It's probably wide known, but Google is an asshole and puts a download quota to every file. If you ever come across a file that has exceeded the quota, you need to grab your own google account and follow these steps:

You'll have to wait for google to zip the file, but at least now it's downloadable. It's absurd to me that Google would rather waste energy and cpu time to zip down a file that already exists instead of just letting you just download it. This is anticonsumer. I will never ever buy the premium version of google drive in my life.

Download Quota Exceeded Google Drive

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However, there is a google drive download limit. If a file on Google Drive is being viewed and downloaded by a large number of users, the file may be locked for 24 hours before the quota is reset, because Google Drive wants to minimize the potential abuse of its server.

Notifications delivered to the address specified whenopening a notification channel don't count against your quota limits. However,calls to the,channels.stop, methods do count againstyour quota.

If you exceed a quota, you'll receive a 403: User rate limitexceededHTTP status code response. Additional rate limit checks on theDrive backend might also generate a 429: Too manyrequestsresponse. If this happens, you should use an exponential backoffalgorithm and try again later. Provided you stay within theper-minute quotas below, there's no limit to the number of requests you can makeper day.

Depending on your project's resource usage, you might want to request a quota increase. API calls by a service account are considered to be using a single account. Applying for an increased quota doesn't guarantee approval. Large quota increases can take longer to be approved.

Not all projects have the same quotas. As you increasingly use Google Cloud overtime, your quotas might need to increase. If you expect a notable upcomingincrease in usage, you can proactivelyrequest quota adjustmentsfrom the Quotas pagein the Google Cloud console.To learn more, see the following resources:

I am unable to sync/copy/download files from one team drive to another team drive. I am getting the errors 'file has been downloaded too many times' and 'user rate limit exceeded' however this has been happening for over a week so i dont think there is any bandwidth issue.

The 2 remotes are 2 different team drives on different accounts. I have made sure that both accounts have access to each team drive. I also have setup different API's for each remote so there should not be any issues there.

I realised that the backup account is not able to download directly from the main drive (download quota exceeded), however i am able to download this from the main drive account. As a quick fix i have setup a remote pointing to the backup drive using the main account, however this uses the bandwidth from the main account which i use for other purposes so this is not ideal.

I do not have the mount script i have been using as i lost this when i migrated server, however i was using the old cache remote with crypt (gdrive -> cache -> crypt), and did not have any issues with this for the few months this was used. In the past couple of days, i have been trying out the new rclone vfs cache mode full however this does not seem to have fixed any issues.

My issue is that i have not been able to copy files from the main drive to the backup drive for over a week, so im not sure if this is because of the 750GB limit. I was planning on making this thread a few days ago but i wanted to make sure that this wasnt because of the limit.

What's confused me is that im getting a bandwidth issue on my backups as well as my main drive. A few months ago, if i had gotten a bandwidth error on my main drive, i would just mount the backup and everything would be fine, however now, the backups seem to be linked to the main drive. Whether this is because of the way google deduplicate content on drive, i don't know. I use crypt so technically i should be the only one with that file stored in all of drive.

It seems like im getting throttled based on directory rather than the files. For example last night, I could not download anything from the 'TV Shows' folder, however the 'Youtube' folder in my drive was fine.

Perhaps this was the case, as it stands, im getting a download quota error for all of the files in this drive now. Im not sure what i did last week to fix the issue, Ive not made any transfers to or from this remote for a few days now and im still getting bandwidth issues. Im 90% sure google has changed something behind the scene because ive not done anything different in the past 9 months

I am having the same issue. Even on new files i upload just to test i get the "user rate limit exceeded" when trying to server side copy from my team drive to my back up team drive. I cant watch certain files on plex either some of which i was previously able to view. Ive copied TBs of data before with zero issues and now suddenly even though i havnt copied any data in over a month im getting this weird issue. At first i thought it was an RClone issue, but i think this is something google has changed behind the scenes.

Do you have your drive encrypted using the crypt remote? im sure that this isnt a fault of rclone, but google drive something behind the scenes, we are not the only ones that are having this issue, and i cant find a way to fix it other than waiting and hoping for the best.

So the team drive im using is "owned" by email "A" and I usually upload things with that email. However, ive noticed that all of the files which arent working were uploaded with email "B". since i sometimes upload files to that team drive with whatever email address i happen to be logged in at at the time.

If i delete files which arent working and reupload them with email "A" they suddenly work. If i delete that same file and upload it with email "B" they no longer work on plex. which is weird since they both have the same managing rights. And like i said, files which used to work are now not working. So i dont know what changed, but anything uploaded with my other email to my team drive isnt being read properly. Rclone has access to both accounts so i dont know whats happening.

I have tried searching in both developer console IAM (I can't find any quotas related to storage for the service account). And in for our organisation but no user-based quotas are enabled neither can I find the service account there.

I'm also in the same situation.

And I can't find what the quota is for the service account.

And in my Google Drive, uploads made by the service account appear as shared with me and don't consume space from my Google Drive.

And when I delete it from Google Drive it doesn't seem to release the quota for the service account.

I'm uploading via a shell script.

Does anybody know how to solve this?

My Google Drive is not for business.

EDIT2: Apparently the space is based on the service account, not the user. In order to use the space of the user, the service account needs to be configured to *impersonate* the user (see -to-fix-the-storage-exceeded-issue-for-google-drive-...). I couldn't be bothered with this, so I just created a new service account, shared my gdrive folder, use the new key in my shell script, and got it to work again.

On demand I can make a video of how Google fixed this issue and you can no longer override their Drive Quota error by simply copying to your Drive.

What happens when you copy to drive is it creates a virtual shortcut to Zibo's original file (remember ? the one with Quota Error?) and even if you do see it under "my drive" the file is still owned by Ziboman himself and its not a PHYSICAL copy (think of all the bandwidth and disk space Google would have to waste because of our arrogance - amazing huh?) hence each time I try to download it even after linking it to my drive it gives out a Quota error.

so drive is indeed empty. I am pretty sure the problem is I have 100 million files in a single folder. I know there are several reasons this may not be advantageous but it is the reality I have. I have fixed this before but can't seem to figure out how to get it to allow me to write more files to this folder.

2. I ran the cleanup option on the drive (Drive Options -> Cleanup). Whenever you get a chance, would it be possible to provide insight on the role this plays and whether there are any recommendations on how often it should be used (probably dependent on drive size and usage?)?

Nope, I started testing CloudDrive on .802 so it was "brand new" drive. Before I saw the newer release I did try reauthorizing, detaching wasn't possible because of files waiting to upload (possibly "force detach" could help, or break it, didn't feel lucky there...).

Here is something that drives me nuts. At work, we have a big NFS server that serves all the employees of our company. Everyone has a certain number of GBs that they're allowed to write to it. I often get "quota exceeded" errors, because I run some programs that generate a lot of temporary files and then delete them, but before they can delete them they hit the quota.

After talking with our sysadmins, I learned that my quota was already increased to well beyond what I need for these tests, but it seems that I'm spending this quota in places other than my home folder. The sysadmin explained to me that every file in the NFS server which has my username as an owner, counts against my quota. ff782bc1db

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