The original sheet music described the song as "A Comic Negro Absurdity" on the back page and provided an additional eight verses as well as a final chorus.[3] A 1900 London edition of the sheet music described it as "A Nigger Absurdity" on the cover sheet.[4]

In 2017, the SLINTEC Academy was formed to award degrees. In 2019, I became an associate professor there, and gained an affiliation with the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) in Karachi as an adjunct professor in the same year. This academic affiliation helps me with publishing scientific papers, which I need to further my career.

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When I moved back to academia in 2014, as an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras in Chennai, the remuneration was a big adjustment. My salary was about three or four times less than what I was making in industry. I had to settle for a smaller house, and I had to reduce the number of times I would visit my parents in Calcutta. I was never an extravagant spender, so I think for me it was a lot more of a mental adjustment than the various lifestyle choices. But looking back, I think I made the correct decision.

After finishing my PhD in marine science at the University of Sydney, Australia, in 2009, I just felt a bit over academia. It was a mix of being tired and just wanting something new, so I went travelling for a few months with my partner in Argentina and Brazil (our home countries). We decided to come back to Australia together. An industry position then came up, for a natural-gas environmental project with the consultancy RPS, based in Perth, and I thought it was a good way to keep doing my science, but in different surroundings.

After moving back to Sydney, I did some voluntary work for other researchers in my field, because I realized that I needed to be visible. I wrote to people, including one of my PhD examiners, who said she had a casual role available. And it evolved from casual to fixed term part time, and then to full time. It took a while, and I did some teaching-only positions until I got on a research path.

Surgeons do their best to remove all of the cancer during surgery. But it is always possible to leave behind a small group of cancer cells. Your surgeon may recommend more treatment if they feel that there is a risk that the cancer could come back. This is sometimes called adjuvant treatment.

Radiotherapy makes small breaks in the DNA inside the cells. These breaks stop cancer cells from growing and dividing and often make them die. Normal cells close to the cancer can also become damaged by radiation, but most recover and go back to working normally. If radiotherapy doesn't kill all of the cancer cells, they will regrow at some point in the future.

These days, doctors are able to cure many cancers. But some cancers can come back many years after treatment. So you may find that your doctor is very unwilling to use the word 'cure'. This is so even though there is no sign that you have any cancer left. Doctors usually say that your cancer is in remission. This means that there is no sign of cancer in your body. If there are any cancer cells left:

It can be very difficult to live with the fact that your cancer may come back. Even if doctors tell you that they are 95% certain your cancer has gone for good, you may find it very upsetting that no one can say for sure that you're cured.

For most people who are in this situation, each day lowers the risk of a recurrence. Most cancers that are going to come back will do so in the first 2 years or so after treatment. After 5 years, you are even less likely to get a recurrence. For some types of cancer, after 10 years your doctor might say that you are cured.

Is there a way in Hubspot to assess when existing leads (people that filled forms) reconvert on a new form tied to a remarketing campaign? Right now, I know that our remarketing is helping close business BUT I can't figure out how to report the number of leads that have come back thanks to remarketing. We use UTM tracking.

I believe (but haven't validated) with strong certainty that our workaround was to use non-utm query string parameters for the URLs in retargeting campaigns. Reference this KB article for some background. That should be enough to get your gears turning, but will update this thread with more info later.

It is not possible to know for sure if cancer will come back after your treatment ends. The chance of a cancer coming back depends on the type and stage of cancer you had. Your doctor can tell you more about your personal risk of having a recurrence and coping with the fear of another cancer diagnosis. This information can help you feel more prepared if the cancer does return.

Cancers come back when small numbers of cancer cells can remain in the body after treatment. These cells are too small to find with current tests. Over time, they can multiply and grow enough to cause symptoms or be found by testing.

Yes. Cancer that comes back is named for the place where it started. For example, if breast cancer recurs in the liver, it is called metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic means the cancer has spread. It is not called liver cancer, even though it it has spread to the liver, because it did not start there.

If your doctor suspects the cancer is coming back, you will likely need other diagnostic tests to learn more. These may include laboratory tests such as blood and urine tests, imaging scans, or a biopsy.

If testing shows that your cancer has come back, your doctor will talk with you about your treatment options. This is similar to planning your original cancer treatment. Your doctor will consider the following factors:

I would argue that "I came back!" is not an appropriate alternative to "I'm back!" They both mean that you returned, but there's more to it than that. "I came back" puts emphasis on the act of returning, whereas "I'm back" puts emphasis on where you are now. With the exclamation mark, "I came back!" suggests an aspect of surprise in the act of returning. Coming back was a choice, and you want to emphasize that you decided to do so. It's like saying, "It wasn't clear whether I would come back, but I did." Exclaiming "I'm back!", on the other hand, makes it sound like you're excited to be back, and that the act of coming back isn't the interesting part. Depending on context, it could also suggest that you expect others to be excited you're back, too.

As mentioned in other answers, "I'm came back!" is simply not correct. It's non-grammatical, because you're using two competing verbs, "am" and "came", and must choose one or the other in order for the sentence to make sense.

The word "I'm" is a short version of "I am" where the apostrophe ' is used to denote the missing "a" in "am". The right way to write it would be "I am back" or "I'm back" or "I came back" (for first person present tense).

Okay I am not really sure where the phrase "I am back" even originated but technically if you look at -- if you say "I am back" or "I will be back" this kind of implies at some point you were the opposite of "back" and the opposite of back is front. This of course then begs the question; can someone really be "Front"?

Now I have heard the phrase "Front and center" but I really do not think that is in the same context of "I will be back" So in short I think to say "I am back" is linguistically incorrect to begin with and the phrase should be "I have returned" since that is what you actually have done. You were there, you went some where else, and then you returned.

Now yes I can say I am hot and that is a state of physicality where one might never have been "cold" but it does at least imply that you are at least not in the an opposite or alternative state of physicality However returning to the concept of being "back" we see that it does not intrinsically have any opposite/alternate state of physicality that is unless one first redefines what "back" means -- where on the other hand when we look at the proper phrase: "I have returned" we see that this does have an opposite/alternate state of physicality.

Still none of this of course explains where the concept of "I am back" came from especially since there is no correlation to an opposite/alternate state of physicality where you would not be "back". The only alternates of back that I am aware of are front, side, top, bottom none of which is implied when you say "I am back" -- so again where did this phrase originate?

Part of the reason was economic. While the economy after World War II was one of the most robust in American history, during and after Vietnam the nation was in a death spiral of stagflation and economic malaise. And as more and more wartime atrocities came to light, there was a national implication of guilt and shame placed on Vietnam veterans as participants in and avatars of a brutal, unsuccessful war. In popular culture, the stereotype of the broken, homeless Vietnam vet began to take hold thanks to films like The Deer Hunter (1978), Coming Home (1978) and First Blood (1982).

Sometimes, our immune system just has a harder time getting rid of HPV and there is not much we can do about it. But, for some people, there are lifestyle changes that may reduce the risk of cell changes coming back.

Here are a few key background details of the story: Alex Malarkey was paralyzed at the age of 6 when he was in a car wreck. He then spent two months in a coma. He's now a teenager. The book lists him as a co-author along with his father, Kevin Malarkey.

Getting called back after a screening mammogram is pretty common but can be scary. But getting called back does not mean you have breast cancer. It means that the doctors have found something they want to look at more closely.

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