The Ruboto project aims to add some additional sample code to make the integration between Java, Ruby, and the Android platform a pleasant developer experience. The Apps created thereafter depend on JRuby (jruby-jars) at runtime to provide full access to Android's Java APIs. Installation is straight-forward and easy. Please read the Requirements.

The code referencing the semicolon locations: appium/ruby_lib/blob/c705d40f89117b7dea37ff6365c6d4f418e51ce9/lib/appium_lib/android/element/generic.rb#L45# Scroll to the first element containing target text or description.# @param text [String] the text or resourceId to search for in the text value and content description# @param scrollable_index [Integer] the index for scrollable views.# @return [Element] the element scrolled todef scroll_to(text, scrollable_index = 0) text = %("#{text}") args = scroll_uiselector("new UiSelector().textContains(#{text})", scrollable_index) + scroll_uiselector("new UiSelector().descriptionContains(#{text})", scrollable_index) + scroll_uiselector(resource_id(text, "new UiSelector().resourceId(#{text});"), scrollable_index) find_element :uiautomator, argsend# Scroll to the first element with the exact target text or description.# @param text [String] the text or resourceId to search for in the text value and content description# @param scrollable_index [Integer] the index for scrollable views.# @return [Element] the element scrolled todef scroll_to_exact(text, scrollable_index = 0) text = %("#{text}")

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Here is how you can quickly run a ruby based web server in your android device. There are many development activities you can do in your android device. This is an easy one. So, I will be quick without going into details. I expect you know basics of linux terminal.

Termux is a linux terminal for your android. It also includes a package manager using which you can install many packages including ruby. The first step is to download and install termux. Do not download from play store. The play store version is pretty outdated. Get it from FDroid or github

You can easily partner with these competent app developers by writing to us your initial ruby android apps specifications via this quick form and one of our account managers will get back to you to provide further assistance with the onboarding process.

So the first way I'd go about this would be to cross-compile ruby and RubyGems with the Android NDK and then side-load them onto the device. At this point you've got ruby and gem and can start experimenting.

Actually, I modified CyanogenMod to create empty "/bin, /lib, /usr, /var, /svr, /home, /media, etc, etc" and then modified "${source_root}/system/core/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h" to include rules for the directories and then modified my external sdcard so it wouldn't mount as fuse or with the sticky bit set (it would set root:sdcard_rw ownership to all file inside) and after start up I ran a script that mounted the Linux arm root directories on the external sdcard to the empty versions in Android's root. The embedded version of glibc was used with a Kali Linux armhf chroot image I created, but it didn't have ruby or metasploit. So I followed some directions about compiling ruby 1.9.3 with svn or something and then used that to install metasploit, the only thing was that postgresql didn't work because socket and file creation are very permission sensitive and sockets may have been involved, so no postgres database, have yet to try to connect to a db on another host though. Apache2 worked, I did the whole /etc/init.d/apache2 start and viola, "It Works!" you know that if you've seen it.

Ruby defines everything as an object. In this programming language, developers need not specify the ruby variables or data types on the declaration. The data type in Ruby is usually inferred at the run time.

Several details will influence your choice of Java vs Ruby on Rails programming languages. When you are about to start your online business, industry, or organization or want to move towards automation, getting technical advice from the experts to know all about ruby versus Java should be the first thing on your "Do" list. Book a consultation session or free demo with technical experts to get an overview of Java and Ruby programming languages and the development process. List your requirements, and discover the best programming solution for your business.

Manual Installation

Or, you can clone the source code for twilio-ruby, and install the library from there.

"Permission Denied"

If the command line gives you a long error message that says Permission Denied in the middle of it, try running the above commands with sudo: sudo gem install twilio-ruby.

Now that we have Ruby and twilio-ruby installed, we can make an outgoing phone call with a single API request from the Twilio phone number we just purchased. Create a new file called make_call.rb and type or paste in this code sample.

We can then try running our new Sinatra application with the command ruby quickstart.rb. You can then open :4567 in your browser and you should see the Hello World response.

If you don't see your operating system or distro listed below, then no additional setup is required beyond Appendix A: The Compiler Toolchain. Just run gem install nokogiri --platform=ruby -- --use-system-libraries. Or, if you're using bundler, bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries.

If you can't upgrade to Bundler >= 2.2, you can force older versions to always use the ruby platform, which supports all platforms, but applies to all gems and comes with the installation challenges mentioned earlier in this guide.

RVM lets you deploy each project with its own completely self-contained and dedicated environment, from the specific version of ruby, all the way down to the precise set of required gems to run your application. Having a precise set of gems also avoids the issue of version conflicts between projects, which can cause difficult-to-trace errors and hours of hair loss. With RVM, NO OTHER GEMS than those required are installed. This makes working with multiple complex applications, where each has a long list of gem dependencies, much more efficient. RVM lets you easily test gem upgrades, by switching to a new clean set of gems to test with, while leaving your original set intact. It is flexible enough to even let you maintain a set of gems per environment, or per development branch, or even per individual developer's taste!

RVM reduces the complexity of the many facets of ruby development through its command-line API. With RVM, you can have **identical** self-contained environments in your Development, CI, Q/A, Staging, and Production environments. No more hidden gotchas: if it works for one of them, it will work in all of them. With named gemsets, you can reliably and immediately push changes from one environment to another. And, RVM is for Ruby applications, *not just for Rails*! Any Ruby based application will benefit from your use of RVM.

RVM enables you to easily test both upgrade and escape paths very easily and consistently. With RVM, you can run a test suite, rake tasks, benchmarks and gem commands against multiple ruby versions at the same time. This means that you can easily ensure your applications work in Ruby 1.8.X, REE, MRI 1.9.1, jruby, etc... and quickly expose any areas in which they do not.

RVM helps ensure that all aspects of Ruby are completely contained within user space, strongly encouraging safer, non-root use. Use of RVM rubies thus provides a higher level of system security, and therefore reduces risk and cuts overall system downtime. Additionally, since all processes run at the user level, a compromised ruby process cannot compromise the entire system.

The tracer and its integrations can produce some additional metrics that can provide useful insight into the performance of your application. These metrics are collected with dogstatsd-ruby, and can be sent to the same Datadog agent to which you send your traces. 17dc91bb1f

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