A ruby is a pinkish red to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). Ruby is one of the most popular traditional jewelry gems and is very durable. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. Ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems, alongside amethyst, sapphire, emerald, and diamond.[3] The word ruby comes from ruber, Latin for red. The color of a ruby is due to the element chromium.

The quality of a ruby is determined by its color, cut, and clarity, which, along with carat weight, affect its value. The brightest and most valuable shade of red, called blood-red or pigeon blood, commands a large premium over other rubies of similar quality. After color follows clarity: similar to diamonds, a clear stone will command a premium, but a ruby without any needle-like rutile inclusions may indicate that the stone has been treated. Ruby is the traditional birthstone for July and is usually pinker than garnet, although some rhodolite garnets have a similar pinkish hue to most rubies. The world's most valuable ruby to be sold at auction is the Sunrise Ruby.[4]

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If one percent of the aluminium ions are replaced by chromium in ruby, the yellow-green absorption results in a red color for the gem.[6] Additionally, absorption at any of the above wavelengths stimulates fluorescent emission of 694-nanometer-wavelength red light, which adds to its red color and perceived luster.[7] The chromium concentration in artificial rubies can be adjusted (in the crystal growth process) to be ten to twenty times less than in the natural gemstones. Theodore Maiman says that "because of the low chromium level in these crystals they display a lighter red color than gemstone ruby and are referred to as pink ruby."[8]

After absorbing short-wavelength light, there is a short interval of time when the crystal lattice of ruby is in an excited state before fluorescence occurs. If 694-nanometer photons pass through the crystal during that time, they can stimulate more fluorescent photons to be emitted in-phase with them, thus strengthening the intensity of that red light. By arranging mirrors or other means to pass emitted light repeatedly through the crystal, a ruby laser in this way produces a very high intensity of coherent red light.

Generally, gemstone-quality corundum in all shades of red, including pink, are called rubies.[9][10] However, in the United States, a minimum color saturation must be met to be called a ruby; otherwise, the stone will be called a pink sapphire.[9] Drawing a distinction between rubies and pink sapphires is relatively new, having arisen sometime in the 20th century. Often, the distinction between ruby and pink sapphire is not clear and can be debated. As a result of the difficulty and subjectiveness of such distinctions, trade organizations such as the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICGA) have adopted the broader definition for ruby which encompasses its lighter shades, including pink.

Historically, rubies have been mined in Thailand, in the Pailin and Samlout District of Cambodia, as well as in Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, India, Namibia, Japan, and Scotland. After the Second World War, ruby deposits were found in Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam.[11]

Spinel, another red gemstone, is sometimes found along with rubies in the same gem gravel or marble. Red spinels may be mistaken for rubies by those lacking experience with gems. However, the finest red spinels, now heavily sought, can have values approaching all but the finest examples of ruby.[12][13]The Mogok Valley in Upper Myanmar (Burma) was for centuries the world's main source for rubies. That region has produced some exceptional rubies; however, in recent years few good rubies have been found. In central Myanmar, the area of Mong Hsu began producing rubies during the 1990s and rapidly became the world's main ruby mining area. The most recently found ruby deposit in Myanmar is in Namya (Namyazeik) located in the northern state of Kachin.[14]

The Montepuez ruby mine in northeastern Mozambique is situated on one of the most significant ruby deposits in the world,[19] although, rubies were only discovered here for the first time in 2009. In less than a decade, Mozambique has become the world's most productive source for gem-quality ruby.[citation needed]

Improving the quality of gemstones by treating them is common practice. Some treatments are used in almost all cases and are therefore considered acceptable. During the late 1990s, a large supply of low-cost materials caused a sudden surge in supply of heat-treated rubies, leading to a downward pressure on ruby prices.

Another treatment, which has become more frequent in recent years, is lead glass filling. Filling the fractures inside the ruby with lead glass (or a similar material) dramatically improves the transparency of the stone, making previously unsuitable rubies fit for applications in jewelry.[23] The process is done in four steps:

In 1837, Gaudin made the first synthetic rubies by fusing potash alum at a high temperature with a little chromium as a pigment. In 1847, Ebelmen made white sapphire by fusing alumina in boric acid. In 1877, Edmond Frmy and industrial glass-maker Charles Feil made crystal corundum from which small stones could be cut. In 1887, Fremy and Auguste Verneuil manufactured artificial ruby by fusing BaF2 and Al2O3 with a little chromium at red heat.

Other processes in which synthetic rubies can be produced are through Czochralski's pulling process, flux process, and the hydrothermal process. Most synthetic rubies originate from flame fusion, due to the low costs involved. Synthetic rubies may have no imperfections visible to the naked eye but magnification may reveal curved striae and gas bubbles. The fewer the number and the less obvious the imperfections, the more valuable the ruby is; unless there are no imperfections (i.e., a perfect ruby), in which case it will be suspected of being artificial. Dopants are added to some manufactured rubies so they can be identified as synthetic, but most need gemological testing to determine their origin.

Synthetic rubies have technological uses as well as gemological ones. Rods of synthetic ruby are used to make ruby lasers and masers. The first working laser was made by Theodore H. Maiman in 1960.[28] Maiman used a solid-state light-pumped synthetic ruby to produce red laser light at a wavelength of 694 nanometers (nm). Ruby lasers are still in use.

The concept of electromagnetic radiation amplification through the mechanism of stimulated emission had already been successfully demonstrated in the laboratory by way of the maser, using other materials such as ammonia and, later, ruby, but the ruby laser was the first device to work at optical (694.3 nm) wavelengths. Maiman's prototype laser is still in working order.

By default, the extension provides sensible defaults for developers to get a better experience using Ruby in Visual Studio Code. However, these defaults do not include settings to enable features like formatting or linting. Given how dynamic Ruby projects can be (are you using rvm, rbenv, chruby, or asdf? Are your gems globally installed or via bundler? etc), the extension requires additional configuration for additional features to be available.

It is highly recommended that you enable the Ruby language server (via the Use Language Server setting or ruby.useLanguageServer config option). The server does not default to enabled while it is under development but it provides a significantly better experience than the legacy extension functionality. See docs/language-server.md for more information on the language server.

A special thanks to Mike Clark and Ara Howard for inspiring this project. Mike Clark wrote an excellent blog post about learning Ruby through unit testing. This sparked an idea that has taken a bit to solidify, that of bringing new rubyists into the community through testing. Ara Howard then gave us the idea for the Koans in his ruby quiz entry on Meta Koans (a must for any rubyist wanting to improve their skills). Also, "The Little Lisper" taught us all the value of the short questions/simple answers style of learning.

Ruby is a multi-platform open-source, dynamic object-oriented interpreted language. The [ruby] tag is for questions related to the Ruby language, including its syntax and its libraries. Ruby on Rails questions should be tagged with [ruby-on-rails].

"Ruby" are short runs of text alongside the base text, typically used inEast Asian documents to indicate pronunciation or to provide a shortannotation. This specification defines markup for ruby, in the form of anXHTML module [XHTMLMOD].

Information related to this document can be found on the public ruby page( -HTML-ruby). This includes translationsof this specification as well as potential errata. A listof current W3C Recommendations and othertechnical documents can be found at

This document presents an overview of ruby annotation and defines themarkup for it. Several examples are provided. However, this document does notspecify any mechanisms for presentation or styling of ruby annotation; thisis part of the respective style sheet languages.

Ruby text is usually presented alongside the base text, using a smallertypeface. The name "ruby" in fact originated from the name of the 5.5pt font size in British printing, which is about halfthe 10pt font size commonly used for normal text.Figure 1.1 shows an example, with three ideographs(kanji) as base text, and six hiragana giving the reading (shinkansen -Japanese bullet train).

East Asian typography has developed various features that do not appear inwestern typography. Most of these can be addressed appropriately with stylesheet languages such as CSSor XSL. However,additional markup is required to define the association between base text andruby text.

This specification defines such markup, designed to be usable withXHTML, sothat ruby text is available on the Web without using special workarounds orgraphics. Although this specification gives examples of actual rendering tomake it easier for most readers to understand the markup, all such examplesare informational only. This document does not specify any mechanisms forpresentation or styling; this is part of the respective style sheetlanguages. 17dc91bb1f

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