A computer program in its human-readable form is called source code. Source code needs another computer program to execute because computers can only execute their native machine instructions. Therefore, source code may be translated to machine instructions using the language's compiler. (Assembly language programs are translated using an assembler.) The resulting file is called an executable. Alternatively, source code may execute within the language's interpreter.[2]

Computers manufactured until the 1970s had front-panel switches for manual programming.[27] The computer program was written on paper for reference. An instruction was represented by a configuration of on/off settings. After setting the configuration, an execute button was pressed. This process was then repeated. Computer programs also were automatically inputted via paper tape, punched cards or magnetic-tape. After the medium was loaded, the starting address was set via switches, and the execute button was pressed.[27]

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COBOL (1959) stands for "COmmon Business Oriented Language." Fortran manipulated symbols. It was soon realized that symbols did not need to be numbers, so strings were introduced.[54] The US Department of Defense influenced COBOL's development, with Grace Hopper being a major contributor. The statements were English-like and verbose. The goal was to design a language so managers could read the programs. However, the lack of structured statements hindered this goal.[55]

However, the Basic syntax was too simple for large programs.[7] Recent dialects added structure and object-oriented extensions. Microsoft's Visual Basic is still widely used and produces a graphical user interface.[6]

Writing large, reliable, and readable Lisp programs requires forethought. If properly planned, the program may be much shorter than an equivalent imperative language program.[75] Lisp is widely used in artificial intelligence. However, its usage has been accepted only because it has imperative language operations, making unintended side-effects possible.[77]

Modular programming is a technique to refine imperative language programs. Refined programs may reduce the software size, separate responsibilities, and thereby mitigate software aging. A program module is a sequence of statements that are bounded within a block and together identified by a name.[114] Modules have a function, context, and logic:[115]

Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines. The main functional categories are application software and system software. System software includes the operating system, which couples computer hardware with application software.[120] The purpose of the operating system is to provide an environment where application software executes in a convenient and efficient manner.[120] Both application software and system software execute utility programs. At the hardware level, a microcode program controls the circuits throughout the central processing unit.

The term operating system may refer to two levels of software.[129] The operating system may refer to the kernel program that manages the processes, memory, and devices. More broadly, the operating system may refer to the entire package of the central software. The package includes a kernel program, command-line interpreter, graphical user interface, utility programs, and editor.[129]

A utility program is designed to aid system administration and software execution. Operating systems execute hardware utility programs to check the status of disk drives, memory, speakers, and printers.[138] A utility program may optimize the placement of a file on a crowded disk. System utility programs monitor hardware and network performance. When a metric is outside an acceptable range, a trigger alert is generated.[139]

Utility programs include compression programs so data files are stored on less disk space.[138] Compressed programs also save time when data files are transmitted over the network.[138] Utility programs can sort and merge data sets.[139] Utility programs detect computer viruses.[139]

FNS works to end hunger and obesity through the administration of 16 federal nutrition assistance programs including WIC, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and school meals. In partnership with state and tribal governments, our programs serve one in four Americans during the course of a year.

OFAC administers a number of different sanctions programs. The sanctions can be either comprehensive or selective, using the blocking of assets and trade restrictions to accomplish foreign policy and national security goals.

HUD's programs and related topics support HUD's priorities across a range of policy areas including Affordable Housing Development and Preservation, Community and Economic Development, Environment and Energy, Fair Housing, Homelessness, Homeownership, Rental Assistance, and Supportive Housing and Services.

Our motto is "Safety, Service, and Security." Read about how we provide those features to Californians here - through active programs, community outreach, and communication. We take a pro-active stance against crime, trying not only to protect our public, but by showing the public how to protect themselves. We promote safe driving for all ages, we have programs designed to teach kids about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and we provide support to victims of crimes. Help us keep our roads and highways safe. Do your part by driving safely, and reminding others of their responsibilities on the road. Volunteer for one of our Community Outreach programs. Or be a mentor for young adults. California's safety is everyone's responsibility.

The Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) was developed as a coordinated effort to identify priority issues, find solutions, and effect change on private grazing land, enhancing existing conservation programs.

Operational areas are pages about areas that NIFA currently supports or has supported in the past. These pages may discuss topics that do not currently have any related NIFA grant programs open for applications. Visit the Program Operational Areas page for more information.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides the Economic Development Administration (EDA) with $1.5 billion for economic development assistance programs to help communities prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.

EDA provides Economic Adjustment Assistance (PDF) grants to eligible recipients to capitalize or recapitalize lending programs that service businesses that cannot otherwise obtain traditional bank financing (and in limited situations to governmental entities for public infrastructure). These loans provide access to capital as gap financing to enable small businesses to grow and generate new employment opportunities with competitive wages and benefits. Financing also helps retain jobs that might otherwise be lost, create wealth, and support minority and women-owned businesses.

SPRINT Challenge awardees are leading projects that address the economic, health, and safety risks caused by the coronavirus pandemic through regional innovation and supporting the growth of scalable, technology-driven businesses. This national competition was designed to support the development, creation, or expansion of programs that accelerate technology-based economic development and respond to the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs. TRIO also includes a training program for directors and staff of TRIO projects.

The recipients of the grants, depending on the specific program, are institutions of higher education, public and private agencies and organizations including community-based organizations with experience in serving disadvantaged youth and secondary schools. Combinations of such institutions, agencies, and organizations may also apply for grants. These entities plan, develop and carry out the services for students. While individual students are served by these entities, they may not apply for grants under these programs. Additionally, in order to be served by one of these programs, a student must be eligible to receive services and be accepted into a funded project that serves the institution or school that student is attending or the area in which the student lives.

With our web-enhanced classroom options, a variety of locations, and five convenient start times per year, our programs reflect the needs of our working professionals. And, because we have metropolitan, military, and corporate locations around the world, our students are immersed in a vibrant and unique learning experience.

Five terms in an academic year make it easy to tailor your education to your life. Courses are offered in both semester and 8- or 9-week periods, and can consist of multiple modalities with our assortment of in person, hybrid, and online course options. Webster also offers a variety of degree, certificate, and non-degree programs.

";}$("#recent").html(str);});})(jQuery);});.recent {font-size: 17px;color: black;font-family: Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;} A Practice is a general category of programs, strategies, or procedures that share similar characteristics with regard to the issues they address and how they address them. Practice profiles tell us about the average results from multiple evaluations of similar programs, strategies, or procedures.

The J-1 Visa provides countless opportunities for international candidates looking to travel and gain experience in the United States. The multifaceted programs enable foreign nationals to come to the U.S. to teach, study, conduct research, demonstrate special skills or receive on the job training for periods ranging from a few weeks to several years. e24fc04721

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