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Police set up a corridor outside the Convention Center entrance, separating the two sides. Following the rally, there were more shouting matches as demonstrators confronted Trump supporters leaving the building,

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On Aug. 12, 2017, a \"Unite the Right\" rally in Charlottesville turned deadly when a 20-year-old Ohio man allegedly accelerated his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and leaving 19 others injured, five critically.

Charlottesville, best known for being home to the state university created by Thomas Jefferson, may seem like an unusual choice for a heated battle involving neo-Nazis, but there was a reason that \"Unite the Right\" organizers chose the town for their rally.

Permits for protests have been granted in different parts of Washington D.C., with the organizers of the original \"Unite the Right\" rally planning to march from a nearby Metro station to a demonstration in Lafayette Square Park, directly opposite the White House.

Trump supporters clash with police and security forces as they try to storm the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. Demonstrators breached security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the 2020 electoral vote certification. Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty ImagesĀ  hide caption

Proud Boys members typically dress in black and yellow, but are planning to wear all black, to mimic Antifa, a loose affiliation of far-left activists. The two groups have violently clashed in the past.

Protesters on both sides of the migrant dispute clashed outside Gracie Mansion on Sunday, as dozens of cops tried to keep the raucous crowd under control during the unprecedented crisis engulfing the Big Apple.

Pro-Palestinian students waved flags, chanted and held signs calling for an end to U.S. support for Israel during a rally held a block from the United Nations on Sunday that erupted into a skirmish with supporters of Israel.

Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protestors faced off at Tulane University on Thursday in a clash that left at least three students injured and resulted in several arrests, according to Tulane University and President Mike Fitts.

By the middle of the rally, pro-Palestine protesters stood on Freret with signs, flags, drums and a microphone with a large speaker. Senior Anaya Rodgers was among them. Rodgers, who is Black, said she owes Palestinians respect and support because they have stood up for Black people in the past.

While the rally organized by Tulane Students For Palestine ended at 1:45 p.m., members from the Tulane, Loyola and greater New Orleans community continued to rally for several more hours, according to the @tulane4palestine Instagram. Towards the end of the rally, most pro-Palestinian activists began moving to Broadway Street.

The scene began to escalate just after 11:20 a.m., as counter-demonstrators holding signs began calling out the names of Black people killed by the police. A handful of pro-police rallygoers waved flags in front of them.

As a scrum of demonstrators from both sides formed on the steps, protestors clashed, some exchanging words in nose-to-nose arguments while others continued chanting and waving flags off to the side.

The rally was organized by retired Topeka police officer Ron Gish in response to various proposals inspired by the death of George Floyd earlier this year, and countless other Black men and women who have been killed by police nationwide. In Topeka, Black Lives Matter is asking the city council to overhaul qualified immunity for police officers, classify a chokehold as a crime, prohibit racial profiling, establish a registry of police misconduct to be maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice, and create a civilian review board to represent and empower the community.

Shouting matches erupted when a small group of about 10 protesters at a West Roxbury rally in support of President Donald Trump and the Back the Blue, or pro-police movement, were met with more than 100 counter-protesters Wednesday afternoon.

Air medical transport arrives at Holy Cross Medical Center after a shootout at the 41st annual Memorial Day motorcycle rally in Red River on Saturday (May 27) sent multiple gunshot victims to the hospital.

Johnson blamed the Taos County Sheriff's Office for unilaterally establishing roadblocks on either end of town and preventing access to, among others, a ride-share driver who was returning to ferry more people away from the scene, as well as local residents and visitors who were separated from their vehicles beyond the checkpoints.

Also at the meeting, however, he told the crowd that, "some of you up here may have heard me say this 20 years ago when I was still working on this rally, it's like sitting on an open powder keg with a lit cigarette."

The exchange spurred one resident, who declined to give his name to the Taos News, to publicly ask town officials to investigate the sheriff's actions during the rally, as well as the preparations that had been made for the influx of outlaw motorcyclists. Calhoun confirmed to the Taos News that there will likely be an investigation of some sort.

Thank goodness other law enforcement was able to be there to help. But sad thing is, they should never have opened a brewery. I know it didn't happen at the brewery, but all the bars contributed. To many drunk people only cause trouble. Not having a bike rally needs to be cancelled. This isn't the first shooting. Times are changing, people have become "stupid" and continuing to have these things in a small town, you are only asking for trouble.

RR should expect to pay for overtime of any County Law Enforcement, Taos County is large & not only RR needs to be protected. Law Enforcement is spread too thin as is emergency response teams. RR seems like it isn't the Fun for the Whole Family town it used to be. I lived there as a teenager in the 1970's, one of the motorcycle memorial day event DID have violence when some gang members held people hostage in the little mall owned by Pat Lamb. My mom was one of the hostages, the gang wanted guns from the gun shop that was in the mall at the time. This type of event will bring trouble makers unfortunately & RR needs to acknowledge this. I wish RR would get back to catering to family fun. And I have to ask, why was it expected of Jerry to be patrolling if he was off duty? Yes, it is his town & of course he will do all that he can to protect it, but living where you work comes with challenges & he deserves, just like everyone else, to have time off. If he indeed did warn the council/town that trouble would come someday from the rally then isn't it a shame that no one listened? His knowledge by his experience in law enforcement perhaps should be listened to. Everyone can try & place blame on someone, but what I hope is that RR understands that by holding this rally the whole Taos County was put into some jeopardy, either directly or indirectly. No one's "fault", quit blaming, learn from it & cancel the event. Get back to RR fun for the whole family, please.

after a mass shooting~ it is always a human trigger to blame someone. we are a rural county with limited resources. Of course others first responders are going to come and help from all over. I did not blame any one person here. It is a good lesson on what needs to be strengthened and needs to be changed so it never happens again. On that note RR needs to get rid of that mayor, ban the rally, and think about keeping ALL of us from Costillo to Taos to Pilar to Pensco out of harms way. The Boyz can in-fight all they want ~ but let's think the community first. We can do this. Time for change.

Agreed. Plant's report is a good one, but the news of the in-fighting takes the spotlight off the gang activity as well as what little, if any, benefit such a rally has to adjoining towns, such as Taos, that the motorcycles roar through.

As a rider I can say we don't just "roar" through towns. We usually stop eat, shop, and look around. Just like we do when we are in Red River as well. All of us are not bad people.. and all of us aren't out there causing issues. This rally has been going on for 41 years and this is the first time that anything like this has happened. There's lots of benefits for these little towns.

The fighting has rattled Jewish and Palestinian communities around the globe and created local tension between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian New Yorkers, who have clashed in several protests around the city. Last week, two Palestinians and a Gravesend Synagogue were attacked in incidents that appeared to be linked to the ongoing conflict.

The rally occurred amid the controversy generated by the removal of Confederate monuments by local governments following the Charleston church shooting in 2015, where a white supremacist shot and killed nine black members, including the minister (a state senator), and wounded others.[7] The rally turned violent after protesters clashed with counter-protesters, resulting in more than 30 injured.[27][28] 2351a5e196

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