The Queen may also be a reference to Queen Margaret of the House of Lancaster. During the War of the Roses, a red rose was the symbol of the House Lancaster. Their rivals, the House of York, had a white rose for their symbol. The gardeners' painting the white roses red may be a reference to these two houses. It is also possible that she is based on Queen Elizabeth I, as her yelling off with their head demonstrates the Victorian stereotype of a Tudor king/queen.

She is commonly mistaken for the Red Queen in the story's sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, but in reality shares none of her characteristics other than being a queen. Indeed, Carroll, in his lifetime, made the distinction of the two Queens by saying:

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The 1951 animated film Alice in Wonderland perpetuates the long-standing confusion between the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts. In the film, the Queen of Hearts delivers several of the Red Queen's statements, the most notable being based on her "all the ways about here belong to me". Both characters say this to suggest their importance and possible arrogance, but in the Red Queen's case, it has a double meaning since her status as a Chess-queen means that she can move in any direction she desires.

In the sequel, Alice: Madness Returns, the Queen of Hearts is sought by Alice for assistance in stopping an Infernal Train from tearing apart Wonderland and driving her back into insanity. The Queen claims, when found in the ruins of the Red Kingdom, that Alice is being manipulated by someone other than herself, that this person is trying to erase her memories, particularly about the fire in her childhood, which is tearing her sanity apart. It later turns out that this person is none other than her psychiatrist Dr. Angus Bumby, who has been revealed to have raped Alice's older sister Lizzy and burned down the house with Lizzy and Alice's parents to cover up the crime, and that he is attempting to erase Alice's memories and subject her to prostitution after it. In this sequel, the Red Queen has changed considerably, taking the appearance of a younger Alice, only in a royal dress befitting the Queen of Hearts, with large fleshy claws rather than hands, and her lower body composed of fleshy tentacles that spread throughout the entire castle, which is actually the Queen's body itself. Some argue she is actually based not on Alice herself, but her sister, as she also referred to her as "Lizzy" in the following dialogue, and considering she felt guilty of the death of her family, its possible her subconscious projected her dead sister in the queen she herself killed in the previous game.

Cora abandons her first born, Zelena, after realising that the father is not royalty as she believed. When she has a baby girl with King Henry, she names her Regina and raises Regina to be queen. Cora stages the death of Snow White's mother, and manipulates Regina into becoming Snow's stepmother by marrying the girl's father, King Leopold. After killing Regina's true love, Daniel the stable boy, Regina banishes Cora to Wonderland through a looking-glass, where she eventually becomes the Queen of Hearts. The show's spin-off, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, shows that Cora was the Red Queen's tutor in magic whilst in Wonderland; Cora apparently ruled part of the land and was a political rival of the Red King.

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Queen of hearts is sometimes used as a term of endearment for Bollywood actresses, as in, an actress who has stolen hearts by being kind and beautiful. This meaning is unrelated to the Lewis Carroll character, as is the nickname Queen of Hearts for Princess Diana.

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Although the allure of the Queen of Hearts Raffles has sent many into a love-crazed frenzy across the state, these raffles are based upon the presumption that the money collected provides altruistic financial benefits to the non-profit organizations hosting the raffles. However, when deciding to play with these Queen of Hearts Raffles, it is important to consider the legal risks and limitations associated with these games. The adage famously alludes to the inherent risk of falling in love with a new sensation, but local governments and non-profit organizations can protect their hearts and their raffles from this new sensation by following the requirements found within the Raffle Act.

The obese Queen of Hearts has a massive physique (which, in turn, makes her physically powerful). She has fair skin, black eyes, and black hair tied in the back with a red headband. She dresses in a black-and-red gown with black-and-yellow stripes. Beneath her gown are a pair of white bloomers with a heart pattern and she wears red heels on her feet. Atop the queen's head is a small, gold crown, signifying her authority. She also dons matching gold earrings. She is also shown to often be holding a heart scepter.

At the trial, the Queen rebuffs Alice's insistence having a verdict before sentence. Just as she is about to have Alice beheaded, the King insists that the Queen have some witnesses to the incident. The White Rabbit calls the March Hare, the Dormouse, and the Mad Hatter as the witnesses. The trio holds an Unbirthday party for the Queen, but during the party, the Cheshire Cat reappears and sets the Dormouse into a panic. The mouse runs all over, with the characters attempting to pacify him with jam; when the Queen yells "Let me have it!", she is misunderstood and gets it in the face. To add insult and injury, the King of Hearts manages to hit the Queen with the gavel while trying to crush the mouse. The Queen, of course, blames Alice for it and is going to have her beheaded. But Alice eats mushrooms she had procured earlier, which make her grow bigger. Although Rule #42 says that anyone more than a mile high must leave the court immediately, Alice feels free to call the queen a "fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant." Unfortunately, she subsequently shrinks down to her normal size. Apparently looking forward to punishing Alice, she asks to repeat what she said. As the Cheshire Cat repeats those words, she furiously orders "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" but Alice flees the trial, with the Queen, King, the card soldiers, and eventually all the infuriated inhabitants of Wonderland in hot pursuit, chasing her out of her own subconscious and back into reality.

She returns in the second half of the fifth season in the episode "Souls of the Departed", when the heroes travel to the Underworld. Originally, she does everything she can to make Regina leave the Underworld even trying to send her father to a place of eternal suffering. When this fails, it is revealed that she made a deal with Hades and because she did not succeed, he makes a miller's daughter once again and she is forced to work for him for all eternity. She is later rescued by the heroes in order to stop Hades. It is then revealed that she had both of her daughters meet each other during their childhood years, but she took away their memories because Zelena would have interfered with Regina becoming the next queen and sends the former back to Oz. When her daughters are fighting Cora restores their memories and apologizes for how she raised both of them and for also abandoning Zelena. With Cora making everything right, she is able to go on to a better place in the afterlife.

During the final battle, she and her card soldiers launch croquet balls of various colors at the player, who had to use the magic storybook to reflect them back. After having 3 projectiles sent back to her, the queen retreats to her giant topiary in her image, where she fires card suit symbols (purple spades, red hearts, yellow diamonds, and green clubs) from the topiary's mouth at the player in addition to more croquet balls. After the topiary gets hit enough times, it loses its head, forcing the dazed Queen of Hearts to surrender. What goes around comes around.

She plays a small role in Kingdom Hearts Union , where she accuses Alice of making her lose her temper and refuses to believe Alice's stories about her adventures in Wonderland. The Player then brings Cheshire at as a witness to prove her innocence. The cat then tells the queen she is far too light to carry a such a heavy crime, knowing she has a heart of Light due to her position as a Princess of Heart. Then, despite the White Rabbit telling the queen Alice had no other crimes accused for, she claims Alice is guilty and should lose her head. The Player then fights her army of cards, and Alice and they manage to escape.

The Queen has a bigger role in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, being the first person who made Xehanort realize that Darkness can hide within anyone. Similarly to previous titles, some characters have to be put on a trial because of her. Eraqus calls her a bully who rules her subjects with fear, which makes her claim that they all adore her. She then asks her Card Soldiers to get off with the head of the culprits, but it gets interrupted by a Ferry Reaper Heartless. A little bit later, Eraqus asks her if her heart is her own, which she replies that of course it is since she is the Queen of Hearts. Xehanort then asks her if her arrogance is also part of her, or if it belongs to a dark being commanding her to act in such way. Eraqus doesn't seem to believe that her heart is rooted in Darkness, and believes that people hold light in their hearts, which makes her mad. Xehanort first thinks that her darkness comes from her greed, but changes his mind and concludes it comes from her wrath. Her inner darkness then laters manifest as a Furious Reaper Heartless. e24fc04721

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