And to answer your specific question: DOS programs no longer work on 64-bit Windows systems. Microsoft dropped support for 16-bit applications for 64-bit Windows versions. So you will either need to step up to a modern programming language, use something like QB64 or FreeBASIC, or install a virtual machine and DOS.

QBasic is an integrated development environment (IDE) and interpreter for a variety of dialects of BASIC which are based on QuickBASIC. Code entered into the IDE is compiled to an intermediate representation (IR), and this IR is immediately executed on demand within the IDE.[1]

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Like QuickBASIC, but unlike earlier versions of Microsoft BASIC, QBasic is a structured programming language, supporting constructs such as subroutines.[2] Line numbers, a concept often associated with BASIC, are supported for compatibility, but are not considered good form, having been replaced by descriptive line labels.[1] QBasic has limited support for user-defined data types (structures), and several primitive types used to contain strings of text or numeric data.[3][4] It supports various inbuilt functions.

QBasic was intended as a replacement for GW-BASIC. It was based on the earlier QuickBASIC 4.5 compiler but without QuickBASIC's compiler and linker elements. Version 1.0 was shipped together with MS-DOS 5.0 and higher, as well as Windows 95, Windows NT 3.x, and Windows NT 4.0. IBM recompiled QBasic and included it in PC DOS 5.x, as well as OS/2 2.0 onwards.[5] eComStation and ArcaOS, descended from OS/2 code, include QBasic 1.0. QBasic 1.1 is included with MS-DOS 6.x, and, without EDIT, in Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Me. Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft no longer includes QBasic with their operating systems.[6]

QBasic (as well as the built-in MS-DOS Editor) is backwards-compatible with DOS releases prior to 5.0 (down to at least DOS 3.20). However, if used on any 8088/8086 computers, or on some 80286 computers, the QBasic program may run very slowly, or perhaps not at all, due to DOS memory size limits. Until MS-DOS 7, MS-DOS Editor and Help required QBasic: the EDIT.COM and HELP.COM programs simply started QBasic in editor and help mode only, and these can also be entered by running QBASIC.EXE with the /EDITOR and /QHELP switches (i.e., command lines QBASIC /EDITOR and QBASIC /QHELP).

Have Fun, Be Young... Code BASIC



PROGRAMMER: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages dilettante (MIS)(OP)8 Jun 04 15:43CubeE101, is that really a serious reason why people were using QBasic (bundled) or QuickBasic (easy to steal but with little remorse - basically abandonware)?

I guess this surprises me a little.

I'll ignore any moral issues, that's another subject altogether. The reason I'm surprised is that some other widespread and pretty decent alternatives have been available for years.

I'll start with VBScript. Late-bound, weakly-typed, and interpreted as it is, it still meets the requirements of numerous applications. Full access to "Access" databases and even MSDE databases too, with little trouble.

Mix in Internet Explorer and you have "HTML Applications" (a.k.a. HTAs) which really ought to have been called "DHTML Applications." Now you have a GUI and an event-handler model that looks a heck of a lot like VB's.

If you're willing to settle for a "clunk-o-rama" model of event-handler coding you always have JScript as an option in HTAs as well.

Not quite what you need? Well there's VB5CCE (Control Creation Edition). If you can't get it done via DHTML, just write a VB5 ActiveX component and call that from inside your HTA.

Free or not, VB.Net is a smelly beast in many ways. It departs radically from MS Basics of the past, much more wildly than VB did from the QB family.

It will never have great performance by its nature, so it is probably less of a game development platform than VB6 is - if game programming is your... game. I guess if you "throw enough horses" at it with a multi-GHz CPU and a ton of RAM you mght get somewhere with VB.Net though.

But if you want "free" VB.Net why not go the #develop route? This gets you C# to boot. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages RandyVSP (TechnicalUser)8 Jun 04 16:00Honestly, for me, Ive discovered how far behind I really am programming wise, so I suck it up and use Qbasic for fast dirty applications....

And its nice not to have the all mighty Windows giving me errors and shutting me down for some silly, not all that major problem.

Another issue that developed last summer was very cheap and simple OLD PC's could live again in my control circuits and sit there forever working away....

Randy McKenzie

 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages CubeE101 (Programmer)8 Jun 04 19:42Don't get me wrong, QB was really my breaking point into programming... I had Started with GWBasic several years earlier and made several cool little programs (at least I thought so at the time ) and I will never forget the day my friend's dad gave me a copy of qbasic (the interpreter) with Nibbles and Gorilla... That blew me away that you could make those kind of games in Basic and WITHOUT LINE NUMBERS!!! (That took a little getting used to after years of typing line numbers)

I used QB for years and years after that, breaking away now and then to learn a few other languages, but my prference was still QB, especially when I got QB45.

My personal reason for using QB was for Ease of use, Quick Coding, and Making little graphic demos.

It took me about 5 years to get into VB, because I was resistant and still prefered QB...

Then I started using VB with API calls to other programs and windows itself, and you can tweak just about anything you want to with it... (in seconds at that)

Objects and API calls is what finally won me over... If QB could do those 2 things, it would still be my FAV.

I would probably even sacrifice the 32bit code of VB to use 16bit QB, if that was the case...

.Net is pushing the edge a little with all the C++ stuff added into it, but most of them are things I have wished that you could do in QB/VB for years, Like X+=5 or X++

And I know the whole .Net issue with the JIT compiler has to slow things down to a point... But in the end it worked for Java, as far as games and graphics go, I have seen some pretty cool java apps @ under the JACC (Java Applet Coding Competition)

And I'm sure most of you have seen the Things you can do (but aren't supposed to be able to) in QB 

There are always going to be ways to hack around and get the results you want (or at least close to what you want) with computers...

After all, no matter what language you use, in the end it all boils down to 1's and 0's and how you arrange them is up to you.

And when I said there is no 'Practical Use' I meant just that...

I did not say there is no use at all...

I even like to go back and optimize code every now and then to squeeze out every last bit of 16bit preformace I can get from QB (and it's, sad but true, sloppy compiler) 

What I meant by 'Practical Use' refers back to the original post:

Quote (dilettante):I see:

Learning simple programming.

Game programs.

Simple graphics programs.

Simple BBS and terminal serial port programs.

Alternate command shells.

Device control programs.

But I don't seem to see many:

Database or data processing programs.

Internet programs: chat, web, mail, misc. servers.

Cool utilities.

Embedded device, robotics programming.

In general the stuff other programmers seem to be writing.

As far as Games, Graphics, Serial Port and the rest of the top paragraph goes, I consider those application, in QB, to be more or less, Amature / Hobbyist programs.

Anyone that wants to professionaly make games and online tools, for money, is going to have to step up and learn a modern language, simply because of the demand.

When you mentioned Databases, embedded apps, and the other in the second paragraph, I see those as more 'Practical' Applications.

Which also require a more powerful languages to reach the demands of users.

After all, why would you want to use a 16bit language to handle ANY of those applications?

You would, most likely, want to use an optimizing C++ compiler, for most of them, such as VC++.

VB is good at connecting to DataBases, but you need more horses under the hood to actually run the DataBase. And VB has to use Objects and/or API calls to connect to the DBs...

You can push the limits of QB all you want, and you can get pretty far, but when compared to a modern 32/64bit compiler... It still won't stand a chance...

Python is another Free (GPL) Language, that blends commands and sytax of Basic and C/C++ together.

You can check it out at

If you think any of the above is less than acurate...

I would love to hear why 

And most of all, there are always going to be people who prefer Records to CDs, VHS to DVDs, Atari to XBox, Dos 7 to WinXP, and all of the rest of the legacy products to the modern versions, and there is nothing wrong with that. I still like them too. But again there is no 'Practical Use' for them anymore...

This is still just my opinion, I'm not trying to stomp on anyones toes or anything, and I am open to other views on this subject. Have Fun, Be Young... Code BASIC



PROGRAMMER: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages Buff1 (Programmer)8 Jun 04 19:49Randy, me too. for quick tests, fixes for data files,and more, QuickBasic is still very useful.

The nice thing is that it runs interpretively or compiled.

So for quick fixes, just run it interpretively, fix the problem, and it's done.

If it requires a windows program, I can always use the

PowerBasic console compiler. With very little change I have

a 32bit windows console program that looks like and works like a dos program. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages dilettante (MIS)(OP)8 Jun 04 20:50No toes to step on here, I'm trying to keep my mind open (hopefuly nothing falls out).

From where we are now, in most cases running 16-bit real mode applications doesn't make sense with typical desktop hardware. A lot of embedded development is still done in one form of Basic or another, and at the low end we have devices with 80386, 80286, or even '186s and '86/88s as cores within a larger IC.

Where you see C being used is in special applications and those where RAM is at a premium. Most (though not all) compiled Basics are just a bit bulky for those wristwatch-scale computers. Yet here you'll find things like 16-bit Basic interpreters or even Forth.

The biggest issue with C/C++ is the speed of development. For a lot of "practical" programming the time required to get a full-featured, fully functional C program is cost-prohibitive. For one-offs and small-run projects people usually need more of a RAD tool than C, and a lot of small-scale embedded work is done by guys who are more hardware than programming oriented anyway.

So there are a lot of trade-offs.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I didn't have a specific goal in mind and all of the comments have been quite interesting so far. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages qbasicking (Programmer)9 Jun 04 12:19I use qbasic to create programs because it is challenging and fun. I could make great games in Dark Basic that are much better that anything I could come up with in Qbasic, but I don't get the same satisfaction out of doing it. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages CubeE101 (Programmer)9 Jun 04 14:30That is the same reason I use it.

For the challenge. Have Fun, Be Young... Code BASIC



PROGRAMMER: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages Buff1 (Programmer)10 Jun 04 19:10my client writeup uses employee files, chart of accounts,

payee (accounts payable vendor), Customer, depreciation asset files, all indexed. Since most do not get extremely large I use a simple index system.

The data files are the same for my MS-DOS (quickbasic 4.5)

and Win (PowerBasic for Win) versions.

 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages CubeE101 (Programmer)10 Jun 04 19:26Kind of off topic, but a few good C++ books that are not complicated and easy to get you moving are:

C++ Black Book (Coriolis)

1001 C++ Tips (SAMS)

You can find them at Amazon and Barns&Noble

They are both HUGE and full of information... But don't get intimidated by the size, they start off slow and build you up gradually...

Basically if you buy a small book to learn from you will be wasting your money, because there is to much to learn to cram into a small book, so it doesn't get explained very well. Have Fun, Be Young... Code BASIC



PROGRAMMER: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages MiggyD (Programmer)13 Jun 04 01:27I, too, use quickbasic for small projects mainly. Especially at my current job, where they still have Win 9x machines.

For completely new programs, I use VB.

--MiggyD RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages Buff1 (Programmer)13 Jun 04 02:10Nice thing about powerbasic for windows. Small compiled exes or dlls and no runtime modules.

 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages dilettante (MIS)(OP)13 Jun 04 09:51Well, VBDOS does give you the option to create your own subset libraries and of course link them in as desired for a single EXE.

Early Delphi releases are similar. Delphi 2 is still pretty usable here, and you can always fall back to Delphi 1 or the Turbo Pascal products for DOS. Many of the DOS compilers (Turbo C, Turbo C++, Turbo Pascal) are available for free from Borland.


I managed to acquire Delphi 2 (CD only, includes Delphi 1) for 99 cents from one reseller awhle back.

 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages tankerz (TechnicalUser)25 Jun 04 16:04Hi, this article might interest you, it's about different Basic Clones, perhaps you know them already and prefer to stick to QBasic, but it seems like you might find good information about database application servers and such. (REALbasic being the one you might find more useful).

 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages QuiteBill (TechnicalUser)12 Jul 04 16:25I am trying to a to get my Hp Officejet to print out

in Qbasic ASCII code,by using HP PCL codes have not been 

able to do so,How do you key in command line within QBasic

could you provide me with a small sample of the coding.

this is the way I have been doing it.

LPRINT chr$(27)+027,040,115,051,084,(116)

LPRINT How Deep is my valley in Shadow Printing.

any help would be appreciated.


 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages Buff1 (Programmer)13 Jul 04 19:57Qbasic and QuickBasic will print on LPT1,LPT2 or LPT3 if

opened that way (LPRINT defaults to LPT1).

If your printer is a windows-only printer (bad choice),

You will need to print through a windows program of some sort.

DOSPRINT may help in this respect. search for it or go to my site for a link to Lance's site DOSPRINT/DLLPRINT.

You can try using the shell command to invoke another program to print it.

You could also, write an html file within Qbasic, then call I.E. with the name of the html file then have the user

print it from there.

Also, if it is not a windows only printer, check your settings for the printer. If you have the ability to either

bypass the driver or capture dos then try one of those.

 RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages CubeE101 (Programmer)14 Jul 04 12:12Quote (Buff1):or go to my site for a link

...Which would be where? Have Fun, Be Young... Code BASIC



PROGRAMMER: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages Buff1 (Programmer)15 Jul 04 00:59 ~oasys/frameex1.htm RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages CodeHunter (TechnicalUser)21 Jan 05 16:02Well, I've read all this and took it in well. I just wanted to add something to that last part about printing from qbasic. The LPrint isn't the only way to send data to the printer. There is also the nice COM on off stop. Just by playing around with these on off stop I realizing that this can send data to my printer when it started spitting out a page. 

I'm talking about an HP inject one, not one of those old dot matrix printers. I don't know alot of programming, however I am trying to learn and maybe when I advance to others, I doubt I'll dump older ones. I've found that even ASM is still used for many mathmatical aspects for games and such; debug is a helpful too. I even learn to write a small program that turns on mouse just like the one used in qbasic with it's asm interface; exported .com etc. 

All I'm saying is, just because something is old, doesn't mean it is dead; there is always a use for it. Heck even NT still has some rude interface to a DOS cmd and supports debug which is very old and limited. So old is still cool and good in my book. Programs like old dos basic is here and will remain as long as there is an intrest in it even for educational reasons. As for writing games in qbasic... You can write 3d games in qbasic. It isn't outstanding like Quake etc which you could pull off with Darkbasic Pro or C/C++ and ActiveX programming. However I'm not saying can't be done either. But, you could do a nice old Wolfenstine 3d game. Check out this book called Revolutionary Guide to Qbasic, it shows what I'm mean and backs up what I'm saying as well. 

To end this, all I want to say is programming is grate no mater what language one plans to start learning from or decides to end with useing. Last every programming language I've found allows direct poking to Hardware Devices. How else could you trick qbasic to have more than 2 modem com ports for a 4 modem com port setup? PowerBasic is nice too even the dos version which I still own. Anyhow, what everyone has said holds truths and it was well worth reading. RE: QBasic/QuickBasic Uses and Usages Buff1 (Programmer)22 Jan 05 20:24If you can write a pcl file for your hp deskjet and send it

to the printer, it should print fine.

I now dont have a working jet printer here, and still use

lasertwin to check my pcl to view it without having to 

print it out.

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