The core gameplay is a one-button platformer. Your Thief (the little cute black shadow) automatically runs left or right. You can tap to trigger a jump in the current direction. You can also jump off walls to reverse the players direction. ZeptoLab has managed to give classic platformers a mobile makeover. With one-touch controls it feels native on mobile. With simple rules, it feels expressive and gives players plenty of options. The gameplay is simple and is very transparent about what you did wrong each time you die. This creates very addictive core gameplay. 

In common with many other portable electronic devices, mobile devices have become attractive targets for the opportunistic thief. There are a number of precautions users of mobile devices can take to reduce the chance of their device being stolen and to ensure that, in the event that the worse happens, the thief is unable to make any productive use of the device or SIM card.

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The thefts happened Sunday night at his mobile X-Ray and ultrasound company in West Palm Beach along Forest Hill Boulevard and Davis Road. He has multiple surveillance cameras set up but it wasn't enough to stop the two crooks from going after the parts, which experts say contain rare metals and can sell for for thousands of dollars.

Inform your mobile carrier that your phone has been lost or stolen. It can suspend service to prevent anyone from using the device on its network and possibly mark the phone as unusable even on a new carrier or with a different SIM card. Note that your device will still be usable over WiFi.

Increasingly, a more mobile workforce employs smartphones, tablets, and laptops to create and access company information anytime and anywhere. While the mobility of these devices allow for more flexible and convenient business operations, they are more susceptible to loss or theft. Small and easily concealed, these devices commonly go missing. When mobile devices wind up in the wrong hands, it can compromise the sensitive business data on the device itself, or the data on corporate networks which can be accessed using the device. While the costs for replacing mobile devices are relatively small, the risks involved with data loss can be substantial. Especially at risk are those industries that are regulated in how they deal with data and privacy issues, such as healthcare and financial service providers.

The feature uses a new mechanism called a Security Delay to make it harder for thieves and opportunists to access your most sensitive settings on iPhones, yet it's designed not to obstruct everyday use -- a tricky tightrope to walk. Once turned on, the feature requires users to enter their biometric info (facial scan or fingerprint) once and then again after an hour -- and no, you can't bypass it using a passcode.

Adding a second delayed biometric scan means thieves or attackers demanding an initial passcode and face scan ultimately won't be able to quickly change account ownership of the device. It's challenging to add protection without potentially escalating a situation, but an Apple representative said the company studied commonly reported scenarios to find an effective solution.

Stolen Device Protection potentially protects from thefts described in a February Wall Street Journal report, in which several iPhone owners described thieves simply observing their passcodes, stealing their device from their hands and quickly resetting their Apple ID passwords and turning off the phone's Find My iPhone setting. A Security Delay could, in theory, prevent a malefactor from resetting an iPhone in this way.

There are no more thieves in Europe than in your own town. Where do you keep your phone when out in your own town? I keep my phone in my crossbody purse, but mostly it's in my hand all day as I take TONS of photos with it while out and about touring. We go to Europe at least once a year and have never had an issue.

As warned by our guide in Barcelona, "Don't place your mobile phone on the table at the cafe, especially outdoors. And don't hang you purse from the back off your chair." Other than that, don't worry.

Someone implied there are comparable numbers of thieves in EU as US. Not true. European thieves seem to use stealth and guile (sneaky) attacks rather than bold and potentially violent robberies. I know people in the US held up at gunpoint, but never heard of that happening in EU at all.

However, if you are on a crowded metro or tram, I would secure the phone in a bag. I could write a long post about securing a bag but when I am in EU, I assume thieves are all around (after 8-10 run ins with them). But if you are aware, there is little they can do. Their main weapon is your own inattention.

If your phone is stolen, do not confront the thieves. Sometimes these cases can become dangerous very quickly, like when a 23-year old man from Alabama was shot and killed after tracking his phone and trying to retrieve it from thieves [*].

We are working hard with other major phone carriers and business partners to help prevent unauthorized SIM swaps. However, the thieves constantly change their tactics. So, we are continually enhancing safety measures, including:

The steady evolution of mobile technology has opened up many opportunities to increase productivity, stay connected with friends and family, find entertainment and stay informed on the latest news. However, these benefits come with a cost: they represent new ways for identity thieves to gain access to your personal information through phone scams.

Your mobile phone is just one entry point for fraudsters who want access to your personal information. To learn more about protecting yourself and your financial assets, check out our educational resources today.

Security camera video shows two employees standing near the registers as the suspects broke off several phones from the display stands and took other boxes of electronic accessories before running out. The phones were attached by cables to the shelves. The thieves were unable to break off most of them. In the video, one employee appears to be calling someone as a customer stands behind the employee counter with the other onlookers. The suspects were not armed, Sgt. Nick Nicholas said.

Car thefts nationwide significantly increased this year after a popularized technique thieves shared on social media to expose a security flaw that left Hyundai and Kia models in jeopardy. It's leaving residents like Healey feeling vulnerable.

Apple also allows owners to lock their phones, remote wipe data and render them rather useless to thieves who might have gotten their hands on the device. While this feature has lowered the number of devices stolen by up to 40 percent in some parts of the U.S., it is not as intimidating to professional criminals.

The next line of pivoting revealed something that goes beyond fake Apple domains. What we see is likely a malicious Nameserver (DNS) and an illegal mobile phone unlocking service. The likely malicious DNS server,, is not only the nameserver for one of the original five SMiShing domains (, but a DNS SOA email address is common to more than one domain.

A closer look into the A1unlock service indicates a new element. In addition to stealing iPhones and SMiShing Apple customers, it unlocks Apple mobile devices and possibly other mobile device brands. For example, X-Force IRIS found a cached web page for the alleged A1unlocker iPhone unlocking service. Those pages list a U.K. contact phone number, advertising the service as a way to remotely unlock phones.

Now, if thief takes your phone and tries to swipe down to open the Control Center, nothing happens. So you'll still be track the phone with Find My and that will scare away some thieves from trying to run off with the phone. A thief who's scared of being caught may simply ditch the phone and then you may be able to recover it using the Find My app.

Let's say you are with a group of friends eating ice cream and chatting away. You are having a lot of fun and, inadvertently, you put your phone on the table next to your sundae. Suddenly, a hand appears, takes your phone and you see the owner of that hand running away at the speed of light. There it goes, you think. Your awesome smartphone. To avoid such tragedies, never leave your phone alone on a restaurant table, on the table bar, not even on the seat of your car where it is only a broken window away from thieves.

This type of social engineering attack is hard to combat, and a difficult problem that all mobile carriers are dealing with. In fact, this problem is so pervasive, that many institutions and companies are starting to turn off SMS (text messages) as a way for Multi-Factor Authentication for their services (IAS does this as well).

Android Police recently came out with an article on how to protect yourself from this type of attack by setting a transfer pin on your mobile phone number. This means if you legitimately transfer your phone to another carrier or device, you'll need to unlock the transfer with the pin before it can happen. This is similar to a credit freeze that you can put on your credit to ensure no one is taking out credit cards in your name.

The next suggestion was they would call him to confirm the theft. Not sure how they expect him to answer the phone or confirm that the person answering the phone is him, the thieves having access to all his verification data if they are able to access his account.

@Susan151 Thank you. Unfortunately phone passwords are not that secure, depends on the user's responsibility re: protecting themselves. He knows he needs to change everything, the thieves have already been on a spending spree, but he is on a flight back home and that is going to be a painful and time-consuming experience because he has no ID (it was in his wallet) and had to go super early to sort that out so he could actually get on the flight, so it will be at least 8 hours before he can do anything unless someone on the plane allows him to use their device. I 17dc91bb1f

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