This has been assigned to @RaananW who is in vacation until the 4th of January. @Evgeni_Popov and myself will be alone from the core team until then on the forum so you might have a bit of delay with the answers.

I just found two fresh observations of birds done by an experienced user (10000 obs.) which consisted solely of a screenshot that shows a piture of a spectrogram of a bird song recorded by an app and an AI identification proposed by that app. I asked the observer to upload the sound itself. Are suchobservations acceptable? What i the right course of action?

Download Screenshot From Video

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My sense is that spectrograms can be very helpful in bird identification. So often I look at the recording bar and wish I could just change the display to a spectogram. I think they are the same quality of information than the recording, or even better for those who are able to identify birds by them (I am not that good, for me it is ancillary, and helps me compare it to other recordings). So from the level of evidence they should certainly be allowed. However, from the level of practicality it means they show up as photos, and many people who identify photos do not want to identify sound evidence, and my guess is that even of those who are into bird song ID only few can read spectrograms without any context. So it makes sense to ask for the audio recording, and encourage the upload of spectrograms somewhere else, if that is possible (notes). Maybe in the future iNat can implement a display of audio recordings as spectrograms :-)

Here's how I got thru to an actual human on Etsy chat- I had a customer get an automatic refund from Etsy on her custom printed invitations order after receiving them. I was LIVID to say the least! I went to the buyer chat first (because I know they are always at the ready to help buyers). I just typed out a synopsis of my problem and stated I was a seller with shop name and order number. They transferred me to another chat person, who upon reading the issue, transferred me to yet another "specialist" who help me, resolved the problem (after reading thru the customer message thread on my account) and refunded the money back to my payment account. It took about 20 minutes or so.

And don't open any other email threads, or they will close the original one and you will have to start over from the beginning again, with all the canned responses again before you get a person who can help you.

Keep after Etsy. Keep asking them to escalate it that you haven't received a satisfactory resolution. Keep pointing out that the buyer has attached a photo from another shop not yours and that's why it's not a described. Be relentless and hopefully you'll get satisfaction.

WTAF!!!! That really takes the biscuit and how Etsy can think that this is acceptable is unbelievable. Keep at em and appeal this decision. You need to get hold of a human to speak/chat to from Etsy support and I hope you get to and get your money back. It is also very worrying that Etsy has done this and will they continue to do this in the future.

Be succinct and polite, and they should refund you. A simple "I am appealing the case outcome because the screenshot the buyer submitted to prove "not as described" is a listing from shop X, and even has that shop's name on it, not mine" should suffice. You could also add a few words/screenshot pointing out the buyer admitted to buying from the wrong shop.

This was my first time using the work diary tool. I have a dual monitor setup and the first screenshot it took was of BOTH monitors. On one monitor I have personal information that I don't want the client looking at. The other monitor is my working space. How do I edit or delete the screenshot without losing 10 minutus of my time?

I think this is a slightly stupid question, however, how can I take a screenshot of my workspace directly from the camera, in the same resolution as specified in the render settings? Because to make a simple screenshot does not suit me, because of the low resolution.

I'm using ffmpeg to take screenshot from online video stream. I want to seek multiple timeline. I've used the following command to capture 1 screenshot by seek command:ffmpeg -ss 00:02:10 -i "stream-url" -frames:v 1 out1.jpg

Is there any way to generate screenshots from same input via seek command? How to make it more faster? How to skip multiple input(-i param)? I've also tried with other commands but those are more slower. Can anyone help me?

To capture ScreenShot for your activity you have to need a View of your activity, and which one is not present in your service so you have to make a TimerTask which will call your activity at every hour and your activity responding it to with current appear view and you can capture the ScreenShot from that. (I think this one is only solution for your problem.)

Right now, I'm starting a Python project which is supposed to take a screenshot of selected twitch channels, modify those screenshots and put them on a GUI. The GUI shouldn't be a problem, but I'm having problems with the screenshots.

I've found 2 resources to deal with the twitch communication: the python-twitch package and a script called ttvsnap ( ).

The package was no help to me, because I didn't find anything related to screenshots. The script looked promising, but I encountered some problems:

If you make the script below available under a key combination (explanation further below), a window will pop up, allowing you to set the margins of your screenshot on the left, right, top and bottom, separated by a space:

The second command puts a border around the selected window, which has a nice width in relation to the size of the window. The -d 5 option stands for delay and gives you a delay of 5 seconds to select the window to be in the screenshot.

(Source: use the referencing advice on the web page above. The image should be held at a specific url. Or the image would be labelled as composite of images of [insert name] taken from their profiles on Facebook, Whatsapp etc.)

My iPhone is plugged via USB into my laptop for hotspotting, it seems like there should be some way to just push the screenshot sitting on my desktop into my phone with a drag and drop, but I can't think of any.

(Tested on macOS Monterey and iOS 15.3) You can use Mac's built-in function (Cmd+Shift+4) to crop the screen for your screenshot, then when the small preview box appears on the bottom right of your Mac's screen, click on it.

A preview window of your screenshot will appear. You can either do quick mark-ups, simply save it onto your Desktop by pressing "Done", or, in this case for you, press the share button and select AirDrop, find your iPhone's name and select it.

This allows the screenshot to be transferred wirelessly onto your iPhone very quickly and when the screenshot is transferred, it will show up on your iPhone's Photos App and you can then decide where to move it to.

I do the cmd shift 4 for screenshots I want to outline, then text to myself. I then can get them on my iPhone from the message and save to photos. The below works too as mentioned - airdrop them to the phone if you use that.

Hi, I have my USB webcam properly installed and it works. I can use vlc for it, and everything works OK. However, I would like to take a screenshot from the webcam.

When I use

cat /dev/video >> picture.jpg it takes all jpg files into one file and never stops. If I stop saving into picture.jpg only the last file is visible and all images during the saving time are saved.

I would like to take only one shot. Something like take-one-screen-shot /dev/video > picture.jpg

Is that possible?

I have read , there is a program in AUR, and i guess it works, but I would prefer core/extra/comunity programs.

Thank you.

I think there is something in the Video menu called snapshot (can't tell you the exact location, as I'm at work on Windows machine).

If that doesn't work, you could try ffmpeg. Check out the man pages. I think there is a section about getting screen grabs from webcams.

This page covers copying files and clipboard text between dom0 and domUs. Since dom0 is special, the processes are different from copying and pasting text between qubes and copying and moving files between qubes. Copying from dom0 Copying files from...

Hi Folks,

Is there any way to trigger a screenshot within the ladder?

I think it would be a good feature to to have a screenshot that is triggered in the event of an alarm or other event. In this way we can put a lot of data on a hidden screen that would be captured to help in diagnosis of a fault.


There is an "Take Screenshot" action you can use in the "Actions" module. Example:

You can use the "Event Trigger" assigned tag within your Ladder in order to initiate a screenshot.

Thanks for that.

I could not find it before and the help file did not mention it. I use the data table method to save information in VisiLogic, but a screenshot would be easier for a customer to send and debug.

Now you should receive email with screenshot of failing step. Screenshot is still located on SEUM server and is accessed remotelly so your email client must be able to connect to SEUM server to download image.

One difference is that "entity" is changed to "Orion.SEUM.StepResponseTimeDetail" which contains history of failed screenshots.

Second difference is that you need to specify "dateTime" parameter to define which screenshot you want. It's in "ticks" so that is why there is that complicated arithmetic expression.

Also notice that I removed "useThumbnail" parameter from URL so that you can get custom size of image defined by "width" parameter.

Let me know if you have any issues using this.

I need a screenshot from our web application. It will go on a printed poster, so I need it in a high DPI version. I have a 96 DPI monitor, so a standard screenshot pixelates when printed. My solution to this problem was to

To my surprise, the screenshot was not X by Y pixels, but a smaller size, for example 0.67X by 0.67Y, so I could only get a 200 dpi image without scaling it up. The factor also varied. After playing around, I found out that the size of the screenshot is determined by the level of zoom. ff782bc1db

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