Configuration Manager allows you to connect to client computers using Configuration Manager Remote Control. Before you begin to use remote control, ensure that you review the information in the following articles:

Select the computer that you want to remotely administer and then, in the Home tab, in the Device group, choose Start > Remote Control.

Download Remote Control Viewer

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If the client setting Prompt user for Remote Control permission is set to True, the connection does not initiate until the user at the remote computer agrees to the remote control prompt. For more information, see Configuring remote control.

Users at the remote computer can view more information about the remote control session when they click the Configuration Manager Remote Control icon. The icon is in the Windows notification area or the icon on the remote control session bar.

The remote control viewer is supported on all operating systems that are supported for the Configuration Manager console. For more information, see Supported configurations for Configuration Manager consoles and Prerequisites for remote control.

IT colleagues today have noticed that remote control viewer appears to have a weird bug where the mouse pointer is offset to the right by 80-100~ pixels once connected when user has multiple displays, which as you can imagine is really quite frustrating to use!

The remote control viewer is supported on all operating systems that are supported for the Configuration Manager console. For information, see Supported configurations for Configuration Manager consoles.

To access collection resources and to start a remote control session from the Configuration Manager console, your account needs the Read, Read Resource, and Remote Control permissions for the Collection object.

Permitted viewers must be given permission to use remote control by adding these users to the Permitted viewers of Remote Control and Remote Assistance list in the Remote Tools client settings.

Remote tools aren't supported for clients that are connected remotely. For example, you can't remote control a client that communicates with the site through a cloud management gateway (CMG). For more information about the network ports required for remote tools, see Ports used in Configuration Manager.

Security is our top priority at SysAid when running our remote support software. Once a remote support control request is initiated by a SysAid agent, the connection is made within a fully encrypted session to an authorized requestor. There are additional security features that we include to ensure your privacy is fully protected. Such as including built-in authentication methods to protect against attacks, having no required open ports on the end-user side, and logging all remote control sessions in the asset activity log for auditing.

Ivanti Endpoint Manager 2018.1 introduced a fast and modern HTML5 WebSockets (WS) remote control engine. It uses a new browser-based viewer container that is preconfigured to securely manage your remote connections. Remote control WS sessions are initiated through a connection to the core server. Once the core authenticates the session, the local and remote devices communicate directly with each other.

To use remote control WS, in the network view or network map, right-click the device you want and click Remote Control. The viewer will launch, authenticate your session, and begin remote control.

Users being remote controlled will see a green border around the edges of their screen. If the Floating desktop icon option is enabled in the remote control agent settings, that will appear on both the local and remote device screens.

The viewer window has additional controls at the bottom. A Resolution button that enables\disables scaling, and a Close button that ends the session and returns you to the remote control WS viewer login page.

As of 2020.1 SU1, the Full screen button toggles a full-screen view, and Alt+Tab passthrough when in full screen mode works on Chrome-based browsers, including the new version of Microsoft Edge. With this release you can also use a Windows host's Input Method Editor to create text in other languages on a remote device that is also running Windows.

When multiple analysts are using remote control with the same non-console session, there is an additional issue to be aware of. If the analyst who initiated that session minimizes their remote control window to the task bar, any other remote control viewers connected to that same session will see a black screen and they won't be able to interact with the remote mouse and keyboard until the session initiator restores the minimized window. This is a Windows limitation.

File transfer lets you download files from the target or upload files to the target. Once you've connected, you can click the file transfer button to open the file transfer dialog box. You will see a list of available drive letters on the target. Double-clicking a drive letter will start browsing the remote file system on that drive.

You can remotely execute programs on the target. If you execute a command that runs in a command prompt or PowerShell, the RCViewer application will capture the output from that command so you can view it later. If you execute a command that launches a Windows application, that application will launch and no output will be captured.

If the target desktop won't fit in the viewer window, the viewer reduces the desktop magnification so that it will. If your viewer window is a lot smaller than the target's resolution, this makes the target's text and user interface smaller.

If you want to see the target desktop at it's native resolution without scaling, you can toggle resolution scaling on or off with the Resolution button . You may have to use the scroll bars to view portions of the desktop that don't fit in the viewer window.

Smart Card support requires a remote control Smart Card driver on managed devices. This driver allows Smart Card communication through remote control. Windows still handles the actual Smart Card authentication.

The remote control Smart Card driver isn't installed by default. Once it is installed on a device with a Smart Card reader and you remote control that device, you'll see a Smart Card button you can click on the remote control toolbar to enable or disable Smart Card integration. When the viewer inserts a Smart Card and clicks this button, it will be as if the viewer was inserting it at the remote device.

I am unable to locate a remote control viewer within the embedded web support. For example, on our Workcentre machines we have the abillity to remotely control the machine. Is this possible for the Prime Link, and where can I locate that feature?

So I found the special keys configuration in the Mac system preferences > keyboard > special keys. Here I don't manage to make any settings since the remote keyboard (= VNC connection) is not recognised - the system state is "no keyboard connected".

Remote Control allows IT Pros to view and control a Microsoft Windows session, regardless of whether a user is logged in or not. Connect to the endpoint with Remote Control when you need to assist a user while they are logged in. Remote Control is available when the endpoint is connected to a campus network (including the VPN).

Connect to a remote desktop from anywhere over a secure connection using the Full Control and View mode. View the remote screen, move the remote mouse pointer and send keystrokes. Use the toolbar at the top of the remote control window to run other tasks.

Send and receive files to/from a remote desktop using the File Transfer mode with a classic two-pane file manager interface. You can open multiple remote computers in tabs. Drag and drop is also supported.

Enable two-step verification for ultimate protection. You can generate a time-based token and add it to Google Authenticator or a similar app. When you start a remote session Remote Utilities will ask you for a one-time password (OTP).

Easily integrate Remote Utilities into your AD environment. Add domain controllers, push-install Host across your AD network and create a schedule for importing AD computers into Remote Utilities address book.

Pros: This small apps is easy to install and use. Very suitable for various networking type such as home, small office and enterprises. It has almost complete feature that you need such as remote desktop, file transfer, keyboard/mouse lock and even shutdown/restart the remote PC.

Pros: This was extremely easy to set up. It is the perfect remote in solution for small businesses, because it is free for the first 10 endpoints. We didn't have any hiccups getting this installed and running. It worked exacly as you would expect.

Cons: It feels a bit old thoughout the UI, but don't think for a second that it's outdated. This thing is packed with the features you would need to access other computers, servers remotely.

Pros: We know what we are looking for in remote support software but "Remote Utilities" offers a wide range of options that highlight it over others, such as: + possibility to record in video the entire remote session + possibility to manage which type of session to use according to the quality or speed of the internet connection (even lower the video quality to 2bits or in black and white) + different modes of connection, from total control, only see, control of the windows registry, tasks and services, inventory manager (see features of the pc only, that is, the session will only bring this information and nothing else) + the so required drag and drop function to access the clipboard in a simple and easy way

Overall: Being able to offer my customers a remote support solution for minimal to no cost as a startup business, until I can afford a more expensive solution with better feature sets. I can still offer the features of the big guys for little to no additional cost to my business. 2351a5e196

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