Like most all "free" iOS games, in-game currency is required to actually get things done in RR3. And like other free iOS games, you can win the in-game currency by playing the game, or you can buy it with real world dollars.

Gold coins are much harder to earn, as you only get them for completing portions of racing events within a racing series, and for certain other special activities. Here was my reward for finishing a portion of an event in the NASCAR series, for example:

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Hence, to "win" the game (complete all the series, own all the cars, have them all fully upgraded), you really do have to spend real world money, or invest a lot of time playing RR3. (You get a total of 100 gold coins per month, assuming you play the game at least once every day of the month. Miss one day, and it resets.)

Not all cars are the same, though; this one is a high-end racing car. So let's further assume that all the upgrades on a more normal-tiered vehicle could be done for 350 gold coins. Looking at the acquisition cost of the 13 new cars I can see, roughly 30% are "normal" and 70% are "high end."

Hi could you please walk me thru this lucky patcher I tried down load it once and it was in another language and I just could not get it to work!! I tried all the links in the utube videos and they are bogus or I'm an idiot!? I love this game but cannot afford the 4.99 pack let alone anything else and I'm at stand still on most of my levels cause I can't purchase the cars neccesary to play them, I'd really appreciate it, my name's Mike 206you could call or text me or 415email me2390 and mikeycapenter at that place Gmail ? thank you!!

I believe you; I think I was up to 80 or so cars before I got so frustrated by the massive time commitment that I looked for other ways to play. However, I don't think you can "complete" the game without spending real world dollars. And by complete I mean owning every car, every car with max upgrades, and all events completed. The longer you play, the harder it is to earn gold coins, because your primary method of doing that (completing events) is gone, as you've completed most events. So you're left with winning gold through weekly trials, etc.

I am playing RR3 for more than 3 years now (or ist 4 years already;)), played almost 1600 hours, earned over 28'000 Gold coins and don't know what to do with the over 30 millions R$.I'm on Level 352 and never spent real Money (but invested a lot of time).

Before Real Racing, I'd never really played any of these "free" games monetized with IAP (with restricted resources and game delays to encourage you to make IAPs). I was also used to games where the goal is to "complete". But I saw my boyfriend playing it and it looked so good so I picked it up last year. It was a shock to see that this game wasn't much fun played with a strict 100% completion goal. And like you, I found it frustrating and, well, the $ outlay required insulting! And then I found the rr3 wikia community.

Seeing the cold hard math made me step back and ask: what is really fun, for me, about the game? Honestly, it's the gorgeous visuals, realistic feel, and trying to get better. I don't need all the cars or all the cars upgraded, or even to complete all the events or series. When I let go of the goal of "completion" I started having lots of fun for cheap. I do require regular fresh content though -- and RR3 delivers that at my level of casual play -- I'll never catch up or run out of content if they keep pumping it out like they are.

I almost never farm (10 laps of LeMans? How boring! I only have a 4 lapper open and I'll only sometimes do it for the fame/RS on bonus days only, and even then I'll often skip it -- it's about maximizing fun, not maximizing gold. So even 15 min of a track I don't particularly like? Forget it). Sure, I watch 5 videos for 5 coins a day but not more, 30+, forget it! Like you said, the daily check-in bonus gives about 100GC/month (I'm not 'elite' where they double it), oh, and if you miss it doesn't 'reset' you just miss out on the last day's bonus (30 GC, tho!). I level up about three times a month for 75 coin bonus. So, without wasting time farming, I can get about 325 coins a month, sometimes more if there is a really fun limited time series or event and I level up more. A few months ago I did buy the $20 378 coin pack (where they give you 18 coins a day for 21 days). And I use itunes credit that I usually buy at a discount, so actual cost was less than that.

But players who play it for fun than playing it to win will really "win" with Real Racing 3 the graphics are awesome with on point sound effects, and just about everything is polished to perfection in the game.

I am at level 199 wth 140 of the current 199 cars. My observations are these; 1- yes play for fun life is too short, and time too precious, and money better spent elsewhere. Stay away from the real time races with real time opponents, once they see you are doing well they simply cheat making the whole thing utterly pointless. Try not to get angry when you realize that one upgrade you need to end an event or start another costs 200-500 coin...programmers are bastards. Many times you will take a corner in the same car at the same speed, on the same trajectory and find something completely different are not in the real world driving against the universe just a game driving against the guys who designed it. Take a walk, read a book, play with your kid.

I've spent 1644 hours in the game (most of the time it was just my mobile turned on and lying somewhere), reached level 138 and acquired 127 out of 209 cars. I didn't pay a dime, however I found out, that this game is addictive in a worst, drug-like, way. My wife was angry that I'm constantly clicking on ads, or racing from time to time - daily. I've almost dropped the game completely afterwards.

 But now quick math:

 You got 100 gold monthly, can click 5 times daily to have roughly 150 gold from the ads - 250 in total. Last update added 5 cars & one for free (wow! - there must have been a mistake!), average updates cost in order to get all those cars was circa 2300 gold. You could get additional gold for winning, but anyway you had to spent more than $200 to do all that. For just ONE DAMNED UPDATE!

 Update comes once every 1.5 months (roughly). If you do the math... It's NOT POSSIBLE to acquire all new cars from each update without paying a lot of real money. And what about a bunch of cars added in the past? How you can get them?

 In the country I live (central Europe) about $1300 - $1500 salary net is a nice one, and above the average (mind you that prices for some stuff are lower than in US). Now spending at least $100 monthly just on ONE, old, mobile game?!

 I've recently bought Skyrim for instance. For about $10 - brand new - no extra payments. You can legally buy GRID or DIRT for about $10 each. And many more.

 Honestly... I have a rule of thumb: each and every EA game I've ever played (excluding FIFA 99 & NFS MW) was pirated. Because screw them and their wicked politics, extra payments, DLCs, broken economics, and money-leeching.


 I'm only wondering (after reading your comments guys), why are we all wasting SO MUCH time and sometimes real money for old, boring and repetitive game?

 Screw that - I'm going to spend more time with my daughter...

Great article. Speaking as a sad 64 year old child, this confirms what I have suspected for years. In short, a beautiful game to look at BUT as long as us mugs are prepared to fork out real world cash for a game, EA will be laughing all the way to the bank. Being an old Scotsman with short arms and deep pockets, I only spent about 20 on IAP before I worked out how many deep fried Mars Bars I could buy instead. I still play every day but would NEVER part with a penny to continue playing.

I've played this game for almost 200 hours and haven't spent a dime. If your intent on having all the expensive cars, yeah, you'll need spend, but if your playing casually, you can enjoy this game a hour or so a day, and never give them your money. there isn't a better racing game for mobile devices out there.

Hi from the Philippines. Yes, the game is too much in real money and non-US players suffer too much if they want to level up. Some invest time to cheat or invest time to play it, like getting addicted to it. But for me as a casual player, I just re-installed it and hoping it will have a qualifying lap or practice run yet they don't add it. I just want to enjoy the game. Yet EA guys are crazy about money.

I am quite agreed with maths in the article (getting gold coins are damnately difficult and spending them ridiculously easy). But... is that the only possible valuation? The end of the game? I think not. I played hundreds hours for free, got 1 hundred + cars, many of them top or very singular and expensive. I spent no real money. The proposal of EA is real racing. Do you think real racing is cheap in real world? You think you can buy any race car you want? Hiring a F4 for a season is over $ 200,000 (without broken parts) and it is one of cheaper formulas. So I think you must enjoy and dont worry about finishing the game. I would like it would never finish

I have just started playing the game.. nor i have seen all the cars i have to unlock... or niether the events... if i go through your economics... i will definitely stop playing from this moment... but if i think that.. okk not all cars or all events i can play... but may be its about your passion for the sports... like in real life... a billionaire will also not purchase all of the supercars or high end racing cars or what u say all the gold cars... its just a passion to play.. to race with other people around the world.. i think...

 Thanks anyways.. i got it not to go for calculations ... and spend as much as little real money on the game....

The whole business model of many a "Free to download!" game is based on the simple fact that there is a very small number of people who can afford to pay utterly ludicrous amounts of 'real world' money to advance in the game, and will. I have read of people who'll dump $10,000 dollars into them. ff782bc1db

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