Annoyingly, I usually have to restart GNOME to be able to see applications with desktop items in the list of applications and gnome-shell search. Does gnome-tweaks launch from the command-line? (Or you could try to restart GNOME.)

What that command does is renames your Home Configuration directory as a Back up of your current configurations.

This will cause your system to create a new ~/.config directory that is set to the system defaults.

Log out - then back in. Or just reboot.

Test if gnome-tweaks settings are being saved.

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The package was renamed to gnome-tweaks with GNOME 3.26 (Ubuntu 17.10), but it continues to provide gnome-tweak-tool as a transitional package, which can safely be removed (is used for those who upgrade), as you can see here: +source/gnome-tweaks/3.28.1-1

At some point, I got ahold of a sales tape by Fred Herman, who years ago was a huge sales guru. In 30 minutes, he taught me a whole new definition of selling that enabled me to look only for those who would want to buy my product and not to pester the rest. In a few months, that philosophy turned me into a sales superstar, a #1 Sales Manager out of 70 sales managers for seven years, VP of Sales with 650 sales reps, and today considered by some as a world expert on selling. Tiny tweaks did, in fact, lead to a big change.

Thank you, David (and Amy), for educating me and hopefully reminding the readers of this blog that tiny tweaks can indeed create huge change. I will continue to believe that being forever in search of small things can ensure that we get better each day. It is a formula for success that has, and always will, work.

To address this, the Oxfam WASH team has developed a series of communications tools that seek to promote best practices in sanitation, and ultimately to provide universal guidance for the benefit of the sector. See

In conclusion, these tweaks work great for people plagued with low gpu utilization. If however your gpu is already fully utilized by skyrim (rare for vanilla) then these tweaks will have no effect for you. Additionally for people who plan to mod their games graphics way beyond ultra, and not use open cities in their load order these tweaks become pointless.

Getting back to the above tweaks, especially the Actor and Object fade distances. This is an awkward position because essentially anyone with a strong video card is likely to play at ultra, but at the same time its those same people that could benefit from the tweaks. Do you think something could be added that informs users of the impact of these tweaks? It took me several hours to find these and think all users who play at high/ultra should be aware of the option.

When creating a new member record I need to give the logged in person the opportunity to create a member record for themselves (if they don't already have one). If they chose this option then the logged in person's "Profile" info should auto-fill the new member form. To facilitate this I am capturing and serializing the logged in user's Profile info and am passing it to the CBV MemberCreate method. This method renders the Member Create form using django-widget-tweaks and its render_field method, a la:

I decided to go another way. I am still using widget-tweaks but I am not trying to use render_field in this way anymore. I am serializing the data that would be placed in the data- elements and placing the JSON version in a hidden form field. I am letting javascript deal with it now.

I will be going over why I do this and which tweaks I feel help. They will be separated into Best, Other, GPU, and Tin Foil. Best are just the best, Other are ones that I do not deem too necessary, GPU are just AMD GPU settings, and Tin Foil are ones I feel is too difficult to determine whether if it's placebo or not. Please keep in mind, almost all of these tweaks have a link associated with the tweak/line. Also keep in mind that this is ongoing research, there is very little to no research at all on this topic besides several youtubers and forums and everything is always subject to change. This guide is meant to bring all the best tweaks together and test them out so feedback is much appreciated.

I have lived with input lag on my Ryzen build for 2 years but had IL(Input Lag) for 4 years due to windows 10. I had no clue why I had so much IL in all of my games and desktop compared to my previous FX and Athlon builds and after 2 years of research I have found some tweaks that can help. tag_hash_108 I am using the same setup: mouse, 144hz monitor, room, outlet as my previous setups so I can feel the performance differences.

Obviously I do not have access to a 1000fps camera like Tech Yes City or Battle Nonsense but I can feel IL differences along with others and it matches people's research to who do have 1000fps cameras. This led me on the long journey to find all the best tweaks possible to get back my mojo. Now this entire Abstract was focused on hardware input lag, which is an entirely different beast in itself, but now it's time to talk about all the things you can do software wise.

A lot of the stuff you posted is truly good, its just a ton of info that goes crazy in depth and is very specific while some of these tweaks seem to hurt some systems idk... I was just looking at some of the reddit posts. I'm also worried about whether some of this stuff is truly good, like with evidence supporting it.

I need somewhere to house small tweaks and modifications that don't actually need a whole post. I don't have that many but I figured it'll help organize. Most of them currently have their own pages but that might change.

I had somewhat of the same problem. I installed a data pack and a crafting tweak pack and put them both into my data pack folder (I'm on a mac) I went into my world and the crafting tweak was working but the vanilla tweaks were not, I saw an issue with the way the vanilla tweak was working. On the crafting tweak, when I unzipped the file everything in the file was under a separate folder called data and already unzipped (if that makes sense). On the other hand the vanilla tweak when I unzipped it, inside was just unzipped files that i had to manually unzip. I think this is causing my problem and I am looking for a fix.

Ok, so I went on the world and saw that both data packs are enabled but I believe that still will not work, I went on the enabled list and it said vanilla tweaks enabled. Sorry for all the questions and such but I really wanna get this working.

The resource packs of Vanilla Tweaks go in the resourscepacks' folder (C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks), while crafting tweaks go in the datapacks folder of your world (C:\Users\[USER]AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\[Any World]\datapacks).

Users with large Nagios installations may benefit from the use_large_installation_tweaks configuration option. Enabling this option allows the Nagios daemon to take certain shortcuts which result in lower system load and better performance.

"There's tweaks that we can make that can fundamentally make it easier for European countries to participate and, or be on their own, but that is something that is a matter to be worked out," the American president said. "I never intended to exclude folks who were cooperating with us. That was not the intention. We're back in business, Europe is back in business. And we are going to continue to create manufacturing jobs in America, but not at the expense of Europe."

In order to for example disable the behavior that selects the contents of the address bar on first click, or to allow to double click the URL to select it in full, see user contributed scripts such as -omni-tweaks

I personally have this option enabled always and I think this should be on by default. Furthermore I think this option can be removed and the default behaviour can be just remembering the tweaks. Does anyone disable this option and what is the use case they have for this. What do you people think about this?

Are there any other options in the settings or any other place that you think will be good to have enabled by default and can be removed from the UI? I know having an option is always a good thing, but I also think we can do some spring cleaning and inch towards making the UI a bit less overwhelming to new users. Not that it is that much over whelming but it helps when you have to make few tweaks and get started. 2351a5e196

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