Seismic Un*x is an open source seismic processing package. It aims first at delivering a robust and efficient seismic reflection software package, dedicated to education, and to permit the processing of moderate size 2D seismic or GPR data sets.

Seismic Unix is an open source seismic utilities package which was supported by the Center for Wave Phenomena (CWP) at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM). Currently it is supported by John Stockwell.

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Einar Kjartansson began writing what is now called SU (the SY package) in the late 1970s while still a graduate student at Jon Claerbout's Stanford Exploration Project (SEP). He continued to expand the package while he was a professor at the University of Utah in the early eighties. In 1984, during an extended visit to SEP Kjartansson introduced SY to Shuki Ronen, then a graduate student at Stanford. Ronen further developed SY from 1984 to 1986. Other students at SEP started to use it and contributed code and ideas. SY was inspired by much other software developed at SEP and benefited from the foundations laid by Claerbout and many of his students; Rob Clayton, Stew Levin, Dave Hale, Jeff Thorson, Chuck Sword, and others who pioneered seismic processing on Unix in the seventies and early eighties.

In 1986, Shuki Ronen brought this work to the CWP at Colorado School of Mines during his one-year postdoctoral appointment there, Ronen aided Cohen in turning SU into a supportable and exportable product.

Chris Liner, while a student at the center, contributed to many of the graphics codes used in the pre-workstation (i.e., graphics terminal) age of SU[when?]. Liner continues to promote the use of SU in his students' research at the University of Houston.

Craig Artley, now with the Landmark division of Halliburton, made major contributions to the graphics codes while still a student at CWP and continues to make significant contributions to the general package.[when?]

John Stockwell's involvement with SU began in 1989. He was largely responsible for the Makefile in the package. He has been the main contact for the project since the first public release of SU in September 1992 (Release 17). After Jack Cohen's death in 1996, Stockwell assumed the role of principal investigator of the SU project and has since remained in that role. The number of lines of code have more than tripled in the 11 years.

Seismic Unix has many of the processes needed on the geophysical processing. It is possible to use it to manipulate and create your own seismograms, and also to convert them between the SU standard file and the industry standard, the SEG Y.

The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x package is an open source seismic research, processing, and educational package developed largely at the Colorado School of Mines, based on a small collection of code from Stanford University. The package contains a large variety of research and processing tools related to wave propagation and seismic imaging.

"Seismic Unix is unique project. In the 1970s a fellow named Einar Kjartannson created some codes in C for reading and manipulating SEG Y format data. This embryonic package became part of Stanford Exploration Projects' SEPlib (called SY in that package). In the mid 1980s Shuki Ronen brought SY to the Colorado School of Mines. He and Jack K. Cohen (one of the founders of the Center for Wave Phenomena) rewrote part of this creating the SU package.I was involved in that program from about 1989 to the present. I helped Jack Cohen with the package. Jack's vision was that the package would be a seismic processing and research software line that would be used by expert users in the E&P industry and some academics.

I became PI of the projected when Jack Cohen passed away in 1996. The package is now about 5 times bigger in terms of the number of codes. The known number of users is in the thousands, and the known sites were the package has been installed is at least 82 countries and territories in the world. "

Note: The web version of this archive does not contain the SEG-Y Trace files. These files are very large and would require extremely long download times. To obtain the complete CD-ROM archive, contact USGS Information at (888) ASK-USGS.

The SU scripts provided here will allow the user to strip off navigation fixes from the SEG-Y headers along with a fix for every 500th shot. The seismic data is then converted to SU format, filtered, gained and both Postscript and GIF formatted images are produced. These images can then be displayed using a variety of shareware programs such as ghostview (Unix, Linux, MAC, Windows), kview (Linux), or a web browser.

Provided below is a step by step example of the processing sequence and example parameters required by each script. For more information please refer to the SU documentation also provided on the web or on-line if Seismic Unix is installed on the computer. Remember these scripts are provided as examples only. There are many differences in versions of Unix and Linux. We developed these scripts to run on a Sun Solaris 7.0.

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In today's article, I assume you have configured Linux in one manner or another (Windows 10 Shell, Cygwin, Mac, Ubuntu). Now I will talk about downloading and installing Seismic Unix, and learning how to use it.

Why install Seismic Unix? Seismic Unix gives you the basic tools you will need to time processing seismic data home, including velocity analysis, denoise, and time and depth migration. It also provides an easy platform to write your own modules, and add new tools to the toolbox.

Seismic Unix takes a very Unix-ey approach to seismic processing. Each module does one thing only, and data is passed from process to another with familiar Unix commands like 'cat', the pipe symbol '|', and uses commands like '' for input and output. In order to learn more about Seismic Unix, I recommend the Seismic Unix Manual: _v44r1/sumanual_600dpi_letter.pdf

Seismic Unix has no graphic user interface, but there are several options to add this functionality to SU. I don't use it myself, but some people like it. Options are: TKSU ( ), Botoseis ( ), and GeBr ( )

I was trying to edit some SU file headers in Seismic Unix. If you've ever used suchw you will know it is not the most intuitive module. So I started playing around with struct in order to pull the SU file into python, and kind of fell by accident into numpy's structured arrays. I never looked back.

Put together a data type with fields that match the seismic unix 240 byte header, add the trace data as another field and all of a sudden the SU file is the exact binary representation of the numpy array in memory (assuming you've got the endianness correct). Reading a seismic unix file becomes as simple as

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The seismic dataset is now a numpy array, and the full suite of python tools, including numpy, scipy, pandas etc are on tap. Consider the following example:

In 8 lines the SU file is imported, the header word CDP is calculated and set, the dataset is sorted into cdp/offset, has any DC bias removed in the frequency domain, and is written back to another SU file. The only thing in that code block that is not off-the-shelf python is the dtype definition, i.e. type=su.

I very quickly build up a collection of python code which could be used in conjunction with seismic unix. PySeis (PYthonic SEISmic processing) is an attempt to integrate that code into something more cohesive.

But as I started giving a short course in seismic processing it also became a teaching tool, and I have slowly been recoding the core modules to make it easier to teach. As such I have been making some tradeoffs, including:

Initially I was tying my dependencies to the EPD free distribution, but I have moved away from that when Canopy was released. But long term I will probably tie the dependencies to either EPD canopy or Continuum's Anaconda. Which one will probably depend upon the IT department at the University of Queensland.

Currently the goal is to include sufficient code to allow for a complete but relatively basic processing sequence, along with ipython notebooks for each process. The notebooks will hopefully become the primary teaching tool in future.

A good friend of mine (Sunawar Kunaifi) showed me his script on VSP (borehole seismic) processing with SeismicUnix (CWP, Colorado Schol of Mines), we exchanged email back and forth, and discussion with him was very good and very enlightening, so that I can come up with a set of script to do VSP modeling and VSP processing, for the basic and simple VSP data. The VSP tutorial from is also very helpful, so my scripts is kind like wrap things up that has not yet been covered by that tutorial.

*Update April 2013* Apparently, the Ela2D (or me) does not do the VSP modeling correctly. The waveforms looks slower than it should. So when I tried to processed synthetic data, the reflector that should come out as flat, is not appear what it should be. Anybody can help me with?

In the mid-1980s, Dr. Oz Yilmaz did research and taught seismic data processing at Western Geophysical, at the time a division of Litton Industries, but originally founded in 1933 by Henry Salvatori. During his teaching, Dr. Yilmaz often used 40 shot gathers that had been collected in seismic surveys around the world. Around the time Dr. Yilmaz wrote his 1987 book, "Seismic Data Processing" for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the company kindly made the 40 shot gathers available to the public.

The Seismic Unix and SEG-Y tar files that are available below (click an image) are edited from the original archived seismic unix forty shot gathers that are on the Seismic Unix wiki. The two tar files below are edited in the following ways: 152ee80cbc

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