The main reason I looked into save files was so I could easily swap in and out character saves and store more items than the Ranger Hollow allows. Using this information, you could also theoretically give yourself any equipment you would like and set all your stats to max value. However, I would recommend against that since that will quickly destroy the fun of advancing your character and finding new gear. Hopefully this information just helps people move items between characters, have a stash of items much bigger than the Ranger Hollow, and be able to play with more characters than they normally would (Magic and Melee Gandalf, Treasure Hunter Gimli, Gollum, etc).

The save file is 32 lines long with 32 characters in each line. There are 5 different "chunks" of data in the file. The first chunk is 4 lines long and contains data not specific to a certain character (Settings, Artifacts, Ranger Hollow items, which characters have completed the game, etc). Chunks 2-5 are 7 lines each and represent the four different save slots.

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I will outline the first 11 rows of the save file. The first 4 rows are general game data, and rows 5-11 are for the first character save files. Rows 12-18, 19-25, and 26-32 are for the other three character saves. Equipment needs 8 hex characters of data, so each piece of gear takes up two different 'values'. Other things like Strength, Health, etc just use two characters (FF in hex is 255), so I broke up the cell with a / meaning it is used for two different things. I don't know what every value is used for, so I just make sure not to mess with those values.

If you are looking for an easy way to use this information without worrying about checksums, editing specific locations, etc, then you can copy the lines for a single character as a backup. Then you can safely delete that character in the game and play a different one. When you want to go back to the old character, you can just copy those lines back into the save file. You won't have to worry about checksums because you aren't changing any values within the block, so the copied checksum will still be correct.

This strategy won't work with copying your Ranger Hollow since there is other information in those first 4 lines. By trying to bring in a backup of your Hollow, you might accidentally erase the data for artifacts you've found or characters you've beaten the game with.

I've mostly done this by trial and error. Copy your save file, do one thing (kill one enemy, use one stat point, move to the next map, etc) and save. Now compare your new file with the old one and see what has changed. This method works fairly well, but, as mentioned above, some things are difficult to determine how they are stored exactly. Things like artifacts and skills will take a lot of testing to figure out exactly how they are saved, but since I don't plan on editing those values anyway, I don't really care enough to figure it out.

I'm working on my first Android project -- a simple one Activity app that is informational in nature. In the Android studio I have the theme setup to material light and I have my android Layout to align both TextViews to the right. Image one shows how it looks in Android Studio. However, whenever I run it in an emulator or on an Android device I get the following in Image 2. The text aligns left instead of right and the the theme changes from white to purple.

Note: I WILL NOT play online with cheated equipment and ruin other people's experiences, I want to play privately and with friends. Although I am okay with cheating, I understand a lot of people aren't, and I will respect that. I have beaten the game already, so I'm not trying to get the easy way out either.

I changed the hosts file on the Android Studio emulator and wrote me the address of the web pages, but it still does not open. What is the problem? On my PC with the modified host file everything works.

One possible is that the hosts file must be in UNIX format, not DOS. Another issue is that the emulator defines a gateway router between the emulated device and the host PC. The gateway is at If you intend to talk to a web server on the host, use that IP address.

I'm playing the Platinum game through an emulator program (DeSmuME 0.98) because I don't own any handheld devices. Although the program generally performs well, it's frustrating to know that I'll never be able to use or enter Pal Park in-game; simulating a transfer from Gen3 is impossible because no emulator can simulate a GBA and an NDS running at the same time. :-(

Well first of all, huge thanks for the Doom 2 Wikipedia page, I've been really confused the whole time I've been here. Second, there's plenty of tutorials on how to use Slade which allows you to add and replace textures (along with many other things useful for modding). It's unlikely however that someone would do an intensive mod like that just for you.

Like many of you, my terminal emulator is probably my most used piece of software. My day begins with getting a cup of coffee, opening up Slack and iTerm 2, my terminal emulator for years. iTerm 2 has an incredible number of features, almost too many to list. Here are some of my most-used features just off the top of my head:

I have very few complaints with iTerm 2, but I'm always open to try something new. Someone on Twitter told me about Warp, a new terminal emulator written in Rust with some very interesting design patterns. I don't know if its the right terminal for me but it definitely solves problems in a new way.

This is a topic that can stir a lot of feelings for people. Terminal emulators are a tool that people invest a lot of time into, moving them from job to job. However in general I would say these are the baseline features I would expect from a modern terminal emulator:

So why am I reviewing a terminal emulator missing most of these features or having them present in only limited configurations? Because by breaking away from this list of commonly agreed-upon "good features" they've managed to make something that requires almost no customization to get started. Along the way, they've added some really interesting features I've never seen before.

I requested an invite on their site and a few weeks later got the email inviting me to download it. First, huge credit to the Warp team. I respect the hell out of software with an opinion and Warp has a strong point of view. The default for development tools is to offer options for everything under the sun and to see someone come to the conversation with a tool that declares "there is a right way to do this" is intriguing. Here is what you see when you open warp:

From launch it wants you to know this is not your normal terminal emulator. It is trying to get you to do things the warp way from minute 1, which is great. The Command Palette is a lightning fast dropdown of all the Warp commands you might need. Search commands is just bringing up the previous commands from your history.

I think the primary sales point of Warp is the Sharing functionality, which allows for some very interesting workflows. It appears at some point you'll be able to add things like approval before you run commands (which I think is kind of a weird anti-pattern but still I applaud the idea). Right now though you can generate links to your specific block and share them with folks.

Alright so I love a lot of the concepts but how much do I like using it as a daily driver? Let's focus on the positive stuff on Mac. I'm testing this on a 16 inch MacBook Pro with 32 GB of RAM, so about as powerful as it gets.

I'm very curious how they managed to make a Rust GUI application on the Mac. I'd love to see if there is some Swift UI or AppKit code in there or if they managed to get it done with the referenced Rust library. If they managed to make an application that feels this snappy without having to write Swift or Objective-C, all the more credit to this team. I'd love more information on how the app is constructed and specifically how they wrote the client front-end.

This does not feel like a "Mac app" though. Immediately you'll notice the lack of Preference pane underneath the "Warp" header on the menu bar. Help is not a drop-down but a search and in general there aren't a lot of MacOS specific options in the menu bar. This likely fits with their model of a common work platform across every OS, but if feeling "Mac-like" is important to you, know this doesn't. It's just as fast as a native application, but it doesn't have the UI feel of one.

If you are just starting out on the Mac as a development machine and want to use a terminal emulator, this is maybe the fastest to start with. It comes with a lot of the quality of life improvements you normally need to install a bunch of different pieces of software for. Also if you teach or end up needing to share a lot of code as you go, this "Sharing" functionality could be a real game-changer.

However if you, like me, spend your time mostly editing large blocks of text with Vim in the terminal, you aren't going to get a ton out of Warp right now. I just don't have a workflow that is going to really benefit from most of this stuff and while I appreciate their great tab completion, most of the commands I use are muscle memory at this point and have been for years.

I wish this team all the success though and cannot stress enough how great it is to see someone actually experimenting in this space. There are great ideas here, well executed with an eye for stability and quality. I'm going to keep a close eye on this product and will definitely revisit as things like "command reviews" are added down the line.

can someone answer me how do I use the emulator in Visual Studio ? I run one unity of the project and when I open in visual studio does not appear the x86 platform option nor emulator, please help me .

I have the 90 day evaluation CCS V5.3 installed and my test project builds to an 'out' file. I'm trying to use Signum Systems JTAGjet Emulator to debug my target board, but I cant connect to it. I have the latest driver from Signum for CCSV5 and the driver is functioning. When I press F11 from within CCS to start debugging, I get the following: ff782bc1db

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