So with OctaEdit V2, I could create the slice grid on the OT, then separate the slices into individual samples on the computer. Maybe not as convenient as doing it on the OT itself, but still super handy. I will watch for the final release. Thanks for all your hard work.

Alternatively, if you only care about removing characters one at a time, you could forget about .slice() and instead convert the string to an array and use .shift() or .pop() to remove the character at the beginning or end respectively:

Download Slice To Save

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After selecting the Slicing Tool, you will then have to slice the images or areas you would like to export and save. To do this just click and drag the area that you would like to turn into a slice. Slices make it easy to select areas within your artboard whether your selected are has several layers. It makes it easy to just select an area and save that area made into a slice.

After naming your slices you will then Save for Web by selecting File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) (CC 2015.5.1). Then the Save As window will come up.

This next and final step is very important when saving for web and exporting your files correctly. You are going to select your slices using the Slice Select Tool and then selecting the PNG image option, or whatever file format you would like to save it as. Then, you will select the option at the bottom where it says Slices and select the Selected Slices from the drop down menu.

A subslice isa type of auto slice that is generated when you create overlapping slices.Subslices indicate how the image is divided when you save the optimized file.Although subslices are numbered and display a slice symbol, youcannot select or edit them separately from the underlying slice.Subslices are regenerated every time you arrange the stacking orderof slices.

In addition, the Save For Web dialog box uses color adjustments to dim unselected slices. These adjustments are for display purposes only and do not affect the color of the final image. By default, the color adjustment for auto slices is twice the amount of that for user slices.

Slicesare numbered fromleft to right and top to bottom, beginning in the upper-left cornerof the image. If you change the arrangement or total number of slices,slice numbers are updated to reflect the new order.

The best way to export to the web is to separate out the elements and put artboards around them (shift+O). You can then export those artboards to the web using save for web (command+option+shift+s). With save for web you can modify the format you're exporting and the settings associated with those formats.

Just remember, to ensure your images have nice, clean lines you should select them and make sure their position (top left corner) is on an even number, not a decimal. This will ensure that you get a solid line when you save for web.

Once you set your output in save for web (png, jpg), that is the format which the slices will save. So once your have your slices set up, go to Save For Web, choose your format and select done. Then go to File > Save Selected Slices.

I recently switched to Paraview 5.4.1 from a commercially available visualization tool. I am able to create the required slices, but when I try exporting/saving the data in CSV, the exported data is not in a format I want or rather all the data is not in one file. Saving data created multiple files with point coordinates, but the scalar data was missing. Exporting field data gives me the scalar data but no space coordinates. How can I export both space coordinates and scalar data from a slice in to a single CSV file?

It sounds to me like your data is multiblock, i.e., it has different parts defined as blocks in a multiblock structure. When you export to CSV, one CSV file is created for each block. To produce one CSV, you can use the Merge Blocks filter to create a non-multiblock dataset and save data from that.

Slice -> Merge Blocks should typically be faster. Doing it the other way requires merging the full data set, then taking a slice from the result. Slicing first results in less data to merge, hence it should be faster.

Sure, but keep in mind creating multiple slices will put all the data from different slices into a single CSV file. You could instead use multiple Slice filters to generate different slices and save those out to different files, or use scripting to move a single Slice filter to different positions and save out the data from each slice to individual files.

If by Multiple Slice filter you mean the Slice filter with multiple offsets, then the only way to save individual slices is to apply a series of filters that extract an individual slice - hardly worth it in my opinion. It should be easier to move a single Slice to different locations, or create several Slice filters and save those datasets via File -> Save Data.

Can you describe what you mean by Slice Folder? I don't see any slice folder.... I need to delete some old slices that are no longer used but still exist in my Slice Library. When I retrieve my types from the custom types API it doesn't exist there, but still exists in my Slice Library tab which has no options for deleting...

I had created some Slices and added them to my Slice Library via the Prismic Dashboard. Some of these slices are not longer necessary and I'd like to delete them from my Slice Library but this simple functionality does not exist.

We have already created this issue in our issue tracker, and the Slice Machine team will be working on this issue. But I don't have any ETA for the moment. You can use Custom Type API to delete slices from the Prismic builder.

A slice is a subset of data rows that share a common characteristic. You can construct a slice by using one or more filters to curate a collection of data rows. Users often combine filters to surface high-impact data and then save the results as a slice.

Once you have narrowed down a subset of data rows using one or more filters, click Save slice to save the subset of data rows as a slice. You will be prompted to give a name (3 to 30 characters) and an optional description for your slice.

Over time, you might need to adjust the filters associated with a slice. Upon navigating to a slice, you can modify, add, or delete attributes of the filters. After you update the filters, save your changes by clicking on Update slice.

When the diy save the dates were on you had a link for the 44 envelop. I dont know if I just am not seeing it or if you have it posted somewhere else. If you could please let me know or send me the link that would be awesome.

When you load images (e.g., with img = nilearn.image.load_img(img_path)) you can get the affine with affine = img.affine. When you create your new nifti images out of whatever data_matrix you want to save (e.g., with img_to_save = nilearn.image.new_img_like(reference_img, data_matrix, affine=affine, copy_header=True)), you can pass in your affine and tell the function to copy the header from a reference image (e.g., your original image). When you save out your image (img_to_save.to_filename('/path/to/outfile.nii.gz')) it should now be aligned to your original image.

If you are using these as inputs to a CNN, why do they need to be aligned to the original image, as long as you are getting the correct data from the image? I imagine if you are inputting these values into a classifier, you are likely going to vectorize the values anyway, so I am not sure I see the value of making these slices into nifti files.

After I slice nine times out of ten I can't save the file. I click save and everything freezes up and its not possible to click anything. even alt+tab is blocked. But if i press the esc key you can see the save box appear and disappear for a brief moment. Seems like it's opening the save promt in the background or chitubox is configured to be on top of everything. Anybody seen this?

Slice Machine is a local development tool for building types and slice models in sync across your codebase and your Prismic repository. Slice Machine puts your content models in your codebase, so your code serves as the source of truth for your data structures. With Slice Machine, you can version and simulate your content models locally.

Once you finish editing your types, click on Save to file system. This will save the JSON structure of the type locally in the customtypes folder of your project. This will not save the changes to your Prismic repository. See how to push your changes to Prismic below.

New slices will have a couple of default fields, which you can replace. Click on +Add a new field in the repeatable or non-repeatable zones, and give it a Name and ID (used to reference the field in the code).

As you develop your slice, you can simulate it with mock content. The simulator has a sandboxed editor so you can test the editing experience. This feature is in active development, and fields will be added progressively.

Slice Machine allows you to upload images of your slices so that content managers will know what each slice looks like when editing content. Upload or copy-paste your screenshots into your slice in Slice Machine.

Once you finish editing your slices, click on Save to file system so they can exist locally in the slices folder of your project. This will not save the changes to your Prismic repository. See how to push your changes to Prismic below.

Once you're done creating and editing the content modeling of your types and slices, go to the changes page. Click on Push to Prismic to send the models to Prismic so that editors can use them in the Page Builder.

Non-shared slices or legacy slices, at the moment, can not be edited from Slice Machine. Although they are represented in the types, to give the developer more information on the contents of existing types. 17dc91bb1f

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