Smart Apps Creator 3 features MS Office-like UI; design apps easily through drag n'drop. Our users are from every walk of life. Wedding app, business app, language teaching materials, story book, tourist guide all can be created with ease.

Smart Apps Creator 3 turns your artistic or multimedia content into apps.Make your app responsive and interactive by directly adding function to images(e.g. icons or photos). Our unique function create any combinations and possibilities for your app. Train logical thinking. Build STEM education. Change contents / ideas to multimedia interactive apps.

Download Smart Apps Creator 3.1.7


Integrate web service into your app (e.g. security camera / chat tool / live channel / Google Form / questionnaire / whiteboard / currency exchanger). You are able to create any kinds of apps under any situation.

Want to skip complicated publish steps, but don't have a way? Want to quickly spread your app to all device, but don't want your customers spend time downloading it?

Directly output Apps to HTML5, we call it "App+H5." Just put App+H5 to web server. View HTML5 online. Your app is viewed as HTML5 online. No more publish trifles anymore! 

Let me know why "HTML5" is so IMPORTANT

Smart Apps Creator 3 is one of the best solution for STEM education. It relies heavily on your creativity to design interactivity and app design. Think of a way to trigger an event and cause reactions you want. This unique function gives countless combinations and helps you design almost any kinds of possibilities. Smart Apps Creator 3 allows you to output HTML5 and link jSON format database to your apps. Design app can be a lot more fun and attractive.

Sharing your idea and creativity is the purpose of Smart Apps Creator. Smart Apps Creator can design multimedia interactive apps and helps us spread to GooglePlay / Apple Store. New idea come up in just one second.

Students under K-12 - Smart Apps Creator help them learn art idea, design and publish their own project, works, ads, graduation memory. Even small game can be done on Smart Apps Creator, like whack-a-mole and spot-the-difference.

Students above K-12 and teachers - Teachers can make their own education materials, teach students how multimedia can be applied, stimulate students' creativity. Students can design their own academic materials, powerpoint projects and publish to Apple store and Google Play.

Personal studio - Some of our users bought Smart Apps Creator to develop their own career. Use Smart Apps Creator to explore apps-design business or you can use it to create ads or brochure or flier and put them onto the Apple store or Google Play. If you are already an apps designer, this tool is another choice to illustrate idea to customers.

Smart Apps Creator is supported by Taiwan MOE and is introduced into school curriculums. It also gains high attentions from teachers and designers around the world. In the meantime, Smart Apps Creator offers school education site license for ordering. Please do not hesitate to get more information from us.

A : Please move your .Xcode file to Mac and open it with Xcode, then you need a developer account, a certificate for your apps and then you will be able to start apple publish procedures. (We have the step-by-step in your Smart Apps Creator please check).

A : This article is to help Smart Apps Creator users response "Privacy & Security" notification by giving them step by steps.

 Google now requires developers submit privacy policy during their procedure for apps publication. Therefore, developers, who didin't submit privacy policy in the past, will receive requirement of submitting privacy policy. 

 Go to developer's account >> select your app >> select Store Listing >> DO NOT check "Not submitting a privacy policy" >> copy and paste the privacy policy URL we prepared for you. 

 (You can write your own privacy policy and copy URL to here.)

A : Before you start to activate, please connect your computers to the internet.

 If you fail to activate serial number while computers are connected to the internet, please TURN OFF firewall and anti-virus system, then try again.

Smart Apps Creator 3 can now be operated on Mac through WineBottler. Wine is an open source program for running Windows software on non-Windows operating systems. Wine can run Windows software directly on a Mac, too-without requiring a Windows license or needing Windows running in the background.

This study aims (1) to determine the effect of the Jire Collaborative Learning Model Based on Smart Apps Creator on Student Learning Outcomes, (2) to determine the effect of the Jire Collaborative Learning Model Based on Smart Apps Creator on Student Character, (3) to determine the effect of the Jire Collaborative Learning Model Based on Smart Apps Creator on Learning Outcomes and Student Character. This study shows that there is an influence of the Jire collaborative learning model based on smart apps creator on student learning outcomes. This is based on the t test using simple linear regression on the SPSS version of the application with a significance level of 0.000-0.05, it can be stated that there is a positive influence between the Jire Collaborative Learning Model Based on Smart Apps Creator on student learning outcomes. In addition to the t test, the F test (Anova) was used and it resulted that there was a significant effect between the collaborative learning model based on smart apss creator and the effect on student learning outcomes with the F-count greater than the F-table (FF,67,364>3.93). There is an influence of character on student learning outcomes. This is based on the t-test using simple linear regression on the SPSS version 16 application with a significance level of 0.000-0.05, it can be stated that there is a positive influence between characters on student learning outcomes. In addition to the test, the F test (Anova) was used and it resulted that there was a significant effect between characters on student learning outcomes with F-count greater than F-table (FF, 38.778 > 3.93). Students This is based on the t test using simple linear regression on the SPSS version 16 application. With a significance level of 0.000 0.05, it can be stated that there is a positive influence between the Jire collaborative learning model based on smart apps creator and character on student learning outcomes. In addition to the t-test, the F test (Anova) was used and it resulted that there was a significant effect between the jire collaborative learning model based on smart ass creator and the character had an effect on student learning outcomes with the F-count greater than the F-table (F-F-48,577 >3.93)

Syaputra and Prismana, 2021. Development of Android-Based Interactive Learning Media Using Smart Apps Creator (SAC) for Class XI 2D & 3D Animation Subjects at SMKN 1 Driyorejo Gresik. Journal of Technology and Information Education, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya.Vol. 5 No. 2.

This research aims to perceive student responses to chemical bonding android base teaching media using smart apps creator. To achieve the objective, the development research was carried out using the 4D model and conducted in SMA Negeri 5 Medan. Student responses data was taken from calculating the value of the response questionnaire given by the researcher to students. The results shows (1). The results of interviews with teachers show that to teach Chemical Bonding topic Android-based learning media is needed. (2). An Android-based Chemical Bond learning media has been obtained using the smart apps creator program with 7 feature specifications, namely main view, main menu, kearning material, evaluation, summary and references. (3). The lecturers and chemistry teachers gave very good responses and assessments of the Android-based chemical bond learning media obtained.(4). The Class X students of SMAN 5 Medan gave a good perception with an average rating of 82.6%

This study aims to develop smartphone-based interactive multimedia products using smart apps creator (SAC) which was developed through the development of the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The product developed was tested based on the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of its use for learning mathematics. The research subjects were teachers and students of class X IPA 1 Public senior high school 4 Gorontalo as many as 28 students. The product is considered suitable for use based on the validity criteria from the assessment of the material expert, an average score of 3.45 is obtained in the very appropriate category, the media expert assessment is obtained by an average score of 3.78 in the very appropriate category, and the assessment of the learning design expert obtains an average score of 3.76 in the very category. worthy. Based on the practicality of the product, it is considered feasible to use with an average percentage of student responses of 84.29% in the practical category, and the average teacher response of 95.8% in the very practical category. The product is also considered effective as seen from the pretest and posttest scores obtained a gain score of 0.62 in the medium category

Learning Indonesian makes students less interested in participating in learning because of the use of inappropriate media and learning methods. This causes students to be passive in the learning process, resulting in low student learning outcomes. Teachers should use interesting media to motivate students to improve learning outcomes. This research aims to create a smart app creator media based on synthetic, analytical structural methods to improve the phoneme pronunciation skills of low-grade students. This research includes development research using the Borg and Gall model. The research subjects were first-grade elementary school students, class teachers, and a team of experts. Data analysis techniques use quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The research results obtained were a media test of 97.5% and a material expert of 90%. The effectiveness of the SAS method-based smart apps creator media for improving phoneme pronunciation can be seen from the increase in pretest and post-test scores on the N-Gain Test. The increase in skills obtained from the average pretest (67.22) and posttest (88.56) scores on the small-scale test was 21.38. The large-scale test also experienced an increase in the average pretest (65.67) and posttest (85.43) scores of 19.76. Based on this, it can be concluded that the smart media creator app based on the SAS method can improve students' skills in pronouncing phonemes. 152ee80cbc

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