I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I haven't seen a "HELP" section or tab... I'm hoping one of you all might throw me a bone...feel free to give me a heads up on a better place to search for assistance.

Any place I might start to resolve this issue? I've posted to the sub reddit, many views, no response. I've sent a message similar to this to wildcard twice, no response. I've deleted and re-installed the game, no dice. I've even logged in from my old xbox one, same result. I've contacted microsoft, they told me to contact wildcard.

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I'm playing on version 1.1.962.6, ASE. What should I put as the 'Client version number' and the 'server version number' etc (if relevant) in xbox single player mode so that I might post this glitch to the devs? Or should I look elsewhere? Tia for any helpful responses...

From what I've read, there is nothing that can be done to recover your world. Console versions of Ark don't provide any way to roll back to a previous save. Please reply back here or in my thread if you find a solution.

If you don't find a solution and really want to get back what you lost, you can give it back to yourself via admin commands. Before official servers shut down, I wrote down all my breeder dinos' stats and took pictures of blueprints. I then started a local world and recreated everything. The base rebuilding is tedious, as is entering dino spawn commands. But it is possible to get stuff back - if you know what you had. I just can't bring myself to do it knowing it could get erased again.

I would set up a PC server, but don't know if I care enough to invest that time at this point. I've been Ark-free for 4 days. ASA is a no-go for me for this very reason. Official PVE appears over crowded. You can't set up a PC server and play ASA on an XBox like you can ASE. Sadly, I will probably stay Ark free.

@DinoFan Ty for the response. I'll def circle back if I manage to get anything resolved, but it's hard to feel optimistic given how many cases there are like ours left unattended. It's a shame, great game concept but knowing that you can lose 100s of hours of work without recourse really sours the experience.

I would never play that version. It's really worth it to rent a Nitrado server even if you only intend on playing 'single player'. That's what I've done for years. It's always painful to read these types of posts.

When did this change? The wiki still says it is not possible:


From the Survival Ascended restrictions section near the top of that page:

"It is not possible to self-host a cross-platform dedicated server or a server for a platform other than Steam."

When did this change? The wiki still says it is not possible:


From the Survival Ascended restrictions section near the top of that page:

"It is not possible to self-host a cross-platform dedicated server or a server for a platform other than Steam."

that there's no way to backup game saves on console? I was considering rebuilding with my naked lvl 90+, but no backup option sort of kills it for me- I like to play on my big screen and have several people come in and out on local co op. Seems no backup ability is a fairly significant design flaw. Is this still the case when hosting your server or using the console to host? Or even being able to save to the external HD would seem to be an achievable upgrade...

@DinoFan@Joebl0w13 So it isn't possible to host a cross-platform dedicated server for ASA, but would it be possible for ASE (what I've been playing)? I know, I'm grasping at straws here...just slowly moving toward the 'acceptance' stage of grief ?

The safest way to play this game and avoid losing your progress or character is to rent a server from Nitrado. With one of those servers, you have as near or in some cases more control over your map (server) than in single player as well as backups and quite a few other nice features. It's also far less buggy than single player or non-dedicated. It's the only way to play the game in my opinion. You can invite whomever you like whenever you like to play on your map.

Yes. You can setup your own ASE server on your own PC (rather than rent from Nitrado or some other company). I intended to indicate that in my initial reply. It probably was obscured by my rambling. I just am not motivated to do it. ASA might be enough to get me to do it. But, we can't on ASA.

I'd go with ASE now because it seems to be much more mature and developed, with less bugs than ASA yet, so even if ASA were released on Epic or Gog right now I doubt I would try it before another year or so of patches (it's how I usullay play games: let someone else test and debug it:)

@Joebl0w13@KA19@DinoFan Thanks for the helpful responses guys/gals (?). I'm settling in to having lost everything. Oh well, $h!t happens. I'm going to likely look into hosting through Nitrado, as Joebl0w13 suggested. I was aware of it and had considered it for future ark endeavors. I finally got into this crazy game because we have game pass, so maybe the $ we saved from playing the game for 'free' will offset the cost of renting the server. We also have a pile of server components we haven't learned to assemble yet, maybe this will inspire us (my son and I) to finally build that unit. Ty KA19 for dropping the info on setting up the cross platform, at least I know where I might restart. DinoFan, hang in there, I appreciate the input and the solidarity. ?

I bought Star Wars battlefront 2 along time ago on Xbox, and have just recently purchased it on Pc. I was wondering if I could get the progress I have on Xbox to my origin account because I just wanna play with better graphics with my old progress. I know I cant transfer the game, hens way I have to copy of it. All I want to do is have the same progress.

So a friend and I have been in a private lobby game and we were on our third try, the first two time we make it about 7 to 8 days and after the crash we lost all progress and nothing was respawning. Now on the third try after we saw some work arounds to only loose maybe minutes of progress after crash we encounters where we were working on a house and after a crash half the house was gone and all storage was gone and no respawn happened, that was about day 10. Just now we hit day 22 and built a house from scratch instead of working on a pre built house in the game and after the crash we lost 90% of the house and all inventory we collected once again. I know that you guys have struggled with ownership and all but this is unacceptable, I don't even care for a new update to alpha19 or 20 or anything I just want you guys to fix what you have now and I know you guys can if the servers are still live which means you can still do hot fixes, this is just not right and if this continues your console version will never succeed.

Yeah I read about TellTale issues which was very disappointing because I loved there walking dead games, I did just now ready that article you said and I replied in it and that work around does not work, after multiple crashes and doing that eventually you still loose it all, also just curious are you guys working on releasing the newer version or anything like that to console?

I'm playing GTA V on Xbox 360, but the game is not saving my progress.

I did the mission that tells you to go to your house I got an alert telling me that I'm logged out and press "A" button to log in. When you get to choose which profile you wanna log in to save the game and you select it, it just goes back to the "alert" page that tells me that I have to log in again. So every time I wanna play GTA V I need to do all of the robbery missions and Simeon missions

Is it possible to move my Dead by Daylight progress from the Epic Games Launcher to Xbox Gamepass on PC? It's mainly because I have all of the games I own on Gamepass so I can just use one "launcher" for everything.

This article is meant to provide troubleshooting to attempt to recover an older or lost save for players. Sometimes this is not possible and the player will need to delete their old save and make a...

MAKE SURE YOU ARE SIGNED INTO THE XBOX APP. ON PC.!!! (You may need to be signed into the Windows PC. with the same account so the PC. verification PIN matches up with the XBox user account when it asks on sign in. I am going to guess this is why your progress has not been restored. Windows PC. User Account changed?)

Store on windows: microsoft (game pass).

I started the game on xbox after playing on pc and lost all my progress on pc.

I think this is a cross-platform synchronization error.

After this, for test, I make progress on xbox, and then made sync (just start game) on pc and lost progress on xbox.

I just want to report that i have the same problem. I played for about 7 hours on xbox. Wanted to try it on PC, but when I booted it up, it only showed start a new game, which i did. Went back to my xbox, and suddanly it also showed start a new game, and I lost all of my previous progress Would love to get my progress back, but that might be unrealistic? 152ee80cbc

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