Oftentimes struggling to improve their daily wishlist rate focus too much on making tiny adjustments to their steam page to improve their clickthrough rate. While it is good to make those improvements to your Steam Page, the margins there pale in comparison to the need to wake up the Steam algorithm using one of the big events I list above.

Why would I do this thing, you ask? I used to do some pretty boring research in a lab that had frequent amounts of down-time for short bursts. You run a Western blot wash for 10 minutes for several repeats, and it's not really enough time to get a lot of work done in between. So what did I do? Well, it's obvious. Now, 3 years later, I've been going through the queue to see what's new every day. I weed out everything that looks like I wouldn't like it, and I wishlist the few other things. I've wound up stumbling across some interesting finds simply because they never make it to the front page. But I've also seen some things... terrible things which cannot be unseen...

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I don't recall if the queue even offers you movies, software and all the other non-game stuff out there. I can't even recall having seen DLC. If OP only got his completed queue by marking every game, it might be a representative number. I get 21,129 titles offered if I search and limit the tag to "games", and while I know that still includes some incorrectly tagged stuff, and excludes some restricted stuff, I don't think it's too far fetched to say Steam has passed the 20K mark for standalone games. You are, of course, always free to go off and tag even more, like you have. :-P

If I'd exhausted the queue I'd probably keep up with it (because it'd be a shame to lose that 100% completion thing), but I honestly couldn't bring myself to do it knowing that I'm nowhere near the end of it, and every day will just have more trash piling on. More power to you. :-)

I know exactly what you mean. Right now, it's some garbage strategy game that keeps popping up. What you can do is this: click the button to view another queue. It will probably spit out an error. Go to the homepage. Open a new queue for either new titles or recommended titles. If it comes up with that, click to view your queue. It should come up. If you still get an error, click the one (new or recommended) that you didn't click before.

This, I completed mine once when I was sick for two weeks, bored to death... just to find it littered with junk again only a few weeks later. The queue always bugging out when you come close to completing it, forcing me to refresh it several times before I get displayed anything, makes completing it even more tedious and convinced me to just give up on it.

My first year here on SG, I managed to catch up with all the items in Queue just with casual goes of it. It was a challenge "saving up" enough for Steam sale queues after that. Now, even with Steam Sale queues, I find myself regularly falling behind. It was bad enough when they added VR (and the cheaply made releases that dominate that label) and movies (which may be even more regrettable, given how poorly implemented Steam's player is), but Steam Direct seems to have opened the dams for shovelware releases. We're seeing more ports and software and the like as well but, nevertheless, Queue is overwhelmingly filled just with exploitatively bad releases.

...and excluding any of it still isn't an option since the customization feature doesn't do anything, at least not to the discovery queue - except breaking it even more ;D (well, and the partly mind-boggling labeling on many of the new releases also doesn't help that much either :>). Oh, Valve...

Only went through the queue when it was offering cards for doing so. I think it's a pointless waste of time going through so many games just of the sake of marking them in "not interested" category, I don't care about the storefront and what it displays, all I check, once in a while, is my wishlist, which currently has +700 games in it and it's getting quite difficult to manage and keep track of everything, I am not actively looking to add more games to it.

Hmm. I've never been a fan of marking explicitly 'Not Interested' since I might change my mind in the future about a lot of them. And I think unless you explicitly mark that option (or already own the game) it will show up again sooner or later. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same game more than once after a while has passed. Then again, I only ever view the queue when there are seasonal trading cards involved.

Unless there are sale cards to farm, I stay away from discovery queue. In my case Valve accomplished the exact opposite of their intention of helping users to find new games for themselves by making the process of browsing games they offer more like dumpster diving.

Yep, I've gone through it all. Took several months (would have been faster if the queue wasn't such a glitchy mess).

Have a bit under 300 games wishlisted, with about 1/3 of that being games that haven't come out yet.

if i click start the first game in the queue won't have a "next" button under it. instead it will say. "view your queue" so the only way to see the next game in the queue is by clicking "block" or "ignore" on the one i'm in.

Issue Description: stuck in queue 1 sense this morning 06:21 CST. only issues of note is the last game I played the night before hard crashed the game and continued to do so every time I attempted to rejoin the session I gave up after a few tries and returned to being stuck in queue this morning.

I found a way to view all the items ever viewed in the discovery queue. You go into Store > Explore > (at the end of page) Help > Support > My account > Data Related to Your Steam Account > Scroll down to "Store" category and click Discovery Queue History in whic you will find Discovery Queue Apps Viewed.

When Steam published this new Discovery Queue, it provided the users to take a tour through the queue and get rewarded with a community badge which can help you level and grants several experience points. A lot of users have been struggling to figure how exactly to earn this badge but the process is fairly simple and it does not take a lot of time to complete.

I might be blind, and sorry if I am, but whenever Steam says "updates available!" for my games, i click update and it interrupts whatever it was downloading before to download this game. Is there a way to simply add the game to the end of the queue so the current downloads don't get interrupted?

I'm re-saving my Steam backups via copying the steamapps\common folders. As such, I have a lot of Steam backup versions to re-install first. It seems with this version of Steam (beta - Oct 18 - 2013), you can start installing multiple backups at the same time. Just click on a 2nd or 3rd install .exe file and click "continue install." I know it'll take a long time to install 3 games from the one directory at the same time, but at least I can queue a few up (100 more installs to go).

So I just did this easily by creating a new collection and then adding each one that needed to be installed to that new collection that I named 'need to be installed'. I installed an 8 terabyte hard drive last night and am moving 76 games over to it while I'm staying in a hotel and using their internet, instead of paying for all that data myself. You can click on the top one under your need to install collection on the left hand side and then shift click the bottom one, then right click on that whole file and install every single one of them in a queue. You need to do this with big picture mode minimized so that you get the tool bar on the left hand side of the page. It works very easily.

If you set Steam to Big Picture mode you can queue up as many games as you want (never downloaded too many so there MIGHT be a limit), and then you can leave Big Picture mode and they will still be in your download queue

I recently moved and I'm sitting on a 25 MB download rate. If one of my installed games gets a patch, I want it to just download it right away, instead of queueing it for a few hours. Nothing is going to slow me down, so I'd like my games to always be ready. I already found the button to let it download while I'm playing, but it queued the newest Payday 2 update while I was playing Overwatch, and I doubt Steam spies on me enough to know that I was doing that... or would it...?

I mainly play indie games, survival games, strategy games or rpgs. The games i do NOT play tend to be racing games, sports games, fps, multiplayer shooters, fighting games, rogue-like bullet hells, etc. So I just tried my discovery queue and it seems to be about games in genres i do not play or even own. Racing Games, FPS, Multiplayer shooters, fighting games, rogue-like bullet hells. I think there was only around 4 games in genres I do play.

I've been using the queue since it was introduced. However, my gaming tastes have changed quite significantly in the last few months, and I now think I would like many of the games that I would previously have clicked "Not Interested" or "Next in Queue" for.

My friend is trying to login to the game for the first time. The First time he was in queue position #0. I was advised in-game to tell him to restart the game and try again, his queue is #1641, and not moving. Is there something that can be done?

Just to give this post a little more notoriety, I do have a friend who has been fluctuating between around #150 in queue all the way to #4.7k in queue since about 1 PM EST today. Hope this issue gets resolved soon. Would love to play with my bud. (I have been able to play since about 1 PM)

I wanted to apply this configuration to my home network, Since i also play video games on steam and since these games are realtime and very sensitive to congestion (Packet loss, latency...etc) just like VoIP or video traffic.

First of all my home Internet is 1 Mbps Upload which is low but enough to launch a video game on steam, I wanted to give steam traffic 700 Kbps strict priority which is enough to play or watch a game, the class-default class has 300 Kbps with WRED for early dropping and congestion avoidance. ff782bc1db

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