In the vector based image manipulation software I currently try to replace with Affinity Designer, there is an effect called "Scribble" which lets one easily style fills and strokes in a scribbled look. Length, width and all that are customizable and they allow to create elements like the one in the image attached. I couldn't find such an effect in Designer so far, so did I miss it, or is there a way to recreate this effect with different methods?

I think what should maybe perhaps work somehow in a similar fashion is to use and setup some scribble brush for line styles and varying the used brush line width then. - You have to give that some tryout.

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No not really, you can create vector based scribble fills in SVG with Inkscape etc. and then try to take these over (reuse them) in AD, but AD's capabilities in terms of parsing and interpreting SVG are pretty limited here in contrast to other SVG engine implementations. - Another possibility would be to use bitmap based scribbles, hatch and pattern styles for AD fills etc., but then those wouldn't be plain vectors anymore.

The problem we are discussing in this thread would from my perspective be an issue in a very low category: It does not take a device down or creates a loss of data, it does not make the app crash, or block its use. It is a new malfunction in a marginal use case (because the app is explicitly not promoted for Apple Pencil scribble use), slightly annoying. The workaround is obvious: Put down the pen, type it in.

I noticed that when I open the Scribble effect in the graphic styles panel (Window>graphic styles>open graphic style library>scribble) there seems to be nothing there, not sure if this could be the problem? I've added an image of this below to show you.

Unfortunately there are no updates at this stage, and the scribble feature on iOS is not supported. There are underlying dependancies in the Qt framework which need to be supported first, so the scribble feature can be used in Survey123. For more information see: -90932

Yes, whilst Field Maps and other Esri field apps may currently support the Apple Pencil and scribble handwriting, unfortunately Survey123 and QuickCapture are developed using a slightly different platform and there is an underlying Qt Framework limitation that currently means the Apple Pencil and scribble handwriting will not work as expected with Survey123 and QuickCapture. Once this limitation is resolved we will ensure the Apple Pencil works as expected in Survey123.

I am adding to this thread in hopes of adding additional support for adding the apple pen scribble function to Survey123. It's frustrating that it works in Field Maps but not in Survey123! Is there any update on this issue?

Hello there, so I found a cool trick. I am able to assign a foot switch to my amp to control gain, vol, bass,... But when doing this I am not sure how or if I can change the name on the scribble strip. Currently I have a gain boost with a volume drop set to a foot switch, which gives a nice gain boost while keeping the volume close to the same and it doesn't color the tone any which is really awesome, but the scribble strip reads "multiple 2" and I was hoping to be able to rename this just like I can with any other effect that i add.

Ok so I am a total nube. With regard to starting a new line in scribble it -seems if I go down and begin to write like 2 to 3 inches lower than where I want new line to start- it starts a new line. Seems if like I overcompensate or exaggerate the thought of writing a new line and I start it way lower than where the new line should start - it starts a new line. I know you guys are tech demigods but I just thought I would throw that in.

An interesting variation would be to combine the ideas of this plugin with outlines determined by the color gradients; drawing the outline, and preventing the scribbles from crossing the outlines. I may eventually pursue that idea if you don't.


Sorry for not replying sooner - I've been working on improving another plugin and you did say I could ignore the last post! 

By all means use Scribble for example purposes on this forum - I'm glad you asked first though. The code posted for scribble is very slightly out of date - but most of the changes were to do with the custom U.I. so not really relevant. One thing to check is that the 'Tone priority' choices are the right way round though.


Regarding 'Displaying intermediate results', perhaps you could render the whole selection but only apply the effect to a smaller portion to give a preview. eg.

1. Include a 'preview' checkbox in the U.I.

2. If checked only apply the effect to pixels in the middle third (1/9th of the area) - make sure all other dst pixels are assigned the src pixel values. This would give the user a quick way to adjust settings and assess full rendering time.

3. If unchecked the effect would be re - applied to the whole selection.

Similarly, checkboxes could be used to show previews at different stages of the effect, provided the dst pixels have all been given a value. The effect would have to be rerun each time the U.I is changed though - so no time saver.

Perhaps that would be considered a 'hack' or overly simplistic - but it may be a useful for experimental plugins.

Bear in mind that I am not a 'real' programmer and you will get better advice from those here that really know what they are doing.

Sadly, you cannot render a scribble page with a search box using the scribble command line app (nor using raco scribble). Rather, you need to use scribble's render function, with the html-render-mixin to render your document. Once you get over the hump of writing your own script to render your document though, it's fairly straightforward.

When you run this file, webpage.html is generated with a search box. When you type into it and hit enter, it will go to search/index.html in that same folder, passing in your search query as an http parameter. As far as I can tell, Racket currently doesn't export how it builds the internal search index, but you can find how it does it in: pkgs/racket-index/scribblings/main/search.scrbl in the source code of the repo. If you would like that search page to come with scribble, please open an issue on github.

I recently got a Galaxy Tab S8+. After applying all the available updates the scribble/writing noise of the S Pen got bugged. It only works in the Handwriting box (when you write in a box and the software converts it to text) or when S Pen to text is in use (only when in given text fields). None of the drawing or note-taking applications produces the sound, regardless of the settings.

The ScribbleArea class inherits from QWidget. We reimplement the mousePressEvent(), mouseMoveEvent() and mouseReleaseEvent() functions to implement the drawing. We reimplement the paintEvent() function to update the scribble area, and the resizeEvent() function to ensure that the QImage on which we draw is at least as large as the widget at any time.

We need several public functions: openImage() loads an image from a file into the scribble area, allowing the user to edit the image; save() writes the currently displayed image to file; clearImage() slot clears the image displayed in the scribble area. We need the private drawLineTo() function to actually do the drawing, and resizeImage() to change the size of a QImage. The print() slot handles printing.

The saveImage() function creates a QImage object that covers only the visible section of the actual image and saves it using QImage::save(). If the image is successfully saved, we set the scribble area's modified variable to false, because there is no unsaved data.

The public clearImage() slot clears the image displayed in the scribble area. We simply fill the entire image with white, which corresponds to RGB value (255, 255, 255). As usual when we modify the image, we set modified to true and schedule a repaint.

When the user starts the Scribble application, a resize event is generated and an image is created and displayed in the scribble area. We make this initial image slightly larger than the application's main window and scribble area, to avoid always resizing the image when the user resizes the main window (which would be very inefficient). But when the main window becomes larger than this initial size, the image needs to be resized.

We could call the update() function with no parameter, but as an easy optimization we pass a QRect that specifies the rectangle inside the scribble are needs updating, to avoid a complete repaint of the widget.

We use the boolean maybeSave() function to check if there are any unsaved changes. If there are unsaved changes, we give the user the opportunity to save these changes. The function returns false if the user clicks Cancel. We use the saveFile() function to let the user save the image currently displayed in the scribble area.

In the open() slot we first give the user the opportunity to save any modifications to the currently displayed image, before a new image is loaded into the scribble area. Then we ask the user to choose a file and we load the file in the ScribbleArea. 17dc91bb1f

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