back at my home screen an error message appears as follows: "This feature requires that (smartassembly) is available on this computer".There is no error number, just the text as listed. Further, if I load my default aircraft, go to the airport I would use in the flight plan and then try to open the flight plan it sometimes works. Otherwise, FSX works just fine without any problems but without the planner could be a problem. I've never seen this error message, never seen it on any forum and have no idea what "smartassembly" is or what function it's supposed to perform. I hope that someone out there has knowldge of this and can help me fix whatever needs to be fixed.FSX SP2Dell Dimension 9100, SP 3, 3.5 g RamJack

SmartAssembly MSBuild task allows you to protect your assembly automatically during build.

Refer to documentation to learn more:

Installed and activated version of SmartAssembly is required to run this task.

Download Smartassembly

Download 🔥 🔥

Launch VS Code, use the Install from VSIX command in the Extensions view command drop-down, or the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in the Command Palette, and point to the .vsix file (i.e. 9af72c28ce

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