The simple mobile app makes signing available whenever it is needed, without requiring a computer. Keeping everything digital makes our business run more efficiently - gone are the days of printing, signing and scanning!

Signeasy has helped us become more successful in reducing our paperwork by up to 60 percent. For the customer, it has cut down their waiting time, making our processes 2x faster as we now email the final signed paperwork directly to them.

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Signeasy has been one of the most strategic investments we made at SAMSA. The platform has made it much easier for our customers to do business with us by streamlining the interactions. We have saved time, eliminated paper, and cut down on administrative costs.

Our experienced internal graphic design team can help you with all of your signage design needs. From setting up a print ready file for a simple text only sign, through to complex designs. We have 3 packages depending on the level of design work required.

Easy Signs provides high quality, low cost large format and small format products for a wide range of industries and applications. Our modern Allentown factory can manufacture your signage and deliver it anywhere in the USA.

v2.1 will be deprecated by November 30th 2023. v3.0 comes with better security, stability, and performance, along with a new developer portal. Fret not, the migration from v2.1 to v3.0 is easy. To migrate to v3.0, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Signeasy API lets you build functionality to send documents out for eSignatures, have users eSign documents on your own site or app, or even integrate your Signeasy account activity into 3rd party apps like Salesforce, Slack, Hubspot, or Xero.

Signeasy's e-signature API has a rich set of endpoints that give you complete control over your documents and data. You can send documents out, track them, get notified of any changes, and download, or even delete your documents once you have them backed up on your servers.

Signeasy is a leading eSignature company that offers an easy-to-use, cross-platform and cloud-based eSignature and document transaction management software as a service (SaaS) solution for businesses. Over 43,000 companies worldwide use Signeasy to digitize and streamline business workflows. In this blog, you will learn why and how Signeasy used AWS Serverless to create a SaaS dashboard for their tenants.

What was it like before the self-service dashboard experience? In the past, tenants requested Signeasy to share their usage metrics through support channels or emails. The Signeasy support team compiled the reports and then emailed the report back to the tenant to service the request. This was a repetitive manual task. It involved querying a database, fetching and collating the results into an Excel table to be emailed to the tenant. The turnaround time on these manual reports was eight hours.

With the design considerations and constraints called out, Signeasy began to look for the suitable solution. Signeasy decided to build their usage reports on a serverless architecture. They chose AWS Serverless, because it offers scalable compute and database, application integration capabilities, automatic scaling, and a pay-for-use billing model. This reduces infrastructure management tasks such as capacity provisioning and patching. Refer to the following diagram to see how Signeasy augmented their existing SaaS with self-service usage reports.

Amazon SQS persists messages up to 14 days, and enables retry functionality for message processed in Lambda. Lambda is an event-driven serverless compute service that manages deployment and runs code, with logging and monitoring through Amazon CloudWatch. The integration of API Gateway with Lambda helped Signeasy easily deploy and manage the backend processing logic for the reports service. As usage of the reports grew, Timestream continued to scale, without the need to re-architect their application. Signeasy continued to use SQL to query data within the reports database on Timestream in a cost optimized manner.

Signeasy is the easiest way for businesses worldwide to streamline eSignature workflows. Signeasy for Microsoft Teams closes the loop on collaboration by enabling you to sign and send documents for signature right within your Teams workspace. You can also track the status of your eSignature workflows in real-time.

You can interact with the bot to get started with using Signeasy. The bot will guide you to create a new account and you will have access to most of the signing and request signature features in your 14-day trial.

In addition to using the Signeasy app for self-signing and personal documents, you can now add it to any multi-user channel within Microsoft Teams. By managing your document flows within Teams, you can speed up the turnaround process by pinging colleagues as soon as you notice them lagging behind.

First-time users will be required to create a Signeasy account, thereby starting a 14-day free trial. During the trial, the users can use all the Signeasy features. After the free trial, contact us at +1 (866) 965-1533 or to know which Signeasy plan suits you the best.

Trusted by over 5 million users, Signeasy is the simplest and fastest way to sign documents or getting documents signed from phone, tablet, and computer. People across industries such as real estate, legal, accounting, sales, insurance, human resources, logistics, and healthcare from over 150 countries use Signeasy to reduce business turnaround times, close deals faster, cut costs, and delight customers by eliminating the cycle of printing, scanning, and faxing for paperwork.

In order to use this app, users must have an active Signeasy account. Please visit our [Help Centre ( -installing-the-signeasy-ms-teams-add-in) or reach out to our [Support Team]( ) for more information. Your admin may have to enable the Signeasy app for your Microsoft Teams account.\n"

To sign easy, hold both hands up in front of your body, palms facing up and fingers held together on each hand. Then, while keeping the non-dominant hand steady, flick your dominant hand upward while touching the fingers of the steady, non-dominant hand several times.

Teach your baby or toddler the easy sign when you acknowledge to them that they did a task easily, and you are congratulating them for a job well done. Otherwise, teach them this sign when you see that they are hesitating to do something that they think is hard. Just encourage them patiently and gently to mirror your actions, and sign and say 'easy' as you smile and repeat the action together until they get it.

This is a useful flash card taught best in conjunction with signs of tasks your child is attempting to accomplish for the first time. Remember to also use encouraging words like It's okay, Try again, Smart, and Good job!

Compare with: ALMOST 

 When doing the sign for easy (if you are right handed) the right hand brushes up twice against the left hand fingers. The left hand doesn't move. Let me say that again, the left hand is stationary. The only movement in the left hand is a slight bending of the fingers as the right hand brushes upward against it. See: Easy: 


Topic: "EASIER"


Dr. Bill -

I am just learning ASL at age 62. I feel like I'm doing well, considering social isolation and my age! This question has come up and there is no one to ask...

The current situation is bad - it may never get easy, but we hope it will get easier. In that sentence, the difference between "easy" and "easier" is important but I can't seem to find "easier" on your site or any other. I've seen moving a thumb to point over your right shoulder to make a word sort of more, but I don't know if that works here.

- Debra 


Hello Debra!

You are seeking the ASL equivalent of the word "easier" which is a comparative adjective form of the word "easy." 

The easiest (heh) way of signing "easier" is to simply add the ASL suffix "-ER" to the sign EASY. (The ASL suffix "-ER" consists of an open-A hand / "thumb up" that moves upward a short distance.)

Another way to express the concept of "easier" is to use a contrastive structure (in your sentence) by comparing something that is easy with something that is easier. To do this you lean or point to your non-dominant side and mention that something is "easy" (using the normal sign for "easy") -- then you lean or point to your dominant side and indicate that something else is "easier" (using an exaggerated sign for "easy" with a large movement, more facial expression, and an affirming head nod). Thus the concept of "-er" (as in "more so") is being expressed not by an added sign but rather by inflecting (modifying) the way you sign "easy" and doing so using "contrastive" sentence structure (comparing something on one side with something else on the other side). 

Here is some homework for you. Check out the following video:

Superlatives and Comparatives in ASL: _pxoNWs3o

Another approach is to sign:



Consider your sentence as a whole. If you are discussing a "hard situation that will get easier" you might want to just sign "SITUATION IMPROVE WILL"

For example, your sentence: 

"The current situation is bad - it may never get easy, but we hope it will get easier."

Could be signed as:


Or another version could be: 


While I do not recommend it for all situations of "-er" -- sometimes an option to express "this is easier than that" is to sign the "beats" sign then sign EASY. 

This can create a meaning of: "This beats that in terms of easiness" -- but you have to be careful to use such signing only in high context situations because signing "BEAT-[right-to-left] EASY" also can create the meaning of "this easily beats that."

See: "override-[this-BEAT-that] / prevail"



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