Coincidence? Perhaps. But a new book edited by an Oregon State University professor provides a look at a surprising number of similarities in sayings attributed to two of the world's most important religious figures. "Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings" was recently published by Ulysses Press.

"The primary purpose of this collection of essays and sayings was not to make a scholarly case for Jesus having known the teachings of Buddhism, or for cultural borrowing from Buddhism to Christianity," said Marcus Borg, the Hundere Professor of Religion and Culture at OSU, and editor of the book. "It is to provide an opportunity for reflection and meditation. These sayings illuminate each other."

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A more likely explanation, Borg said, is that the similarity in their sayings mirrors the similarities in their experiences. The Buddha, after a six-year religious quest, had an enlightenment experience under the Bo tree; Jesus' quest led him to the wilderness and his spiritual mentor, John the Baptist. Both began renewal movements within their respective, inherited religious traditions - Hinduism and Judaism. And both were given an exalted, even divine status by the communities which grew up around them.

"The Parallel Sayings" provides more than 100 examples of similarities between the teachings of Jesus and Buddha, including sayings about compassion, wisdom, materialism, inner life, temptation, salvation, the future, miracles, disciples, attributes and life stories.

Similarly, this last year I had a student who once tried to express herself in class. She did so awkwardly, trying to convey an idea that another student quickly countered. Rather ineptly I tried to bridge the gap. Eager to move the lecture on, I fumbled to close the conversation, which was, ironically, a discussion about hard sayings at the end of John 6.

Valerius Maximus compiled his handbook of notable deeds and sayings during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The collection was very popular in the Renaissance and has recently attracted renewed scholarly attention. Yet to date there has been no modern English translation of Memorable Doings and Sayings. This work is now added to the Loeb Classical Library, a freshly edited Latin text facing D. R. Shackleton Bailey's pleasing and authoritative translation.

Harris, Joel Chandler, Frederick S Church, James Henry Moser, Leonard Kebler, Peter A Wick, Publisher D. Appleton And Company, and Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings: the folk-lore of the old plantation. [New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street, i.e. 1880, 1880] Pdf.

Harris, J. C., Church, F. S., Moser, J. H., Kebler, L., Wick, P. A., D. Appleton And Company, P. & Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection. (1880) Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings: the folk-lore of the old plantation. [New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street, i.e. 1880] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

Harris, Joel Chandler, et al. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings: the folk-lore of the old plantation. [New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street, i.e. 1880, 1880] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, .

Grasping British sayings and slang provides insight into local culture and unlocks new levels of conversational ability. It may be confusing at first, but Brits will appreciate your efforts to understand their unique linguistic quirks.

Here are seven Bajan sayings that cadets may hear as they explore Barbados this weekend. The sayings are a combination of both African and European influences. At first, the sayings may sound silly to you. Take a few moments to read the meaning of each saying and think about how it might apply to your own life. 

Is there a saying that you plan to work into conversations at home or at school? If you choose to illustrate one of the Bajan sayings or decide to write about how the saying applies to your own life, please share your work with us. Captain Campbell and the cadets enjoy hearing from students. 

Teachers & Parents: Please email student work to 

The detail reproduced here shows William Caxton's device from the first leaf of the 1489 edition of The dictes and sayings of the philosophers. His original edition of this work printed in 1477, the year after he founded his press in Westminster, was the first dated book printed in England (probably preceded by his undated edition of Chaucer). A moralistic work, originally an Arabic collection, it was translated into French by Guillaume de Tignonville, and then into English by Anthony Woodville, Earl Rivers. Rivers was a leading supporter of Edward IV, and also brother of Edward's queen, Elizabeth Woodville. He was executed for treason on the orders of Richard III.

Dating back thousands of years, weather forecasting had to rely less on scientific data and more on human experience. The sayings became particularly important in sailing and agriculture, as they looked for reliable forecasts ahead of time.

This "secret sayings" gospel does not tell the story of Jesus' life, but ratheris a list of over 100 of his sayings, some of which are familiar to readers ofthe New Testament, others enigmatic and strange.

19 Jesus said, "Congratulations to the one who came into being before cominginto being. If you become my disciples and pay attention to my sayings, thesestones will serve you. For there are five trees in Paradise for you; they donot change, summer or winter, and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows themwill not taste death."

I've narrowed my list to 13 representative items. Some of these are related to control issues, others to motivation, and still more to management. All reflect frustration and/or anger. Let's start the upcoming school year by wiping these sayings out of our vernacular.

This is a list of popular English proverbs. Proverbs are also known as sayings. Proverbs give some form of life advice. Every language and culture has them, and many proverbs exist in more than one language. It is important not to miss any of the words in most proverbs because the meaning can be lost if even one word is changed or left out. This list of English proverbs includes definitions and examples, and is meant to improve English vocabulary and English cultural knowledge.

Weather has always played an important part of everyday life. Long before modern meteorology and weather forecasting, people found ways to predict the weather. Much of this was done through catchy phrases or poems that were easy to remember. Many of the weather sayings that developed from observations were focussed around farmers and sailors because of their direct ties to nature. This lesson looks at popular Wisconsin weather sayings.

For many of us, December is all about Christmas. However, festive traditions have evolved differently all around the world, and so have the seasonal sayings. Knowing some of these can help you sound like a local. 006ab0faaa

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