Sheriff Tarsy attempts to coordinate a response to the shooting, but it proves difficult. An explosion in the front office kills the first police officer to respond. Anna is sent to survey the damage, but she encounters Zoe, and is killed in the resulting fight. A police officer arrives at Tristan's home to find that he has murdered his mother. The media picks up the livestream, much to Tristan's delight, and he begins removing students from their classrooms where they are sheltered in place.

The book goes back and forth between areas and characters during this mass shooting. There were a lot of discussions on how to get out, how to fight back, if they should stay hidden, or what else is there to do. Somehow, Miranda decides that she needs to make sure her new friend group all gets out together. But as the first page states, not everyone will make it out alive.

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If you believe the active shooter might be in your near vicinity, a second option is to take cover and hide in a strategic location immediately. Try to pick a bulletproof hiding place that can be locked or barricaded to prevent anyone from coming in.

When necessary, a third option is to take action and fight to protect yourself with whatever you have available to you. Throwing items can be effective in this situation. Whether that be a fire extinguisher, heavy object, scissors, or hot coffee, use anything at your disposal to counter, disarm, or immobilize the shooter.

When escape is not possible, you should find a place to hide. Oftentimes, you will not have a solid shelter location and will need to get out of plain sight. Silence your cell phones and stay completely silent until you receive the all-clear from authorities. Barricade doors to keep out an attacker.

Many experts also complain that the process is based on linear, sequential thinking. A person is not even supposed to consider fighting until they have deemed running and hiding impossible, which is not necessarily the best strategy in a dynamic active shooter scenario where conditions change every second. The process has also been interpreted to cover options (rather than sequential steps). Thus, it can be adapted to encourage us to think outside of a linear fashion to ensure we do not ignore potentially superior strategies.

A tent covers the body of the alleged gunman, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, in Lansing, Mich., who opened fire Monday night at Michigan State University, killing three people and wounding five before fatally shooting himself after a manhunt forcing students to hide in the dark. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

On its face, the strategy is as simple as it sounds: first, if at all possible, run away from the shooter. If you cannot run, find a safe place to hide and barricade yourself (and others) inside. If you can neither run nor hide, be prepared to fight.

If you think the attacker's nearby, and you can't run, then you need to make a decisive decision and hide. Barricade doors with whatever's available. Chairs, tables, bookcases, anything that will stop or slow down an attacker. In medical or research settings, a wheeled bed locked by the door or a research bench may be an option. Turn off the lights, silence your cell phone, including vibration, and hide. And please don't share on social media your location.

During an attack, if you cannot avoid the attacker, then get ready to fight aggressively with anything you can get your hands on. Distraction can help. You can yell and scream and throw things at the attacker. And when you fight, try as quickly as you can to get the weapon from him and work with others to take him down.

"They're all something you're actively doing as opposed to being passive," Blair explains. ALERRT teaches people to take action which one reason why they tend not to use the phrase, "run-hide-fight." They also say schools that have zero tolerance policies when it comes to fighting prefer not to teach their students to fight but instead that they have a right to defend themselves.

"When you have somebody who just hides underneath the table, the problem is... if you're found you don't have any options left," Blair says. He also reminds people --as seen in Ohio-- active shootings are not the only threat.


Distance- if close, close the distance and fight for your life.

Angle- stay low present a small profile

Take-cover(something that will stop a bullet) or at least concealment( something that obscures your exact position)

Attitude-Focus on survival ff782bc1db

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