I disagree strongly about Syncthing, at least for the platforms I use and my workflow. For example, Syncthing for Android still can't write to microSD cards (something Resilio Sync has been able to do from day 1) in 2021. My Note9 has a 400 GB microSD card I sync data to and from, so that's a critical feature to me.

As a heavy Resilio Sync user (it's the backbone for my workflow) across Android (arm64), Windows 10 (amd64), Ubuntu (amd64), Debian (amd64), Raspberry Pi OS (arm64), and FreeBSD (amd64) (11 devices total), I'm not aware of any bugs at all. Follow the extensive documentation and/or search the forum and you should be fine. The most common difficulty I see is people trying to sync multiple large folders with different content. The best way to do that is put all the content you want in one folder and sync to an empty target, as well as ensure any new folder used to connect to an existing folder be empty upon initial connection.

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Resilio continues to function on M1 Macs but it stands out as a high consumer of both CPU and battery. I rarely see it drop below 4% CPU, and it's often using much more CPU than that. This is when there is no disk activity whatsoever in any of the folders that it syncs (on the local or remote machines). At least according to Activity Monitor, the only process that provides any real competition for energy consumption is Time Machine.

I've always been an advocate of Resilio and have been using the software productively since BTsync v1.4.111. That was the first really good version of BTsync / Resilio. So I've been an active user of Resilio for years. I have also some licenses.

Resilio always installs the user "rslsync" on a Synology. So far up to DSM 6, this has been included in the group of administrators. This meant that no extra permissions were required because the admin has access to everything one way or another. With DSM 7 this is no longer possible. Therefore, the named user is stored as a Internal system user. To assign the rights to this, proceed as follows:

Control Panel > Shared Folders > Edit Folder > Permissions tab > Dropdown "Internal system user" > choose the user "rslsync", check "Read / Write" > Save.

Systemsteuerung > Freigegebene Ordner > Ordner bearbeiten > Registerkarte Berechtigungen > Dropdown "Interner Systembenutzer" > Benutzer "rslsync" auswhlen, "Lesen / Schreiben" aktivieren > Speichern.

Resilio Sync (formerly BitTorrent Sync) by Resilio, Inc. is a proprietary peer-to-peer file synchronization tool available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Amazon Kindle Fire and BSD. It can sync files between devices on a local network, or between remote devices over the Internet via a modified version of the BitTorrent protocol.

On 5 November 2013, BitTorrent announced the release of BitTorrent Sync Beta API and version 1.2 of the client, along with the milestone, having over 1 million monthly active users synced over 30 petabytes of data to date.[9]

Resilio Sync synchronizes files using BitTorrent.[19] The user's data is stored on the user's local device instead of in a "cloud", therefore requiring at least two user devices, or "nodes," to be online to synchronize files between them. Resilio Sync encrypts data with an Advanced Encryption Standard AES-128 key in counter mode which may either be randomly generated or set by the user. This key is derived from a "secret" which can be shared to other users to share data. Data is sent between devices directly unless the target device is unreachable (e.g. behind a firewall), in which case the data will first be relayed via an intermediary node. Many devices can be connected simultaneously and files shared between them in a mesh networking topology.

Hello, Ive installed Resilio Sync using the below link. I did the basic configuration and I can access the 8888 webgui successfully. The local user created is rslsync (with group same name), that is different from the Web Gui user.

The server I installed Resilio, is a production CPANEL server, and the idea is to have all Cpanel accounts and server configs backed up in another location (syncd), without the need to use CPANEL backup function (that does not support syncing yet)

The problem is that resilio sync cant access each account of Cpanel (folders and subfolders), nor server configurations as it have their own user/group for each account in system. I dont want to change each folder permissions with chmod with risk to brake CPANEL.

I have a computer in the office (always on) and a computer at home.

Right now I'm synchronizing some data and on Resilio I find the message that the Relay server is used.

So, according to the guide from resilio:

1. https: Do you use some kind of content filtering at your office by using a proxy server? If not, then nothing to do here.

2./3. In your Resilio Sync settings, "advanced" there's a port. You have to forward this port (both TCP and UDP) to your local computer IP, on both networks.

I'm looking for data about what Resolio Sync can do that syncthing cannot. After fighting with Resilio for more than two years, I'm finally ready to move on to something else, but don't have a lot of time to spend fiddling with stuff, I need something that works out of the box.

My issue is the files in stage 1-3 get moved through the stages and resilio isn't able to see outside of its individual share, so in effect, if I move 500GB of photos from stage 1_New to stage 2_Import, this results in 500GB being deleted from the first sync and then re-sync'd via the sync sync. Obviously that's a waste of bandwidth.

After a bit of fiddling around I discovered resilio won't show any container path unless it's a child of the primary hostpath /sync. So in the below screenshot, I had to nest the extra host paths under /sync/photos/ in order to have them appear. (Actually I first tried manipulating the sync.conf file to do it another way and that worked but is messy and don't recommend it to anyone stumbling upon this)

Before I'm confident, I still have to test whether it will sync properly with a small test folder locally. Resilio's own business support told me it wasn't possible so I'll report back if it's all running smoothly. (They also said syncing files from difference logical disks isn't possible but here we are (Unraid), so I take what they say with some salt)

Just a quick note on your configuration above. Unless necessary its usually not recommended to map the entire array into a docker container (Host Path 2: /mnt/user -> /sync). Usually its preferable to give a container access to only the paths that it really needs, this improves security and lows the risk of an application accidentally touching files it shouldnt. With sync programs like RisilioSync it can be kind of a hassle to first map the individual directories you want to sync in docker and then select them in the applications, which is why some choose to just map everything.

It appears there may be a small visual bug with the way I've set things up currently (as per my previous post) because Resilio now says there's ~200k files needing to be sync'd, but isn't syncing them (because they're already there)... Gotta leave it for a few more days to see if it clears up.

If this idea fails I'll probably just have to create a single share "off cache" for the resilio sync and then do a local sync to another on-cache share of just the folders/files I want to be working on

I am not quite sure i understand this. Assuming that what i first suggested works then it should be possible to only map the individual shares you need to sync (i.e. /mnt/user/3_Processed-> /sync/3_Processed) rather than map the entire array (i.e. /mnt/user -> /sync). Again its not really critical, I just wanted to make clear that i was suggesting mapping all shares individually and removing the blanket mapping.

Hmm, yeah I think I know what you're getting at... it would be a pain to setup because I would effectively have to add every mapped folder I want to sync to, but that's at least a one time setup. Currently I'm waiting to see if the UI file-transfer bug I mentioned earlier goes away before trying anything else. ff782bc1db

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