Before you can display Ratings & Reviews for Stores content, you must provide Bazaarvoice with a data feed so your website can receive the review content. Bazaarvoice matches each store in the product feed with related UGC. A well-formed feed is critical for success.

Bazaarvoice recommends including the following elements to ensure Google receives a complete picture of the stores listed on your store locator pages. Use the following examples as a guide:

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Tag your store name with markup. Use one of the following lines of code, replacing StoreName with the name of the store exactly as it appears in your stores feed. Google requires similar names across schema markup.

I just got off the phone with Apple Supervision. She said what I already innately "knew": The App developer has the leeway to Black List you from leaving reviews on their product if they don't like your review. Apple phone support will NOT tell you that for some reason - I believe because Apple does NOT want them to say that to Apple customers - that your opinion is of no value and we'll delete you from the system. If you leave a 1 star review then they don't like it then you're screwed. I left me 1st review That's Apple iOS for ya. This review will 98% be deleted by Apple - Hi Apple Review Deleter guy (or girl) ... do your thing - delete negative customer experiences to create your ALTERNATIVE FACTS.

This post is old but I feel required to comment. You sir/ma'am have no idea what you're talking about. I have had PLENTY of reviews for games having ZERO profanity or vulgar language not make it to posting status. Apple immeadiatly jumps to blame my iOS version to not being compatible with the AppStore anymore somehow, which makes less sense than them being removed for vulgar language. Obviously my AppStore would not work if there was an out of date iOS issue going on. Prime example, my review for battle bay was instantly removed 4 times until I decided to write to the developer directly accusing them of removing reviews, now magically it is there out of the blue without me having to repost it? Not at all suspicious. Example 2 a recently released first person shooter game asking it's players to leave reviews, magically mine will not stick again. Why? Because I said I would give it a 0 star rating if I could. Yet, they are okay with me leaving them a blank 1 star rating? Are you sure developers don't have the right to manipulate reviews? I mean see long how they are allowed to buy reviews at free will, what is to stop them from writing their own and denying the ones they don't like?

Anyone with a store probably knows this scenario all too well. Order is delivered, customer gets review notification and had one small issue that would be easily fixable but rather than reaching out for it to be solved gives a less than ideal review. After reading the review you reach out to your customer to solve the problem and increase their satisfaction with you product. After your customer support your customer is now happier than ever and would give a 5 star review without question. So now what.....they cannot edit their review to give their whole story and show their appreciation with your customer support, and they cannot delete their review and do an updated one.

It's crazy to me that we don't even have the option to respond to reviews! When I'm shopping on a new site I always look at reviews and if there are negative ones, a polite response from the seller is reassuring to me that the issue was dealt with. I sell digital goods and sometimes customers are just not tech savvy and leave a negative review rather than reaching out when they have a problem.

Does anyone know if they are planning to update this feature so we can at the very least respond to negative reviews? Being able to delete would be helpful too. I had an unfair review that I can't delete. Customer had a damaged product that was a fluke from the printing company, sent them a new product that was not damaged, of course there's no way for the customer to update the resolution either, she makes it sound like all of them are like that and it might be hurting my sales to have that there.

Coming soon! For an improved user experience, the Amazon Appstore + Fire TV app spaces will transition to our new developer community home on Monday, January 8th. New features include refreshed knowledge base articles, searchable categories, more code snippets, developer feedback opportunities, and ongoing product announcements.

I'm a new app manager. This is my first time managing an app on the Amazon store (previous iOS and Android experience). I can see my app's reviews by going to Dashboard > Reporting > Reviews. However, I cannot reply to the reviews from there. Is this possible on the Amazon App Store? If so, what are the steps?

Exactly. Amazon's own developer blog tells their app store developers to respond to reviews yet they don't give that ability. Makes no sense. -58b1-47ab-b7da-6ad23332e04c/responding-to-customer-app-reviews

I have some reviews that state clearly false information. For example, one review consists only of "does not include ___ feature," when my app does include that feature. It really subverts a lot of my effort to have something like this published under my app store listing with no way to respond to it. How many sales have I and Amazon lost due to false information like this?

Starting July 10, 2023, merchants will experience a slight delay between the submission and publishing of new app reviews. This ensures that all reviews are automatically assessed to proactively detect and prevent potentially fake reviews from appearing in Shopify's App Store. Shopify is committed to increasing the quality and trustworthiness of reviews for all merchants. accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support, visit Thanks!

Certainly, reviews play an important part in any business it builds trust among your users. In a marketplace, store reviews are no less important than product reviews, and sometimes users will purchase from a store only when they are confident about the store!

d. Review Categories: You may also set different review rating categories for store review as well. Total rating will be auto calculated from an average of all the categories you have chosen. You can add different categories by clicking on (+) button and delete it by clicking on (x)

Similar to admin, the vendor can check individual listing of reviews of their store and product separately. Note that the only difference is, admin will have the list of all reviews in the store, and vendors can only see the reviews related to his/her store and product. Following is the image of the button which allows the vendors to switch over to product review list or store review list.

Action buttons: Unlike admin, vendors are allowed only to approve or disapprove a review for their store/product. They cannot delete a review and that ability is only provided to admin.

 Admin can control the review module for vendors/Staffs/managers globally, by group or individually by managing the capabilities of the same via capability module. You can set it from here: Goto Admin Dashboard -> Capability-> Marketplace settings

One can also disable the entire review module with a click from here : Goto Admin Dashboard -> Settings -> Modules -> Store Review. Turn OFF the options for disabling the review module entirely.

The RequestRateAndReviewAppAsync API can be used to solicit ratings and reviews from users without leaving your app. If you want to open the rating and review page for your app in the Microsoft Store, use the LaunchUriAsync method.

Back in May, our store had two negative reviews. Actually, one of those was supposedly a positive review, because the customer gave 5 stars, but it was really a negative because it mentioned that the item they received was damaged in transit. The review was as follows: [This content has been removed by Moderation. We ask that you please review Section 1, Item 1 of our Community Policies prior to posting.] I would dispute the "packaging wasn't the greatest" part. The other negative review we received was a 2 star, and read: [This content has been removed by Moderation. We ask that you please review Section 1, Item 1 of our Community Policies prior to posting.] Which wasn't true, the description for the missal made no such claim, and it was explicitly stated that the missal was from 1964.

Now, you might be wondering: "You had two negative reviews back in May, now it's August, and you've had many positive reviews since then. So why are these two specific reviews such a problem?" Well, every time a customer clicks on an item in our store, one or both of these negative reviews are displayed on the listing page. This despite the fact that we've had 75 five star reviews since the damaged musical rocker review.

So, as you can see, old negative reviews that haunt your store forever can be a serious problem here on Etsy. Because it can be pretty hard to sell anything when potential customers see negativity every time they click on one of your items. I don't believe the endless negativity is justified, and it needs to end. What I believe Etsy should do is allow its sellers to pick and choose which positive reviews get displayed on the listing page. Otherwise the doldrums we're currently in may never end.

Those reviews have a year to haunt you. They will always be there but they only count for your stars for a year before they fall away. You did get to be able to respond to them at the time and set things right from your perspective.

I wandered around your shop.. the only review I saw was the 2* one.. it would not stop me from buying from your shop... and as you said you have had positive reviews since so it has not stopped people from buying from your shop. ff782bc1db

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