If you want to create a new branch for your pull request and do not have write permissions to the repository, you can fork the repository first. For more information, see "Creating a pull request from a fork" and "About forks."

Note: To open a pull request in a public repository, you must have write access to the head or the source branch or, for organization-owned repositories, you must be a member of the organization that owns the repository to open a pull request.

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You can link a pull request to an issue to show that a fix is in progress and to automatically close the issue when someone merges the pull request. For more information, see "Linking a pull request to an issue."

When you change the base repository, you also change notifications for the pull request. Everyone that can push to the base repository will receive an email notification and see the new pull request in their dashboard the next time they sign in.

To create a pull request that is ready for review, click Create Pull Request.To create a draft pull request, use the drop-down and select Create Draft Pull Request, then click Draft Pull Request. For more information about draft pull requests, see "About pull requests."

Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch.

A pull request is a proposal to merge a set of changes from one branch into another. In a pull request, collaborators can review and discuss the proposed set of changes before they integrate the changes into the main codebase. Pull requests display the differences, or diffs, between the content in the source branch and the content in the target branch.

After initializing a pull request, you'll see a review page that shows a high-level overview of the changes between your branch (the compare branch) and the repository's base branch. You can add a summary of the proposed changes, review the changes made by commits, add labels, milestones, and assignees, and @mention individual contributors or teams. For more information, see "Creating a pull request."

Once you've created a pull request, you can push commits from your topic branch to add them to your existing pull request. These commits will appear in chronological order within your pull request and the changes will be visible in the "Files changed" tab.

Other contributors can review your proposed changes, add review comments, contribute to the pull request discussion, and even add commits to the pull request. By default, in public repositories, any user can submit reviews that approve or request changes to a pull request. Organization owners and repository admins can limit who is able to give approving pull request reviews or request changes. For more information, see "Managing pull request reviews in your organization" and "Managing pull request reviews in your repository."

After you're happy with the proposed changes, you can merge the pull request. If you're working in a shared repository model, you create a pull request and you, or someone else, will merge your changes from your feature branch into the base branch you specify in your pull request. For more information, see "Merging a pull request."

When you create a pull request, you can choose to create a pull request that is ready for review or a draft pull request. Draft pull requests cannot be merged, and code owners are not automatically requested to review draft pull requests. For more information about creating a draft pull request, see "Creating a pull request" and "Creating a pull request from a fork."

When you're ready to get feedback on your pull request, you can mark your draft pull request as ready for review. Marking a pull request as ready for review will request reviews from any code owners. You can convert a pull request to a draft at any time. For more information, see "Changing the stage of a pull request."

Anyone can create an issue in a public repository that has issues enabled. Anyone with read permissions to a repository can create a pull request, but you must have write permissions to create a branch.

After you create a branch and make changes to files in a project, you can create a pull request. With a pull request, you can propose, discuss, and iterate on changes before you merge the changes into the project. You can create a pull request in your project's repository with GitHub Desktop. For more information about pull requests, see "About pull requests."

pull request isn't an official "git" term.

Git uses the request-pull(!) command to build a request for merging:

It "summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output, and includes the given URL in the generated summary."

Github launches its own version on day one (February 2008), but redesigned that feature in May 2010, stating that:

To learn how to make a pull request I just followed two separate help pages on Github (linked below as bullet points). The following command line commands are for Part 1. Part 2, the actual pull request, is done entirely on Github's website.

If you're reading this you won't have write access to the repository (project folders) so GitHub will create a copy of the repository (actually a branch) in your account. Click the Create pull request button.

To customize the pull request tree, you can use the githubPullRequests.queries setting. This setting is a list of labels and search queries which populate the categories of the tree. By default, these queries are "Waiting For My Review", "Assigned To Me", and "Created By Me". An example of adding a "Mentioned Me" category is to change the setting to the following:

Open-source projects that are hosted in public repositories benefit from contributions made by the broader developer community through pull requests, which request that a project accept changes you have made to its code repository.

At this point, the maintainers of the original repository will decide whether or not to accept your pull request. They may ask for you to edit or revise your code prior to accepting the pull request through submitting a code review.

At this point, you have successfully sent a pull request to an open-source software repository. Following this, you should make sure to update and rebase your code while you are waiting to have it reviewed. Project maintainers may ask for you to rework your code, so you should be prepared to do so.

Open-source projects that are hosted in public repositories benefit from contributions made by the broader developer community, and are typically managed through Git. This tutorial series will guide you through selecting an open-source project to contribute to, making a pull request to a Git repository through the command line, and taking steps to follow up on your pull request.

I do have one question though.So, we forked the open-source-repo into our master. Then, we branched our master and created branch-feature, made changes to it.After that, to sync our master branch with the open-source-repo, we fetched and merged into our own master.But in the end, we made a pull request from the branch-feature in our repo. Not from the master branch, which is the one kept in sync with the open-source-repo. So, am I missing some step there? It seems to me that once we send the PR from the new branch, it could still be out of sync with the open-source-repo right?

If you are not redirected to VS Code, you can add your authorization token manually. In the browser window, you will receive your authorization token. Copy the token, and switch back to VS Code. Select Signing in to github.com... in the Status bar, paste the token, and hit Enter.

You can also configure which files show these suggestions using the settings GitHub Issues: Ignore Completion Trigger (githubIssues.ignoreCompletionTrigger) and GitHub Issues: Ignore User Completion Trigger (githubIssues.ignoreUserCompletionTrigger). These settings take an array of language identifiers to specify the file types.

Once you have committed changes to your fork or branch, you can use the GitHub Pull Requests: Create Pull Request command or the Create Pull Request button in the Pull Requests view to create a pull request.

A new Create view will be displayed where you can select the base repository and base branch you'd like your pull request to target as well as fill in the title and description. If your repository has a pull request template, this will automatically be used for the description.

Pull requests can be reviewed from the Pull Requests view. You can assign reviewers and labels, add comments, approve, close, and merge all from the pull request Description.

From the Description page, you can also easily checkout the pull request locally using the Checkout button. This will switch VS Code to open the fork and branch of the pull request (visible in the Status bar) in Review Mode and add a new Changes in Pull Request view from which you can view diffs of the current changes as well as all commits and the changes within these commits. Files that have been commented on are decorated with a diamond icon. To view the file on disk, you can use the Open File inline action. 006ab0faaa

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