The rlogin (remote login) program was a tool for remotely using a computer over a network. It could be used to get a command-line on a remote computer. It has since been superseded by ssh. Everyone who still has rlogin enabled is encouraged to immediately disable it for important security reasons.

The main problem with rlogin was that it sent user passwords over a network in the clear, without any encryption. This meant that any attacker with access to the network could read user names and passwords from the network. It only took a few hours of programming to write the software to do this, and it was commonly done. It was called password sniffing, and it was very common in the mid 1990s.

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rlogin did support Kerberos for encryption, but at the time, Kerberos was export controlled and not widely deployed outside a few universities and government environments. Thus, in practice passwords sent using it were vulnerable.

Furthermore, rlogin supports .rhosts files for authentication. These files rely on IP addresses for authentication, and spoofing IP addresses is fairly easy. For example, any attacker on the local network can pretend to be any other host. In the past, these attacks could also be performed remotely due to predictable TCP sequence numbers.

The rlogin program does not automatically set up the user's DISPLAY environment variable for running graphical applications remotely using X11. Most researchers and power users want to run programs remotely - editing, analysis/simulation tools, etc. Especially with X terminals, such use was critically important.

SSH differed from rlogin by setting the DISPLAY environment variable automatically. This simple usability improvement was one of the major reasons why universities adopted SSH early on. It was just easier to use. Easier to teach to new students. Less support required. Just easier and more cost-effective for everyone.

The CSRG incorporated the r-commands into their Unix operating system, the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). The r-commands premiered in BSD v4.1.[2] Among the programs in the suite are: rcp (remote copy), rexec (remote execution), rlogin (remote login), rsh (remote shell), rstat, ruptime, and rwho (remote who).[2][3]

The original Berkeley package that provides rlogin also features rcp (remote-copy, allowing files to be copied over the network) and rsh (remote-shell, allowing commands to be run on a remote machine without the user logging into it).

Both rlogin and rsh share the /etc/hosts.equiv (applies to all users on the server) and $HOME/.rhosts (applies to only the user that puts the file in its home folder) access-control scheme, although they connect to different daemons. rlogin connects to rlogind, while rsh connects to rshd.hosts.equiv and .rhosts uses the same format. The following shows some aspects of the format:[12][13]

rlogin is also the name of the application layer protocol used by the software, part of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Authenticated users can act as if they were physically present at the computer. RFC 1282, in which it was defined, states: "The rlogin facility provides a remote-echoed, locally flow-controlled virtual terminal with proper flushing of output." rlogin communicates with a daemon, rlogind, on the remote host. rlogin is similar to the Telnet command, but is not as customizable and is able to connect only to Unix-like hosts.

Due to these problems, the r-commands fell into relative disuse (with many Unix and Linux distributions no longer including them by default). Many networks that formerly relied on rlogin and telnet have replaced them with SSH and its rlogin-equivalent slogin.[21][22]

In computing, rlogin is a Unix program that allows users to log in on another host using a network. rlogin uses TCP port 513. It was first distributed as part of the 4.2BSD release. rlogin is also the name of the application layer protocol used by the software, also the protocol is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Due to its serious problems, rlogin was rarely used across untrusted networks (like the public internet), and rlogin distributions are no longer included by default with many Unix and Linux distributions. Many networks which were depending on rlogin and telnet have replaced it with SSH and the rlogin secured equivalent slogin.

The rlogin command enables you to log in toa remote system. After you are logged in, you can navigate through the remotefile system and manipulate its contents (subject to authorization), copy files,or execute remote commands.

The /etc/hosts.equiv file contains a listof trusted hosts for a remote system, one per line. If a user attempts tolog in remotely (using rlogin) from one of the hosts thatis listed in this file, and if the remote system can access the user's passwordentry, the remote system allows the user to log in without a password.

When you log in to a remote system, the rlogin commandattempts to find your home directory. If the rlogin commandcan't find your home directory, it assigns you to the remote system's root(/) directory. For example:

However, if the rlogin command finds your home directory,it sources both your .cshrc and .login files.Therefore, after a remote login, your prompt is your standard login prompt,and the current directory is the same as when you log in locally.

If the operation succeeds, the rlogin command displaysbrief information about your latest remote login to that system, the versionof the operating system that is running on the remote system, and whetheryou have mail waiting for you in your home directory.

The rlogin command starts a terminal session on thespecified remote host, provided the required authenticationis successful. The remote terminal type is the same as thatgiven in the TERM local environment variable.The terminal and the window size stay the same, if the remotehost supports them, and any changes in size are transferredas need may be.

All echoing takes place at the remote site, so that the rloginis transparent except possibly for transmission delays.Flow control via C-S and C-Q, if at all supported,will stop and start the flow of data on the local terminal.Flushing of input and output on interrupts is alsohandled properly.

The primary way of accessing rlogin is using an SSH client. Linux and Macs usually come with SSH client already active. Windows users can install the client following these directions: _installing-a-supported-ssh-client

Each specific node has an IPv6 hostname of the format: If you have IPv6 access you can directly SSH to the node's IPv6 hostname. Note, that VT blocks port 22 at the border, so you will need to be on-campus or connect to the VT VPN to be able to connect.

I have a very limited knowledge of Unix, so pardon me if this is an

elementry question (but please anwser anyways).How to detect if the rlogin / rsh / telnet services are active on a

server by running some sort of script on the server using non-root

login ?I was suggested that ps can be used (ps aex | grep ) to

do this. When I tried this for ftp service (which I know for sure is

running on my linux server RH 7.1), I got nothing.The other approach that I tried was using expect, but expect i not

available on all flavours of Unix.Please advice.Thanks.Vikram Lele

When I did netstat -at | less, I did find ftp and telnet in there, so

it should help me detect these (and other) services. Its no problem

even if they are eventually blocked by the firewall. My current

requirement is to warn that rlogin / rsh etc are running.You said that ftp is often spawned from *inetd. This is indeed the

case in my server. Can I safely assume that the netstat approach will

still work ?Thanks,

Vikram wrote in message news:...

What does rlogin show up as ? I enabled rlogin (commented the disabled

= yes entry from rlogin file in /etc/xinetd.d directory and restarted

xinetd), but netstat -atp doesn't show rlogin.Am I missing something here ?- Vikram wrote in message news:...

The service name corresponding to rlogin is login (port 513). Netstat

displays the official name of the service as obtained by

getservbyport(3), which usually looks up /etc/services. You can get

netstat to display ports with the -n option, RTM.You could also use nmap with the TCP connect method to check if the

service is actually available at the specified port, after firewalling

and tcpwrappers are applied.

The security flaws in rlogin mean that it is not advisable to use if the server, the client, or the connection is located in any public network. Even if you are in your own private network that cannot be accessed by anyone else, there is nothing to lose by using SSH. Because of this, rlogin has gradually fallen to the wayside. Majority of people who need remote access use SSH or other secure protocol for the purpose.

I am wondering if the application runs or not. Because if it didn't, I think it would not display "rlogin username:" before refusing the connection. However, I cannot find any hint about a running rlogin process. lsof -i :513 is empty (port 513 is where I accidently connected to) and /etc/xinetd.d does not exist.

See the documentation for the unpwdb library. creds.[service], See the documentation for the creds library. brute.credfile, brute.delay, brute.emptypass, brute.firstonly, brute.guesses, brute.mode, brute.passonly, brute.retries, brute.start, brute.threads, brute.unique, brute.useraspass See the documentation for the brute library. Example Usage nmap -p 513 --script rlogin-brute Script Output PORT STATE SERVICE513/tcp open login| rlogin-brute:| Accounts| nmap:test - Valid credentials| Statistics|_ Performed 4 guesses in 5 seconds, average tps: 0 Requires  brute creds math nmap shortport stdnse Author:Patrik KarlssonLicense:  Same as Nmap--See -legal.html

The Synchronet RLogin module (exec/rlogin.js) is used to create an outbound proxy gateway connection between a Synchronet Terminal Server user and a remote server using the BSD Rlogin protocol (1282) over TCP (traditionally, TCP port 513). The BBS user can be connected to the host BBS using any supported terminal protocol (Telnet, RLogin, or SSH). ff782bc1db

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