The Bush management agenda did just that, creating a framework with such clear performance measures, transparency and individual accountability that it stunned some government leaders at the time who were used to a much murkier environment by which their success or failure would be evaluated. The Bush management agenda was marked by quarterly, publicly released scores (red, yellow, or green) to denote agency progress toward addressing important management challenges. In one dramatic incident, which demonstrates just how seriously these scores were taken, a policy official threatened to do bodily harm to a surprised Office of Management and Budget examiner if a red grade on human capital management was not immediately changed to green.

Agencies have greater insight into the root causes of improper payments than ever before. The drive to migrate back-office functions to shared services centers is embodied in the cross agency performance goal, Sharing Quality Services, and the OMB memorandum, Centralized Mission Support Capabilities for the Federal Government. Because the government is the largest landowner in the world, real property management improvement efforts have continued unabated. Last year, agencies reduced their office and warehouse space by 3.87 million square feet and avoided costs of $66 million. And because the Bush administration first launched governmentwide employee engagement surveys, agencies are making targeted efforts to improve employee satisfaction and retention.

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One of the major lasting improvements that emerged during the Bush presidency was in the area of government transparency. Not only were quarterly scorecards published electronically, but the 2006 Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act required agencies for the first time to post financial transactions monthly on The depth, accuracy, and analysis of this massive data source has improved steadily since it was first made available.

We wanted to find out what effect reminiscence therapy (RT) has on people with dementia. In particular, we were interested in effects on quality of life, communication, cognition (the general ability to think and remember), mood, daily activities and relationships. We were also interested in any effects on carers.

We found no effect of RT on family carers other than a suggestion that it made carers slightly more anxious in two large studies of joint reminiscence work. In this type of RT, the carers and the people with dementia were both directly involved in the reminiscence sessions.

Little evidence has emerged regarding the characteristics of people with dementia that might be associated with better outcomes, with the exception of the suggestion that reminiscence has a stronger effect on QoL in a care home context, as opposed to community settings. There clearly are differences between studies in the extent (and direction of changes) demonstrated by the high levels of heterogeneity evident in several analyses. However, many of these differences are yet to be explained. Some studies included only people with AD; others only recruited people with VD; others included any form of dementia. No clear differences in outcomes related to dementia type emerged from the analyses undertaken, and similarly there were few indications of the effects of dementia severity.

Subramaniam 2012 focused on individual reminiscence work, identifying five RCTs, three of which were included in the current review. They concluded that there was a consistent pattern emerging, with those studies offering 'individual reminiscence work that includes a life review process, uses specific memory triggers and results in the production of a life story book' having positive psychosocial outcomes for people with dementia. In contrast, where reminiscence was more general, evidence for efficacy was not apparent. Unfortunately, there are still insufficient studies of integrative reminiscence work to confirm this early conclusion.

Testad 2014 reported a broader review relating to people with dementia in care homes, with RT included as one of several psychosocial interventions. They included six studies involving RT, most of which did not meet the inclusion criteria for the current review (e.g. three were not RCTs). The authors concluded that reminiscence was associated with improved mood, but there was no consistent evidence regarding other outcomes.

The lack of participation in the two UK studies of joint reminiscence work suggests that consideration should be given to offering it as one of a number of approaches, as participation does not appear to be valued by a significant number of people with dementia and carers. Where it is offered, benefits beyond the 'in the moment' enjoyment of a shared social group experience, should not be anticipated as general outcomes.

There has been increasing interest in digital reminiscence work (e.g. Subramaniam 2010; Subramaniam 2016), but to date there have been no studies meeting the criteria for inclusion in the current review. This is clearly an area where more research is justified, in developing the intervention and then delineating its effects.

With a project fetching such high reviews, it is hard not to be optimistic about the projects of classes to come. The discovery of new angles of local government make the course more enriching, interactive, and fun.

But this year, the Mexican government broadcasted a view of the plaza adorned with massive displays of light and fire. These were meant to remember those lost to the pandemic, El Universal reported. 

Acharya is the leader of the BJD parliamentary party in Rajya Sabha. His remarks are significant as the BJD is seen as a fence sitter which has, however, on many occasions sided with the government when it came to passage of crucial Bills.

Vice President's Remarks at a Breakfast Meeting of the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue

Shangri La Hotel

Sydney, Australia


 White House News 

 7:59 A.M. (Local)THE VICE PRESIDENT: I'm delighted to be back.We've tried anumber of times, scheduled return visits when I've been Vice President,but business has been such that we haven't gotten here -- this time.But I'm just reminiscing today, looking down on the harbor one ofmy prior trips was the 50th anniversary of the Coral Sea Anniversary, Iguess, the Coral Sea Celebration must have been '92. And we brought theIndependence, the aircraft carrier and the entire battle group fromJapan down and had a week-long celebration. It was a great trip. Iperiodically run into people who still remember it in person. It wasfun to come back and reminisce on that.Obviously, there's great work to be done. And we're doing a lot ofit. We'll talk about that later this morning.END 8:00 A.M. (Local) Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend  AfghanistanAfricaBudget ManagementDefenseEconomyEducationEnergyEnvironmentGlobal DiplomacyHealth CareHomeland SecurityImmigration International TradeIraq Judicial Nominations Middle EastNational SecurityVeteransmore issues NewsCurrent NewsPress BriefingsProclamationsExecutive OrdersRadioSetting the Record Straightmore newsNews by DateFebruary 2007 | January 2007 | December 2006 | November 2006  | October 2006 | September 2006 | August 2006 | July 2006 | June 2006 | May 2006 | April 2006 | March 2006 | February 2006 | January 2006 | December 2005 | November 2005 | October 2005 | September 2005 | August 2005 | July 2005 | June 2005 | May 2005 | April 2005 | March 2005 | February 2005 | January 2005 | December 2004 | November 2004 | October 2004 | September 2004 | August 2004 | July 2004 | June 2004 | May 2004 | April 2004 | March 2004 | February 2004 | January 2004 | December 2003 | November 2003 | October 2003 | September 2003 | August 2003 | July 2003 | June 2003 | May 2003 | April 2003 | March 2003 | February 2003 | January 2003 | December 2002 | November 2002 | October 2002 | September 2002 | August 2002 | July 2002 | June 2002 | May 2002 | April 2002 | March 2002 | February 2002 | January 2002 | December 2001 | November 2001 | October 2001 | September 2001 | August 2001 | July 2001 | June 2001 | May 2001 | April 2001 | March 2001 | February 2001 | January 2001AppointmentsNominationsFederal Facts | Federal StatisticsWest Wing | History

[ERS 50th Anniversary Video: Dr. Willard Cochrane and Dr. John Schnittker played key roles in establishing ERS, and in shepherding its early years. Here, they reminisce and envision the future. Transcript]

The Burmans went about this work with an air of relaxed friendliness. They readily engaged in conversation with us, expressing cynicism about their government. One tourism official recalled fondly the parliamentary system that prevailed during the first decade of independence. Then the socialists took over, and they were more interested in building pagodas and golf courses than roads and rice paddies. But the complaining seemed almost good-natured, the problems part of their kharma but not really disturbing their inner harmony. 17dc91bb1f

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