I just bought Rosetta Stone TOTALe. I have a Mac with OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a), which should support the program. However, after installing the disc the program will not open. When I click on it bounces once and then closes. I tried deleting my cache but that didn't help. Can anyone help me out?

Rosetta Totale is not the same as the Rosetta in Get Info. Rosetta Totale is a third party language tutorial program. The Get Info Rosetta is a background environment for PowerPC applications to work on Intel Macs through Mac OS X 10.6.8. The background environment is preinstalled on 10.5.8 and earlier, and an optional install in 10.6 to 10.6.8.

Download Rosetta Stone Totale 5.0.37

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@bwashbu, you rock! That completely solved my problem. I tried so many other instructions and yours was spot on. How did you figure this out? Amazing! The only thing I would add is that after step #5 in the "install app updates" instructions I did get another update prompt and the same thing was happening so I had to go back to step #4 in the "Rename a Rosetta Stone File" and delete the "tracking.db3" file that was created. I rebooted (not sure if I needed too, but I did) and then I launched the application again, update prompt came back up but this time it worked fine. So I had 2 updates.

hi--i just upgraded my OS from 10.5.8 to 10.6.3 and encountered not being able to open some of my more important applications that i'm dependent on or need. When i tried to open Eudora to check my email, i got a message that said i had to install Rosetta in order to open it and asked if i would like to install it now. I clicked OK. I got a long progress bar that said 'Finding software.' After a long time, i got a message saying something negative, i don't remember what but it boiled down to not being able to find the software. i searched for solutions to this and i found this discussion. I tried to follow the excellent clear detailed instructions, Hard drive>Library>Application Support>Rosetta Stone, but there was no Rosetta stone folder in there. I did a Find file search, there is no file with the word Rosetta in it on my computer. I have searched to try to find out how to get this program and install it but so far, i'm getting answers telling me it's already on my computer. Does anyone know how this can be fixed? thanks for any help.

i did back up my computer before this with superduper. i will look at see if the Rosetta file is there, maybe i can drag it on. Where would all the Rosetta files i would need be located? thanks ? ?

The problem now appears to be solved. I tried to open Eudora again so i could find out all the messages i got verbatim. It went through "finding software," but this time it found something and asked if i wanted to install it. It went through the installation process. I checked the Application Support folder, still nothing in there by that name, and nothing showing up on the computer by that name, Rosetta. I restarted, i think i repaired permissions first. When i restarted, there was still no software by that name showing up. I tried opening Eudora and it opened, and the other important program opened too. So i'm just glad it worked itself out, even if i don't understand it too well.

I had similar issues with rosetta not recognizing the mic they supplied. The update within the program wasn't working. It would download and then complete and indicate it would restart rosetta stone but it never re-opened. I updated from rosettastone.com ( -Instructions-Rosetta-Sto ne-Version-3-Latest-Application-Versions/?fs=search&pn=1&q=updates) scroll to bottom for link. Once i upodated directly from site I had no problems with it recognizing the microphone. Spent a good hour researching this fix after trying everything suggested on many sites and wanted to share.

Rick--As far as i know, Mountain Lion, OS 10.8.5, don't support Rosetta or Rosetta stone. If you find a way to use power pc programs on an OS 10.8 computer, PLEASE let me know. I just got a new MacBook Pro a couple of months ago with Mountain Lion, and there seems to be no way of using the power pc programs with this operating system. I knew this when i bought the computer, but my old/SnowLeopard computer was barely functioning and had to be replaced. I was not happy knowing that Rosetta is not supported in OS 10.8. I don't think it's supported in 10.7 either.

Sorry, i was conflating Rosetta and Rosetta Stone. However i also read information that Rosetta Stone isn't supported by Mountain Lion either. But here is a thread that has a lot of information about this and some solutions. i am not needing Rosetta Stone, i just need Rosetta.

I was able to load Version 4 of Rosetta Stone on my iMac. That CD is level 3 of the Portuguese course. Unfortunately, Tech support said Version 2 (which is my old RS Level 1 and 2) is no longer supported on any device........I'd probably need to go out and find an old XP or Vista PC. RS is up to Version 4 now. They do offer an upgrade for my level 1 and 2.......Calling back to day to see at what "price".......

For example, the software shows the learner four photographs. A native speaker makes a statement that describes one of the photographs, and the statement is printed on the screen; the learner chooses the photograph that the speaker described. In another variation, the learner completes a textual description of a photograph.

Grammar lessons cover grammatical tense and grammatical mood. In grammar lessons, the program firstly shows the learner several examples of a grammatical concept, and in some levels, the word or words the learner should focus on are highlighted. Then the learner is given a sentence with several options for a word or phrase, and the learner chooses the correct option.

The program immediately informs the learner whether the answer is right or wrong. Through the Preferences screen, the learner can choose whether a sound is played or not when an answer is clicked. At the bottom of the window, the program shows all the screens for the current lesson. If all answers for that screen are correct, the button for that screen turns green. If some answers are correct, the border of the button turns green, but the screen number itself turns orange. If all answers for a screen are wrong, the button turns orange. This applies to all lessons except review and Milestone lessons, which are treated as tests. In those lessons, the buttons for each screen all remain clear. In all lessons, there is a button that can be hovered over to display how many answers are correct, incorrect, or have not been answered. Each time an answer is clicked, one point is given. At the end of the lesson, the total number of correct, wrong or skipped answers is shown alongside the percentage of correct answers for that lesson. If too many questions were answered incorrectly, the program suggests the learner should retry the lesson.

To use Rosetta Stone Language Learning, a student needs the Rosetta Stone application software and at least one level of a language pack. The latest major version of Rosetta Stone is Rosetta Stone Language Learning 5.0.13.

Language packs also have version numbers. The version number of the language pack is distinct from the version numbering scheme of the Rosetta Stone application, and a language pack is only compatible with specific versions of the application. Version 4 and 5 are backward compatible with language packs developed for Version 3, but not older ones.[1]

By the end of 1996, Rosetta Stone Version 1 had a selection of nine level-one language courses (Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) and four level-two courses (English, French, German, Spanish). A CD-ROM product called The Rosetta Stone PowerPac featured introductory versions of seven of the courses.

At this time, Fairfield Language Technologies had already begun development of the Arabic, Esperanto, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Swahili, Thai, and Vietnamese courses. Within a few months, the Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese courses were complete, and development of Latin, Polish, and Welsh courses were underway. The Latin course was the next to be completed, followed by Hebrew. In this fashion, Fairfield introduced new courses to market gradually.

Rosetta Stone Version 1 was developed for Macintosh System 6 and higher, and Windows 3.0 and higher. Later revisions of Version 1 for Macintosh required System 7. The final revision of Version 1 was v1.9.[1]

Because many consumers found The Rosetta Stone to be too expensive, Fairfield started a series of "Explorer" editions. An Explorer CD-ROM was a lower-cost excerpt of a Version 2 course. Each edition of the Rosetta Stone Explorer series (Japanese Explorer, Welsh Explorer, etc.) included three units (22 lessons) from Level 1. The company no longer sells Explorer editions.

Then there was Global Traveler, a CD-ROM and electronic translation dictionary package for people requiring some facility in English, French, Spanish, Italian, or German. The lessons on the CD-ROM teach words and phrases for travelers. The electronic translator was programmed with about 60,000 words and 720 phrases.

The Rosetta Stone v2.1 through v2.2.x are only compatible with v6.x language courses. These versions of the language packs and software engine are neither backward compatible nor forward compatible.[1] Language discs developed for The Rosetta Stone v2.0.x are incompatible with these later revisions of the software.

Homeschool Edition introduces additional features that keep track of time spent per lesson, scores achieved on lessons, lesson plans, and instructional objectives. This edition includes a supplemental CD-ROM that has workbooks, quizzes, lesson transcripts, and exams.

Rosetta Stone released Version 4 TOTALe on September 14, 2010. TOTALe is a software suite comprising Rosetta Course, Rosetta Studio, Rosetta World, and TOTALe Mobile Companion. Users of the Rosetta Studio software subscribe to a service that videoconferences them with a language coach.[5] Rosetta World is a social gaming service. TOTALe Mobile Companion is a Rosetta Stone mobile app for iOS and Android devices. 152ee80cbc

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