After 10 years of pet ownership with her longtime friend Osceoola, as well as studying these creatures, it all led up to the moment when she grabbed an 11-foot reticulated python from a Hollywood patio, Monday night.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, they take these matters seriously. They urge people who see pythons or any animals that are illegal in Florida to call them immediately.

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The little girl, Shaianna, was killed two years ago when the couple's pet Burmese python escaped from its enclosure and strangled the girl in her crib. The snake's tank was only equipped with a quilt for a lid.

A medical examiner testified during the trial that the albino snake named Gypsy was underweight and trying to eat the girl. The snake hadn't been fed for a month when the girl died and was severely underweight at only 13 pounds, the Orlando Sentinel reported. The snake should have weighed nearly 150 pounds, the Sentinel reported.

They were found guilty of third-degree murder, manslaughter and child abuse. Hare's 2-year-old daughter, Shaianna, was killed by the pet Burmese python two years ago, when the snake escaped from its enclosure and strangled the girl in her crib. The snake's tank was only equipped with a quilt for a lid.

After the verdict was read out, Darnell tried to comfort his sobbing girlfriend. The two could face up to 45 years in prison. Darnell will likely face more time than Hare because he has six prior felony convictions. They had been offered a plea deal for 10 years in prison, but turned it down.

Darnell also had a 6-foot boa constrictor in the home, but that was in a secure container, authorities said. Sheriff and state wildlife officials used a search warrant to enter the home and find the python. Darnell is cooperating with investigators and the search warrant was a matter of procedure, Caruthers said.

The bill came as a response to the increasing number of pythons being let loose in the Everglades and appearing in places around Florida such as the Florida Keys. The bill was referred to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and a hearing could be held on the issue.

Because pythons are not originally from Florida, they pose a danger to native wildlife, he said. The Burmese python seems to be one of the top threats in the state. This species of python can be found mainly in southeast Asia.

The python girls is a non profit organization providing a support network and one day workshops to encourage more women to become active developers. The project currently runs in Ukraine, with plans to grow to other parts of Europe.

The animal and reptile enthusiast was first alerted of the snake by her dad, Daniel Golightly, who saw a posting about it on their community's Ring app. The pair set out to the house together, which is where they realized it was a python.

Next is how I started the first part of the cake. This piece was made to encase the head and give it the illusion of being coiled up. I also trimmed the sharp edges of the cake to resemble a snake body. The head was made of rice cereal treats and sculpted to look like the head of a burmese python.

The father has been described as a snake enthusiast. Authorities discovered five exotic snakes and several lizards on the premises. The python that killed Amber was kept in a tank in the parents' bedroom.

CHICAGO -- A 4-year-old girl was bitten by a 17-foot python Thursday at the Chicagoland Fishing, Travel and Outdoor Expo in Schaumburg, a northwest suburb in Chicago, CBS Chicago reports. Schaumburg police said authorities responded to a 911 call at the Schaumburg Convention Center around 5:30 p.m.

Have a ball python who loves to eat? Do you work in the culinary industry or just like to cook? If so, you should consider giving your pet a food-based name. Here are a few of our favorites:

It really is hard to get a photo of one of these little pythons that will do it justice. They really are the most beautiful and curious of all the pythons I've encountered, and they have quite an interesting backstory...which I'll post when I can find it online :P

The slave girl is being used by her masters to make a profit for them. While the spirit inside of her is expressly telling people that Paul and Silas are servants of the Most High God, it is also not telling the whole truth. Being followed around constantly would make me annoyed as well, but being followed around and having someone telling the people something that they are clearly going to misunderstand would frustrate me greatly as well. The point of the story could be symbolic for the Gospel reaching the pagans and the demons are being cast out of the city, like Paul did for this girl. But more likely the point would be to, stop the demon from spread any kind of deceiving witness to the people of Phillipi.

Light and darkness do not mix. The enemy sent this girl with a hidden agenda to cause Paul to sin. She was to flatter him and act like she was idolizing him. He was convicted, annoyed and cast the spirit out. What the enemy meant for evil God turned it for good. The jailer and his family were saved. Conclusion get discernment and know when its your turn to cast out the enemy from your life. God bless!

The second woman in Paul's experience at Philippi was as different from the first as day from night. Lydia, Paul's first recorded European convert, was an independent businesswoman of honorable character and godly piety. The second woman was an unfortunate, demon-possessed slave girl exploited by her owners for their own material profit. Also, her name is unknown. The girl was most likely demented, epileptic, or emotionally unstable. Demon possession is often associated with such maladies in the gospels.

First of all, we need to clarify that the words of the slave girl were not an epiphany be the Holy Spirit. We already know that Prophecy is one of the charismas of the Holy Spirit as is discernment of spirits and mighty deeds (deliverance/exorcism) (1Cor 12:10). Satan has a counterfeit gift for every true gift of the Spirit. This slave girl had a counterfeit demonic gift at work and Paul presumably felt this spiritual discernment. When Paul performs the exorcism, he certainly did not cast out the Holy Spirit from the girl, nor deprive her of any true gifting of the Holy Spirit.

Paul paid a price for his insist to disassociate himself and the Philippi church from paganism. Paul and Silas were very roughly handled by the owners of the slave girl, the crowd and the authorities in Philippi. They were charged with disturbing the peace and introducing customs unlawful for Roman citizens to accept. The handlers appeal to law-and-order nationalism, anti-Semitic prejudice and ethnic traditionalism. Philippi was a pure Roman town. In the Roman Republic a cult of Apollo centered on healing and prophecy, and under Augustus a magnificent temple to Apollo was erected on the Palatine. Apollo Palatinus was in some sort the equal of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Preaching the way of salvation in the Lord Jesus, in whose name the "spirit Python," inspired by Apollo, was cast out, could, certainly, be viewed as advocating customs unlawful for Romans to accept or practice.

The slave girl following him (and his company) was subject to a "status" of spiritual slavery and not merely legal slavery, and thus Paul was finally moved to act on his realization of the spiritual enslavement by relieving the spiritual problem which led to his resulting revenge imprisonment. Of course, this "revenge" had clearly to do with the fact that St. Paul, in setting the slave girl free of her demon has deprived her "owners" of the income they derived from her sad state. They were banking on her bad condition and trafficking on her trouble. His action draws deep anger from the "owners."

Some owners have freed pythons into the wild and a population of them has taken hold in the Everglades. One killed an alligator and then burst when it tried to eat it. Scientists also speculate a bevy of Burmese pythons escaped in 1992 from pet shops battered by Hurricane Andrew and have been reproducing since.

In Python can write s = ["boy", "girl"] and have two elements of length 3 and 4, but the closest Fortran equivalents are s = [character(len=4) :: "boy", "girl"] or s = ["boy ", "girl"], which gives you two elements of length 4.

"I looked down and I saw something snakeskin and I was like, 'Huh. What did I put in here that was snakeskin?' And I reached down and it started slithering and oh my gosh. I screamed so loud. It was a huge python," said Emily Visnic, who recently moved to Florida from Connecticut.

The world's first case of a new parasitic infection in humans has been discovered by researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) and the Canberra Hospital after they detected a live eight-centimetre roundworm from a carpet python in the brain of a 64- year-old Australian woman.

The Ophidascaris robertsi roundworm was pulled from the patient after brain surgery - still alive and wriggling. It is suspected larvae, or juveniles, were also present in other organs in the woman's body, including the lungs and liver.

"This is the first-ever human case of Ophidascaris to be described in the world," leading ANU and Canberra Hospital infectious disease expert and co-author of the study Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanayake said.

"To our knowledge, this is also the first case to involve the brain of any mammalian species, human or otherwise.

"Normally the larvae from the roundworm are found in small mammals and marsupials, which are eaten by the python, allowing the life cycle to complete itself in the snake."

Ophidascaris robertsi roundworms are common to carpet pythons. It typically lives in a python's oesophagus and stomach, and sheds its eggs in the host's faeces. Humans infected with Ophidascaris robertsi larvae would be considered accidental hosts.

Roundworms are incredibly resilient and able to thrive in a wide range of environments. In humans, they can cause stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, appetite and weight loss, fever and tiredness.

The researchers say the woman, from southeastern New South Wales in Australia, likely caught the roundworm after collecting a type of native grass, Warrigal greens, beside a lake near where she lived in which the python had shed the parasite via its faeces.

The patient used the Warrigal greens for cooking and was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.

Canberra Hospital's Director of Clinical Microbiology and Associate Professor at the ANU School of Medicine and Psychology, Karina Kennedy, said her symptoms first started in January 2021.

"She initially developed abdominal pain and diarrhoea, followed by fever, cough and shortness of breath. In retrospect, these symptoms were likely due to migration of roundworm larvae from the bowel and into other organs, such as the liver and the lungs. Respiratory samples and a lung biopsy were performed; however, no parasites were identified in these specimens," she said.

"At that time, trying to identify the microscopic larvae, which had never previously been identified as causing human infection, was a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

"In 2022, she began experiencing subtle changes in memory and thought processing and underwent a brain MRI scan which demonstrated an atypical lesion within the right frontal lobe of the brain."

The patient was first admitted to a local hospital in late January 2021 after suffering three weeks of abdominal pain and diarrhoea, followed by a constant dry cough, fever and night sweats. By 2022, the patient was experiencing forgetfulness and depression, prompting an MRI scan.

A neurosurgeon at Canberra Hospital explored the abnormality and it was then that the unexpected eight-centimetre roundworm was found. Its identity was later confirmed through parasitology experts, initially through its appearance and then through molecular studies.

Associate Professor Senanayake said the world-first case highlighted the danger of diseases and infections passing from animals to humans, especially as we start to live more closely together and our habitats overlap more and more.

"There have been about 30 new infections in the world in the last 30 years. Of the emerging infections globally, about 75 per cent are zoonotic, meaning there has been transmission from the animal world to the human world. This includes coronaviruses," he said.

"This Ophidascaris infection does not transmit between people, so it won't cause a pandemic like SARS, COVID-19 or Ebola. However, the snake and parasite are found in other parts of the world, so it is likely that other cases will be recognised in coming years in other countries."

Associate Professor Karina Kennedy said the important message from this case is about general food safety, particularly when gardening or foraging for food where there may be other wildlife in close proximity.

"People who garden or forage for food should wash their hands after gardening and touching foraged products. Any food used for salads or cooking should also be thoroughly washed, and kitchen surfaces and cutting boards, wiped downed and cleaned after use," she said.

The patient continues to be monitored by the team of infectious diseases and brain specialists.

"It is never easy or desirable to be the first patient in the world for anything. I can't state enough our admiration for this woman who has shown patience and courage through this process," Associate Professor Senanayake said.

The researchers' findings have been described in the journal Emerging infectious diseases.

The research team included scientists and infectious diseases, immunology and neurosurgical doctors from ANU, Canberra Health Services, CSIRO, the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney. 17dc91bb1f

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