Graham Hess: People break down into two groups. When they experience something lucky, group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that there is someone up there, watching out for them. Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a happy turn of chance. I'm sure the people in group number two are looking at those fourteen lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation is a fifty-fifty. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, they're on their own. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people. But there's a whole lot of people in group number one. When they see those fourteen lights, they're looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever's going to happen, there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope. See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?

The new edition of Standard Highway Signs will contain the details for all signs and pavement markings in the 11th Edition of the MUTCD, expanded sign design guidelines, and details for symbolic traffic and lane-control signal indications. It is taking some additional time to prepare the publication, and information is expected to be posted in the coming months.

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The Federal Highway Administration has developed the design details of the signs added in the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD and signs whose designs have been modified in the 2009 MUTCD. The new designs are provided in the form of a Supplement to the 2004 Edition of Standard Highway Signs.

These links represent the current version of Standard Highway Signs and the 2012 Supplement to the 2004 Standard Highway Signs. The 2012 Supplement contains the new and revised sign designs adopted in the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD. Where a sign design is included in the 2012 Supplement, its previous design in the 2004 Standard Highway Signs is superseded. Together, these two documents are a companion to the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD.

Undimensioned, full-size layouts for selected signs are provided for use by sign fabricators in the electronic fabrication process. These full-size layouts are made available in vector-based PDF and EPS formats that can be used directly with electronic vinyl cutting equipment.

As a professional astrologer, people ask me all types of questions. Of the most common curiosities is "what are the best zodiac signs?" along with its evil twin, "what are the worst zodiac signs?" While I appreciate any and all astrological inquiries, including zodiac signs compatibility, let me set the record straight: In astrology, there are no winners or losers. In fact, when you enter the metaphysical realm (the world of stars, tarot cards, tea leaves, etc.), that black-and-white binary goes straight out the window. In this magical, mystical domain, we work with nuance.

From an astronomical perspective, we know that the Sun doesn't move, as its stability anchors the entire solar system. But from our vantage here on planet Earth, the Sun is in constant motion. We can depend on its daily performance (including inspiring sunrises and dramatic sunsets), as well as its location in the sky. The position the Sun occupied at your exact moment of birth is known as your "sun sign" (sometimes referred to as "star sign" or "birth sign"), and it's the cosmic launching pad for both beginners and professional astrologers. (Your Rising Sign is another very important placement, and you can read about it in our guide to rising signs here). Your sun sign is determined by your date of birth and represents your core personality, sense of self, basic preferences, romantic compatibility, and ways in which you move through the world. This astrological placement sheds light on your innate gifts, as well as your hard-to-see blind spots. Your joys, wishes, flaws, and fears make you special and, when your sun sign is combined with the other planets and placements in your birth chart, it creates a distinctive celestial profile that serves as your cosmic fingerprint.

Got it? Good. Now let's take this to the next level. The 12 zodiac signs are also divided into sub-groups: four triplicities and three quadruplicities. If this seems a bit confusing, don't worry, there's a method to the madness. Triplicities refer to the four zodiac sign elements, of which there are three zodiac signs in each group: Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Generally speaking, fire signs are passionate and exuberant, earth signs are practical and grounded, air signs are intellectual and curious, and water signs are intuitive and emotional.

Quadruplicities, also known as "modalities," refer to the signs' qualities and where each zodiac sign occurs within its respective season. There are three modalities, with four zodiac signs in each: Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) occur at the beginning of a new season, and are excellent at taking action and starting initiatives; Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) occur in the middle of seasons, and are known to be steady, consistent forces that maintain movement; and Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) occur at the end of a season, and possess effortless fluidity well-suited to change and transformation.

Elusive and mysterious, Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Scorpio is a water sign that uses emotional energy as fuel, cultivating powerful wisdom through both the physical and unseen realms. In fact, Scorpio derives its extraordinary courage from its psychic abilities, which is what makes this sign one of the most complicated, dynamic signs of the zodiac. Read your sign's full profile here. Next, read this month's Scorpio horoscope predictions.

If you experience signs or symptoms of depression and they persist or do not go away, talk to a health care provider. If you see signs or symptoms of depression in someone you know, encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional.

This brochure provides information about depression including the different types of depression, signs and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, treatment options, and how to find help for yourself or a loved one.

Identify the Signs aims to educate the public about the warning signs of communication disorders. Speech, language, and hearing disorders are treatable and early detection is a major contributor to speedier recoveries, shortened treatment periods, and reduced costs for individuals and society. Use this site to learn the warning signs; if necessary, seek professional help; and share information with family, friends, and social networks.



 2013-2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Every 9 minutes, government authorities respond to another report of child sexual abuse.1 Child sexual abuse can include sexual contact with a child, but it may also include other actions, like exposing oneself, sharing obscene images, or taking inappropriate photos or videos of a child. These crimes can have a serious impact on the life and development of a child, and often continue to impact them later in life. Learning the warning signs of child sexual abuse is often the first step to protecting a child who is in danger.

Every Veteran is different, and many may not show any signs of intent to harm themselves. But some actions and behaviors can be a sign that they need help. Learn to recognize the signs of crisis so you can support a Veteran going through a difficult time.

The Standards require accessible signs that are used to identify certain accessible elements and spaces. Other types of signs, however, including room numbers and room labels, are covered only where they are provided. The Standards address visual and tactile content on signs, where provided.

Signs covered by the Standards must meet specifications for visual requirements so that they are accessible to people with low vision. Several categories of signs also must meet tactile requirements so that they are accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Tactile requirements primarily apply to signs typically located at doorways because doorways provide a cue for locating signs by touch.

The requirements in this guide apply to certain types of content on signs. There can be multiple types of content provided on a single sign to which different provisions, as described below, may apply. For example, a single sign may provide a room number, which would be required to be visual and tactile, the hours of operation,which is only required to be visual, and the name of the occupant, which does not have to be visual or tactile. Each type of content provided must be evaluated to determine how the content must be made accessible.

Visual and tactile requirements apply to both interior and exterior signs labeling permanent rooms and spaces. However, exterior signs not located at the door to the space they serve do not have to be tactile but must meet visual requirements (216.2, Ex. 1).

Signs that provide direction to or information about interior spaces and facilities must meet visual requirements but are not required to be tactile. Examples of informational signs include instructions, rules of conduct, hours of operation, and similar content. Directional signs include all types of signs that provide direction to spaces and facilities. These requirements apply only where such signs are provided.

Tactile signs must have raised characters that are repeated in Grade 2 braille. In addition, they are subject to requirements for non-glare finish and color contrast for visual accessibility. Other information provided in addition to permanent room or space labels is not required to be raised or brailled but must meet visual criteria if informational or directional. Some information on such signs may be exempt, such as occupant names. e24fc04721

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