There was another post earlier with someone asking how to pray with what was apparently a rosary. That got me thinking as I don't believe I've actually ever seen a rosary up close that I was aware of. So, doing some digging I found this info and realized, this is exactly how the prayer rope I've been using for years is laid out. The interesting thing is I purchased it from an Orthodox Church and monastery in Romania (zero doubt it was an Ortho church). I never really had any cause to doubt it. Considering I'm using it exclusively for the Jesus Prayer, does anyone think it matters?

But the idea persisted. I felt guilty for not wanting to do it while at the same time feeling like I did want to do it. Not wanting it to be an obligation; I wanted to do it in love. I started with a weekly Rosary and began having some lovely prayer experiences. This summer when I found my life upended, I started praying it daily. It became an important part of each day.

Download Rosary Prayer


Mary is taken to heaven to her rightful place with Jesus where she intercedes for us in prayer. I imagine her excitement at being with her son again, and her pleasure at being in heaven with God. I pray for her intercession and help in growing closer to Jesus, while asking her to help me love him more. She will keep pointing the way toward her son.

I would like to ask permission to use these meditations for our staff rosary on September 14th. If everyone who is invited shows up there will be about 60 people who will hear these meditations. Please let me know if this would be permissible. Thanks.

Effects (in one subject) of rhythmic rituals (Ave Maria and mantra om-mani-padme-om), compared with spontaneous breathing, on respiratory and cardiovascular rhythms. Note slow rhythmic oscillations (approximately 6/min) in all signals during recitation of prayer and mantra

The benefits of respiratory exercises to slow respiration in the practice of yoga have long been reported,8 and mantras may have evolved as a simple device to slow respiration, improve concentration, and induce calm.13 Mantras are normally repeated in sequences of more than 100, similar to the rosary (150 times). The relatively long time required to perform the entire sequence is similar to that of modern training sessions for any physical activity. This again suggests that one of the goals could be to induce physical, in addition to psychological, changes.

Results:  Both prayer and mantra caused striking, powerful, and synchronous increases in existing cardiovascular rhythms when recited six times a minute. Baroreflex sensitivity also increased significantly, from 9.5 (SD 4.6) to 11.5 (4.9) ms/mm Hg, P

Carved with astonishingly minute detail, this rosary bead probably was created with the help of a magnifying lens. When opened, it forms a triptych. On the left is the Journey to Bethlehem and the Nativity; in the center is the Journey of the Magi, complete with horses and camels, followed by their Adoration of the baby Jesus and offering of gifts; and on the right is the Presentation of the Child in the Temple at Jerusalem. The Latin inscription is the text of Psalm 71:10, which refers to kings of Arabia and Saba and is associated by Christians with the Magi.

Adam and Eve appear on the outside of the wings. The Crucifixion of Jesus occupies the lower half of the bead.

That being said, I had a really good and informative chat with a colleague about the origins of the rosary, which at least has helped to explain some aspects of it to me. I think doing more research going in is going to be important in the future.

This is a Rosary like no other. Your family will discover the joy and beauty of the Rosary by uniting in prayer with families across the nation. The Family Rosary Across America is a live and interactive radio program bringing together Catholics across the nation to pray the rosary. Join 100,000 people each evening as we pray together and for one another.

As a teenager, I spent many of my Summer Holidays in West Clare, staying with farming friends who were also members of the Franciscan Third Order. The prayed the 7 Decade Franciscan Rosary every day, complete with the trimmings. This version of the rosary has seven decades, all of which are joyful: 1. The Annunciation;2. The Visitation; 3. The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ; 4. The Adoration of the Magi; 5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple; 6. The Appearance of Christ to Mary after the Resurrection; 7. The Assumption and Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven.

We follow this with our personal prayers for her, her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, Godparents, people with work with, her friends and teachers in school and creche, our neighbours and friends in our estate, the people in our village, all those who are sick and need payers, all who need prayers and have no one to pray for them.

Thank you, Paul. I am glad you found it helpful. On that particular day, I was in need of support and found it in prayer. Many blessings to you and yours and thank you for keeping me and mine in your prayers.

I clung to the fact that the Rosary was not a required form of prayer. You will not go to hell for neglecting to pray the Rosary. Missing a daily Rosary is not a mortal sin. I knew that I was not placing myself in the near occasion of sin by refusing to adopt the Rosary as one of my daily prayer forms. And yet I still wondered if I was missing something.

But does Jesus mean to exclude the possibility of devotions like the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet which repeat prayers? No, he does not. This becomes evident when, in the very next verses of Matthew 6, Jesus says,

Poring through the stuff of prayer and print culture of mid-20th-century devotionalism and the well-curated collection of Catholic press clippings continued to reveal to me how the history of prayer is also a design history and a media history.

The Rosary[1] (/rozri/; Latin: rosarium, in the sense of "crown of roses" or "garland of roses"),[2] also known as the Dominican Rosary[3][4] (as distinct from other forms of rosary such as the Franciscan Crown, Bridgettine Rosary, Rosary of the Holy Wounds, etc.), refers to a set of prayers used primarily in the Catholic Church, and to the physical string of knots or beads used to count the component prayers. When referring to the prayer, the word is usually capitalized ("the Rosary", as is customary for other names of prayers, such as "the Lord's Prayer", and "the Hail Mary"); when referring to the prayer beads as an object, it is written with a lower-case initial letter (e.g. "a rosary bead").

The prayers that compose the Rosary are arranged in sets of ten Hail Marys, called "decades". Each decade is preceded by one Lord's Prayer ("Our Father"), and traditionally followed by one Glory Be. Some Catholics also recite the "O my Jesus" prayer after the Glory Be; it is the best-known of the seven Ftima prayers that appeared in the early 20th century. Rosary prayer beads are an aid for saying these prayers in their proper sequence.

Over more than four centuries, several popes have promoted the Rosary as part of the veneration of Mary in the Catholic Church,[5] and consisting essentially in meditation on the life of Christ.[6] The rosary also represents the Catholic emphasis on "participation in the life of Mary, whose focus was Christ", and the Mariological theme "to Christ through Mary".[7]

Other popular additions include the shorter form of the Prayer to Saint Michael; the Memorare, and a prayer for the intentions of the Pope. In many cases, the Litany of Loreto is recited before the end.[11]

When a group recites the Rosary, it is customary that the prayers that constitute the decades are divided into two parts. The second part of the Our Father begins with "Give us this day our daily bread"; the second part of the Hail Mary begins with "Holy Mary, Mother of God"; and the second part of the Glory Be with "As it was in the beginning". This lends itself to antiphonal prayer.[14]

Sometimes, a chosen leader will recite the first half of the prayer while other participants recite the second. In another style, recitation of the first part of the prayers is rotated among different persons while still maintaining the traditional Leader-Congregation alternation.

Saints and popes have emphasized the meditative and contemplative elements of the rosary and provided specific teachings for how the rosary should be prayed, for instance the need for "focus", "respect", "reverence" and "purity of intention" during rosary recitations and contemplations.[24] Scriptural meditations concerning the rosary are based on the Christian tradition of Lectio Divina (literally "divine reading") as a way of using the Gospel to start a conversation between the person and Christ. Padre Pio, a rosary devotee, said: "Through the study of books one seeks God; by meditation one finds him."[25] From the sixteenth century onwards, Rosary recitations often involved "picture texts" that further assisted meditation. Such imagery continues to be used to depict the Mysteries of the rosary.

Knotted prayer ropes were used in early Christianity; the Desert Fathers are said to have created the first such, using knots to keep track of the number of times they said the Jesus prayer[30] or the 150 psalms.[31]

When Penal Laws in Ireland restricted or banned the Mass, the Rosary became a substitute prayer ritual within private homes.[42] During the 18th century, de Montfort elaborated on the importance of the rosary and emphasized that it should be prayed with attention, devotion, and modesty (reverence).[43]

The theologian Romano Guardini described the Catholic emphasis on the Rosary as "participation in the life of Mary, whose focus was Christ."[36] This opinion was expressed earlier by Leo XIII who considered the rosary a way to accompany Mary in her contemplation of Christ.[47]

During the 16th century, Pope Pius V associated the rosary with the General Roman Calendar by instituting the Feast of Our Lady of Victory (later changed to Our Lady of the Rosary), which is celebrated on 7 October.[48] 2351a5e196

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