Now, say minions can hit 10 times rapidly. With serpents milk this makes 30 stacks of poison, and the increased player damage from 30 poison stacks (150%) starts to get a little more exciting compared with the 50% increased damage your minions would provide without the item.

But, this only works if minion poison stacks can help increase player poison damage.

Theory crafting

Based on all this, it would seem serpents milk can be a build defining item if

a) You can get lots of minions hitting rapidly, but those minions do not do much poison damage

b) You can get a nice source of poison damage you apply yourself

c) You can easily scale increases to your damage, but cannot easily scale increases to minion poison damage, minion poison chance, or poison shred.

Download Sky Serpents


A different style of ritual art developed in the state of Chu in South China. In addition to bronze vessels, lacquered wood artifacts expanded the repertory of ritual implements. 

This extraordinary sculpture was probably a drum stand for supporting a suspended drum in ritual ceremonies. It is unique among other excavated drum stands of the Chu, which typically show two birds standing on tigers. The theme of the bird stepping on the serpent was common in the Chu visual culture. Yet the slender proportions and seemingly flimsy structure of this particular set raise the question of whether it was utilitarian or mostly served symbolic functions in the tomb. 

The birds' and serpents' bodies have designs painted in red lacquer and yellow pigment against the black lacquer. Scientific analyses confirm the additional use of a blue or green pigment that has been discolored over time.

tag_hash_111Vol. [2] has title: A continuation of an account of Indian serpents : containing descriptions and figures, from specimens and drawings, transmitted from various parts of India. Date on t.p. is 1801, but vol. includes material dated 1809.

ISAY: These rules are typical of those found in serpent handling churches throughout the poor coal mining communities of this region. Appalachian culture places a premium on determination and courage. In that tradition, these believers are steadfast in their practice of handling serpents. And refusing medical treatment if bitten.

ISAY: About ten minutes into the service, a young believer dances towards the two boxes of serpents, opens one of them, and gently pulls out two rattlesnakes. He stares intensely at each of them. And then begins to dance again, rattlesnakes in hand.

ISAY: Steven says he and his brothers stopped killing the snakes when they realized that with each passing week Jeffrey seemed only to become more devoted to the church and more eager to handle serpents. Steven recently stood trial on two counts of grand theft for stealing the snakes, facing a possible sentence of two to twenty years in prison. He was found not guilty.

Architectural sculpture depicting two serpents covered in impressed zigzag motifs coiled around a square trapezoidal-shaped building with a conical finial roof. The serpents heads meet at the partially open door, from which a human arm emerges along the side in relief.

The source of European sea serpent legends is often thought to be Scandinavian myths and tales. Folklorists have seen these as part of Indo-European history, since tales of magical sea serpents and dragons have similarities to myths from South Asia. More recently, DNA studies have revised and improved upon our understanding of early migrations, showing that peoples traveling out of Africa went farther east and south than was previously imagined.[1] These migration patterns suggest the possibility that the tales of sea serpents in other parts of the world are also related, with the Norse sea serpent, the South Asian Naga, the Japanese Ryujin (sea dragon), and the Tizheruk of Inuit lore all inspired by stories of real large land snakes and sea snakes of South Asia. The great Naga god of the oceans is responsible for the tides, floods, and waves, and so is the great sea serpent of the Norse tales. An idea that there is a gigantic sea serpent that rules the rest is a part of south Asian and Norse myths and of the Japanese ocean Ryujin as well.

These connections are tempting but difficult to prove. Some features of sea serpents as they have come to be known today may have other connections as well, those of sea creatures that may be found in places that the true sea snakes are not.

As Americans and Europeans of the 19th century considered scientific approaches to sea serpents, they still carried many ideas about sea serpents that colored their observations and reactions. From early times sea serpents were seen as monsters that could attack ships and eat sailors. They were also thought of as reptiles. It took some time before doubts were raised about these basic assumptions. Stories and beliefs about sea serpents, together with the difficulties of seeing an animal clearly in the ocean waves, especially at a distance, colored the observations of witnesses. Each sea serpent sighting could influence the way the next was perceived. Drawings and news reports by people who did not observe the incident directly could further influence observations and ideas about mysterious creatures of the sea.

In 19th century accounts in newspapers, the entertainment aspect of news about sea serpents is very apparent. In a time before television, these stories were often written so that they could be read aloud and the narrative of sightings often resembled adventure stories.

There are discoveries to be made in the ocean still, particularly in the deep ocean. There may be species of animals once described as sea serpents that have not been discovered yet. The true sea snakes seem to be moving northward with warmer waters so that they are being encountered by people who have never seen them before. Three yellow-bellied sea snakes washed up dead on southern beaches in California in 2015 and 2016, far north of their normal range. If you should see something strange in the ocean, appreciate it from a safe distance, and remember the long tradition of sea serpents that has been carried by humans wherever they travel on, in, or near the sea.

NARRATOR: These stories are told through imagery from an incredible sculptural tradition that existed long before the introduction of Buddhism in Southern India. In the grand piece before you, you'll find a multi-headed serpent under the cover of a tree. To help us understand the role of trees and serpents in this particular cultural and religious context is John Guy, Florence and Herbert Irving curator for South and Southeast Asian Art at the Met.

As I carefully pondered the behavior of serpents, I understood exactly why Jesus used this example. This analogy applies to all of us in regard to our families, businesses, ministries, or any other opportunity God places before us in which we must implement His strategies in order to establish His victory on the earth.

Coots is a well-known snake handler here in southeastern Kentucky. He's 41, stout and bald, with a Vandyke beard. He's the third generation of Coots to take up serpents; his 21-year-old son, Little Cody, is the fourth.

"The feeling to take up serpents is unexplainable," he says. "It's better felt than told. It's a peace that surpasseth all understanding to know that you're standing there with death in your hand, and the anointment of God has protected you to let you do that." ff782bc1db

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