I just built a new computer and it was initially going to be a Linux gaming workstation but I'm not completely sold on Linux gaming even using Steam. So I've installed all 3 on it at some point over the week but I then figured, why not install them all or at least 2 of them (one Linux and one Windows). I have a 500 GB SSD and 4 TB HD. I was going to put windows on the SSD and Linux on the 4 TB because I could then also run my services (plex, web, mysql, mail, etc).

Hi, I have 2 hard drives on my computer. The smaller one (200GB) is a solid state and i have intalled my main programs on that drive including Rhino. However I keep running out of scratch disk space. Is there a way that I can change my scratch disk settings in rhino to the other drive (1TB)? Or would I have to re-install rhino on the other drive?

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Window scratches can come from just about any wear and tear your home sustains. Often, scratches become apparent over time, and their source is a mystery. No matter what their origin, however, you can repair light scratches easily.

I am running Photoshop CC on my MacBook Air with macOS Sierra. Every time I attempt to open Photoshop through any means, the following message appears: "Could not initialize Photoshop because the scratch disks are full", and Photoshop does not open. I tried clearing space from my Mac in general including several GB worth of apps and removing several cache files, but nothing seems to work. I also tried holding down the command and option keys to reveal the Scratch Disk Preferences, and it lets me select the Startup and MacIntosh HD. Again, nothing worked. Anyone know how to fix this message, and/or clear scratch disk space?

We're sorry for the scratch disk issue. Take a look at the following troubleshooting article which can help you to resolve the "Scratch disk is full" error: Troubleshoot scratch disk full errors in Photoshop

Thanks! I have the Dell G7 and got that message. I started PS, waited for it to start to initialize then pressed CTRL and ALT. The pop up came up and I changed my scratch disk to my D drive. All was good after that!

This isn't about where Photoshop is installed. It's about the scratch disk, which is something else. Photoshop 7.0 cannot see drives bigger than 1TB, such a disk will effectively be invisible, and so Photoshop will report no scratch disk available.

The scratch disk is Photoshop's working memory. Photoshop moves around so much data that RAM will always be insufficient no matter how much you have, so it writes temporary files to disk. RAM acts like a fast access cache to the scratch disk's main memory.

I was having this problem somewhat before I bought a new harddrive: I was trying to save work on an external harddrive and photoshop was giving me an error that the drive was full, which is ridiculous because it was a 2T. Now I bought a new harddrive, and they forced me to buy windows 10, which came with all the frustrations you wrote above and then some, and then photoshop wouldn't load at all, because this drive was also 2T.

I have the most current version of Photoshop CC (updated today, 5/10/2017). I want to use a 32gb thumb drive as an additional scratch disk for photoshop. I have the thumb drive installed and I can read/write to the drive manually but when I go to the Scratch Disks option in PS it's not seeing that drive. The drive was originally formatted as Fat32. I've tried reformatting as exFat and NTFS, closing and reopening PS after each reformat, but it's still not seeing that drive. I currently have a portable hard drive hung off another port and it sees that one fine (this is a backup drive so I don't want to use that as a scratch disk). Why won't it see my thumb drive?

Of course, lazy me, pressed "E" near the door and ended up climbing up on the broken window. I got a scratch and patched myself up with a sterilized rag. I slept upstairs. The next day, zeds were downstairs and I had to lure them out and dispatch them. Went smoothly. Not a scratch. But again, "E"-ing on the door and, yes, climbed again, and got another scratch... like the odds of getting a scratch from windows were against me. I patched it up... about 3 days passed, I ate fresh food, clean water, changed the bandages with sterile sheets, going well. then one day, I got sick...

tr;dl: Basically, I died from scratches (that I got from windows) and no, the scratches had never had the "infected" tag on them so I was kinda bummed when I watched Ellie Bishop (that's her name... give a shout out if you know where it's from :3) waste away (from getting sick/fever)... from window scratches...

Also, can't we "open" windows that are already broken? All that's broken is the glass anyway, can't we simply have them open the windows to bypass the glass? Like when a burglar breaks the window/door to get to the latch/door knob.

Is a thing? Alright... my issue is not the scratch itself but what happened afterwards... I got a scratch from a window, not a zombie and yet I got sick and died... no "infected" tag on the scratch and kept myself healthy.

I have never ever got infected by a scratch from a window also if you do get zombie infected it never tells you directly the infected thing that shows up is a reg infection not the zombie kind lol also did you ge scratched/bitten when killing all them zombies and if not did your dude turn into a zombie?

Nope, not a scratch from the zed... I try to be SUUUUUUUUUPER careful and if I want to take a group apart, I get in one of the zeds' line of sight and lure them away from the rest in a safe place... repeat until all are dead... but if I had to I could take 5 at a time... make them come at me at the same time then swing large with a bat or ax and hopefully they fall in a fan shape and you just "whack a mole" them, hitting them one at a time so they don't get up and eventually they all die XD

But in all realism it probably is a poor scripting error that was a callback to the "scratched" condition rather than a subsection of it that wasn't modified to eliminate the possibility of zed infection from it. Strangest things in coding like that. Tl; Dr : It's probably a lazy coding job because yes I've had that happen to me as well.

I got scratched by a zed on the first day when I didn't have any weapons on me, but I did have a bottle of disinfectant and went ahead and patched myself up. over time, the scratch healed up and I was fine. No pain, no health issue, everything was normal. No other zed related injury... I was too afraid of dying (again) to take on more than 5 at a time so I was cautious and lured them out one by one...

I have died from broken glass scratches too, before 'remove broken glass' was added in. One time I had no medical supplies on hand, and it healed up fine, and another time I had plenty of supplies but I got a fever and died (didn't reanimate). I've only died this way a handful of times but still, I noticed no pattern to it.

You are right, this can be done. But it is a big, slow process, and the reason I've tried doing it a few times is to duplicate window configurations or build doors to sizes or styles that are not available otherwise. As a matter of fact, the premise that ancestors may have made these windows with hand tools is unlikely. Windows have been jobbed out to factories way before 1906, and it probably was similar to today-the builder had to specify windows in advance and wait for the factory to deliver them, or buy stock windows.

Most people nowadays don't build their own windows because there's no savings in time, (therefore money) and it takes some special skills and tools, plus some technology in insulation that only a factory can really provide.

*Tony,Mad Dog gave you some great advice. If you feel that you have to make these windows, then I say....go for it. Pine and fir are good choices, but you may want to consider mahogany or alder. Buy a shaper. It has the power to cut profiles in wood that size. The knives are out there.....if you can find them. Amana is a good place to start. Custom knives can be ground for a price. Good luck.Ed. Williams

*Anthony,Howdy there.I make windows for our jobs often and think I've got a good grasp of it. The biggest thing to accept before you start is that making windows by hand will cost at LEAST three times what a real nice Pella pro-line would cost. Also, no matter how good a job you do of it, they will never seal as tight as a factory unit. That said, there really needs to be a compelling reason to take on the project. Fortunately, there are many (custom profiles that match rest of house is the biggest)you just need to think them through in advance, so that you can remind yourself later when you WILL need to.The best bit sets I've found for router set-ups are made by Freud. They make a nice tennon on your copes where most sets only cope and you must either pin the muttons or rely on the glass and putty to keep things straight (bad chouce). Anothe good set is made by CMT. It's cope bit is set up a bit differet so that the stock passes over the bit allowing you to make your tennons as long as you want.I've got much more to say on the subject but my wife has said IT'S TIME TO GO for the forth time now and we don't want a fifth. I'll get back with you.PB ff782bc1db

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