I thought this was such an obvious use case that it would have direct support. I don't really want to have to go around creating sFTP servers to go with each repo just to copy in some secret certificates here and there.

Secret environment variables are indeed the way to go if you want to inject secret contents into your build. The reason why the indentation got messed up in your attempt is because pipelines do not currently support line breaks in environment variables, so you will need to base-64 encode the content of the file before saving it to the environment variable:

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There are 2 .env files, one in root dir (Hardhat) and the other in frontend dir (Nextjs app). I deployed the frontend, but the environment variables are undefined since Render .env secret file is only available in root dir. Is it possible to add a .env secret file in the frontend dir?

Unfortunately, right now there is no way to specify the absolute path of your .env files. All secret files you create are available to read at the root of your repo (or Docker context). They are also available to load by absolute path at /etc/secrets/ so you should still be able to reference them from your application regardless of the directory the application is located.

You can make your data "hidden" by defining a key that begins with a dot.This key represents a dotfile or "hidden" file. For example, when the following Secretis mounted into a volume, secret-volume, the volume will contain a single file,called .secret-file, and the dotfile-test-container will have this filepresent at the path /etc/secret-volume/.secret-file.

Depending on how you created the Secret, as well as how the Secret is used inyour Pods, updates to existing Secret objects are propagated automatically toPods that use the data. For more information, refer to Using Secrets as files from a Pod section.

If you want to access data from a Secret in a Pod, one way to do that is tohave Kubernetes make the value of that Secret be available as a file insidethe filesystem of one or more of the Pod's containers.

Kubernetes adds an Event with the reason set to InvalidVariableNames and amessage that lists the skipped invalid keys. The following example shows a Pod that refers to a Secret named mysecret, where mysecret contains 2 invalid keys: 1badkey and 2alsobad.

I found a solution where the content of such a file is base64 encoded in a secret and decoded and stored during the build process. Most applications work with untracked/secret files like a .env.

Jenkins' declarative Pipeline syntax has the credentials() helper method (usedwithin the environment directive) which supportssecret text, username andpassword, as well as secret file credentials. If you want tohandle other types of credentials, refer to the For other credential types section (below).

In this example, two secret text credentials are assigned to separateenvironment variables to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). These credentialswould have been configured in Jenkins with their respective credential IDs

jenkins-aws-secret-key-id and jenkins-aws-secret-access-key.

If you need to set credentials in a Pipeline for anything other than secrettext, usernames and passwords, or secret files(above) - i.e SSHkeys or certificates, then use Jenkins' Snippet Generator feature, which youcan access through Jenkins' classic UI.

The use of single-quotes instead of double-quotes to define the script(the implicit parameter to sh) in Groovy above.The single-quotes will cause the secret to be expanded by the shell as an environment variable.The double-quotes are potentially less secure as the secret is interpolated by Groovy,and so typical operating system process listings will accidentally disclose it :

Here, the bat step receives echo sec%ret and the Windows batch shell will simply drop the % and print out the value secret.Because there is a single character difference, the value secret will not be masked.Though the value is not the same as the actual credential, this is still a significant exposure of sensitive information.Again, single-quotes avoids this issue.

There are other files that help set up your configuration or store secrets like .npmrc files (which are similar to .env files but for npm, a JavaScript package manager), and private keys. To avoid accidentally committing .env to Git, you should add .env to your .gitignore.

While there is ample evidence that Hoover used the information in his files for blackmail, there was usually no need for it. Simply the perception that he had such information was enough to keep politicians in line.

Note that you can control the secrets files permissions using defaultMode in the volumes definition, or even individually per file (if there are multiple keys in the Secret's data), but that exercise is left up to the reader. See the Secrets documentation for more on that (specifically, the section on Secret files permissions).

One thing that is not supported, unfortunately, is mounting a single secret to a single file in a directory which already exists inside the container. This means secrets can't be mounted as files in the same way you'd do a file-as-volume-mount in Docker or mount a ConfigMap item into an existing directory. When you mount a secret to a directory (like /var/my-app in the above example), Kubernetes will mount the entire directory /var/my-app with only the contents of your secret / secretName items.

Thank you for this information. I'm a beginner and I've a question on a related topic, could you please have a look?

I would like to have a secret available across the containers that are created in a specific namespace.

This is what I've done

1. Created a secret for a specific namespace

2. Added a imagePullSecrets to the serviceaccount of that namespace which creates the containers

3. Created a nginx container and when I described the pod, I was able to see the ImagePullSecrets with the secret name

Because of the CVE-2018-20685 vulnerability, the /. trick can no longer be used with scp.However, distributed revision control like git or Hg Mecurial will handle hidden files like any other files. Here are the commands for my favourite Hg Mercurial:

Secrets are variables that you create in an organization, repository, or repository environment. The secrets that you create are available to use in GitHub Actions workflows. GitHub Actions can only read a secret if you explicitly include the secret in a workflow.

For secrets stored at the organization-level, you can use access policies to control which repositories can use organization secrets. Organization-level secrets let you share secrets between multiple repositories, which reduces the need for creating duplicate secrets. Updating an organization secret in one location also ensures that the change takes effect in all repository workflows that use that secret.

For secrets stored at the environment level, you can enable required reviewers to control access to the secrets. A workflow job cannot access environment secrets until approval is granted by required approvers.

Note:If your GitHub Actions workflows need to access resources from a cloud provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), you can configure your workflows to authenticate directly to the cloud provider. This will let you stop storing these credentials as long-lived secrets and provide other security benefits. For more information, see "About security hardening with OpenID Connect"

For example, a secret created at the environment level must have a unique name in that environment, a secret created at the repository level must have a unique name in that repository, and a secret created at the organization level must have a unique name at that level.

If a secret with the same name exists at multiple levels, the secret at the lowest level takes precedence. For example, if an organization-level secret has the same name as a repository-level secret, then the repository-level secret takes precedence. Similarly, if an organization, repository, and environment all have a secret with the same name, the environment-level secret takes precedence.

To make a secret available to an action, you must set the secret as an input or environment variable in the workflow file. Review the action's README file to learn about which inputs and environment variables the action expects. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Note: Users with collaborator access to a repository can use the REST API to manage secrets for that repository, and users with admin access to an organization can use the REST API to manage secrets for that organization. For more information, see "Actions."

To create secrets or variables on GitHub for a personal account repository, you must be the repository owner. To create secrets or variables on GitHub for an organization repository, you must have admin access. Lastly, to create secrets or variables for a personal account repository or an organization repository through the REST API, you must have collaborator access.

To create secrets or variables for an environment in a personal account repository, you must be the repository owner. To create secrets or variables for an environment in an organization repository, you must have admin access. For more information on environments, see "Using environments for deployment."

Note: Organization-level secrets and variables are not available to be used by private repositories for your plan. For more information on upgrading your GitHub subscription, see "Upgrading your account's plan".

When creating a secret or variable in an organization, you can use a policy to limit access by repository. For example, you can grant access to all repositories, or limit access to only private repositories or a specified list of repositories.

To provide an action with a secret as an input or environment variable, you can use the secrets context to access secrets you've created in your repository. For more information, see "Contexts" and "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions." e24fc04721

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