Two of UNCSA's residence halls, Moore and Sanford Halls, are dedicated specifically to housing for high school students. Students are supported by live-in professional staff and trained student Peer Leaders. Moore and Sanford Halls are close to academic and arts buildings and include a number of amenities to support high school students, particularly in the common areas of the Connector Building (located between the two residence halls).

High schoolers have the opportunity to get involved with several student-led organizations and High School Student Government during their time at UNCSA. Regular campus activities happen throughout the year as well, including high school-specific events planned by Student Engagement staff and student leadership, UNCSA performances and all-campus activities. Past events have included open mic nights, off-campus excursions, high school-only dances, end-of-the-year celebrations, craft nights, movies and more.

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Dining locations on campus include the Dining Hall, Pickle Jar and P.O.D. Market (all located at Hanes Student Commons) and the Library Caf, with options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night hours. Campus dining locations are designed to provide nutritious, convenient options for students. Stations at the Dining Hall include Healthy Corner, Mongolian Grille, a pizza station, garden and salad bar, and more, with vegan and vegetarian options. Meal plans, required for residential high school students, offer flexible options that can be used in all Campus Dining locations.

Two residence halls, Moore and Sanford Halls, are dedicated specifically to housing for high school students. Students are supported by live-in professional staff and trained student Peer Leaders. Moore and Sanford Halls are close to academic and arts buildings and include a number of amenities to support high school students, particularly in the common areas of the Connector Building (located between the two residence halls).

High schoolers have the opportunity to get involved with several student-led organizations and High School Student Government during their time at UNCSA. Regular campus activities happen throughout the year as well, including high school-specific events planned by Student Engagement staff and student leadership, UNCSA performances and all-campus activities. Past events have included open mic nights, off-campus excursions, high school-only dances, end-of-the-year celebrations, craft nights, movies and more.

Student Government on Instagram UNCSA Happenings on Instagram

Being on the UNCSA campus means students have access to the full season of performances, shows and screenings from all five conservatories throughout their time in the high school program. There are many free events on campus, and students receive one complimentary ticket for paid performances.

Rohwer became home to approximately 2,000 school-age children, who attended classes within the confines of the camp. While these students were able to participate in sports and other activities, their forced confinement meant they did not get the same opportunities as students who lived beyond the barbed wire. Basketball and football teams, for example, had to play all games within the camp, unable to travel to their rival schools. Teachers were made up of both inmates and white teachers from outside communities, paying inmates just a fraction of the salary teachers from the outside were paid for doing the same job.

In 1943, the War Relocation Authority (WRA) began requiring all adults to take a loyalty questionnaire, forcing them to answer questions about their willingness to fight for the United States military and deny any allegiance to the Emperor of Japan. Those who refused or answered in ways that were deemed disloyal were transferred to the Tule Lake Segregation Center, once again uprooting families and punishing inmates without due process. Rohwer War Relocation Center was one of the last camps to close, shuttering its doors on November 30, 1945.

Roughly 120,000 men, women and children were held without trials, and nearly 70,000 of those evicted were American citizens. Ultimately, not a single Japanese American person was ever convicted of espionage or acts of sabotage against the United States. Learn more on this topic and on the special exhibit presented by The Museum, From Barbed Wire to Battlefields: Japanese American Experiences in WWII. From Barbed Wire to Battlefields featured the Rohwer High School yearbook and it can be viewed in its entirety on the companion site as well as on our site devoted to high school yearbooks of WWII, See You Next Year!

Pro Tip: Keep in mind the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program after you graduate. PSLF helps student loan borrowers who work in social impact become debt-free faster, which we hope takes some of the pressure off of your decision to attend grad school.

Continuing education will deepen your knowledge and expertise in your chosen field, give you the chance to connect and network with new people, and open you up to advancement opportunities in your career. It requires a lot of planning and sacrifice, but if you take care to prepare, graduate school can change your life for the better.

Objective:  To investigate the impact of school garden-enhanced nutrition education (NE) on children's fruit and vegetable consumption, vegetable preferences, fruit and vegetable knowledge and quality of school life.

Design:  Quasi-experimental 10-week intervention with nutrition education and garden (NE&G), NE only and control groups. Fruit and vegetable knowledge, vegetable preferences (willingness to taste and taste ratings), fruit and vegetable consumption (24 h recall  2) and quality of school life (QoSL) were measured at baseline and 4-month follow-up.

Conclusions:  School gardens can impact positively on primary-school students' willingness to taste vegetables and their vegetable taste ratings, but given the complexity of dietary behaviour change, more comprehensive strategies are required to increase vegetable intake.

The life sciences are of fundamental importance in a science or liberal arts education, as they provide students with insight into and a deeper appreciation for the many facets of living systems that underlie our world.

Our students use their training as preparation for careers in diverse fields ranging from aquaculture, biotechnology, biological research, dentistry, marine biology, medicine, optometry, park services, pharmacy, and teaching. Our graduates have an outstanding record of acceptance in advanced degree programs at dental, medical, pharmacy, and graduate schools. Many of our graduates also become teachers after obtaining a post-baccalaureate teaching certificate at the College of Education.

CIEE High School USA gives you the live-changing opportunity to attend high school in the U.S. To help you make the most of this opportunity, we hope you will read the guide provided below; it covers topics such as school spirit, dress codes, studying, graduation, and more. Understanding this information is key to having a successful and rewarding experience.

Activities, Sports, and Clubs

Many different activities, sports, and clubs are available at most high schools in the U.S. What is available at your specific school (and whether you are eligible to participate) will vary, but typical activities can be found below.

Communication and Language Expectations

For the exception of language-specific courses such as Spanish, French, German, etc., classes in U.S. high schools are taught in English. Understanding your teachers can be hard at first; they may speak quickly and use vocabulary that you are not familiar with. Due to regional accents, where you live may also play a role in your ability to understand what teachers are saying.


In the U.S., you will usually be graded on a 100-point scale or with letters: A, B, C, D, and F. Letter grades will often include either a plus or minus. As a CIEE student, you must maintain a grade average of C+ or higher. Your school might have higher requirements, especially if you want to receive a diploma. Your final grade (in each course) is typically the average of all assignments and exams. Teachers may also add points for participation.

Be sure to keep your Local Coordinator updated on how you are doing in school and what your current grades are. Some schools have online portals to check your grades. If your school offers such an online portal, share access with your Local Coordinator. Local Coordinators must report on how you are doing in school every month to CIEE, your international representative, and your natural parents, so be sure to keep them informed.

Guidance Counselors

As a student in an American high school, you will have access to a guidance counselor. In some cases, your guidance counselor will be the person who helps you register for your classes. Guidance counselors are a valuable resource; they can provide information about such things as school policies, school life, and the activities, clubs, and sports that are be available to you.


Homework is an important part of the American school system. Most students receive homework assignments in almost every class almost every day. Students typically spend about two hours or more on homework each night. You must complete all homework assignments and return them to the appropriate teacher on the due date to receive credit for your work. Your overall grade will be lowered if you do not complete your homework assignments (or turn them in late). In addition, your ability to learn the subject will be greatly reduced.

School Fees

Many high schools in the U.S. have fees that students are expected to pay. While the fees will vary from school to school, you will find a list of typical fees below: 006ab0faaa

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