The answer to your question depends heavily on a few factors, such as how you are storing the chess board, and what your make/unmake move function looks like. I'm sure there are ways of storing the board that would be better suited towards your method, and indeed historically some top tiered chess engine (in particular crafty) used to use that method, but you are correct in saying that modern engines no longer do it that way. Here is a link to a discussion about this very point: =50805

If you want to understand why this is, then you must understand how today's engines represent the board. The standard implementation revolves around bitboards, and that requires 12- 64 bit integers per position, in addition to a redundant mailbox (array in non computer chess jargon) used in conjunction. Copying all that is usually more expensive than a good makeMove/unMakeMove function.

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I also want to point out that a hybrid approach is also common. Usually make and unmake is used on the board itself, where as other information like en passant squares and castle rights are copied and changed like you suggested.

i am new to python programming and now starting to write simple "Snake" game.i am trying to make the head of the snake move around the screen in a way thatwhen an arrow key is pressed, the head should move in that direction non-stop, until a perpendiculararrow is pressed.i cant make the head of the snake ( a rectangle) to move non stop in single direction slowly.i tried to use time.sleep() --> it made the whole code stuck.i tried to use for loop --> it just made the rectangle to transport to the other direction fast.

So i want to make mobs move from point A to point walk 10 blocs forward turn right move 5 blocks forward. Do i have to line a bunch off tp commands to move them bit by bit and play around till i get good timings or is there a esyer way with moving to a invis entity

Thanks DaveR. I will explore this. I only wanted the grid or the lines so that I can locate the circle in the dead centre of the area. If I understand, I can place two centre lines, group them and then move the circle on top of the crossed lines. But I will look at the article first

I found out one helpful item just be accident. The Tape Measure (maybe with the option key?) can lay a guideline. Just what I wanted. Now to learn how to create the shape I want with opposite curves and right angle ends. I need the lines there while I move the circle.

im making a game using a customizable tank as my player character. The problem im having is, i have drawn the base of the tank and the turret of the tank as 2 separate sprites because i want the turret to be able to move independently. The base of the tank has 8 directional movements but the turret has no automation, i have tried to do it using points where point tank of turret should move with point turret of tank, but just cant get it to work here is what im doing but i know how to implement this bit i just cant get the sprite to stay in a fixed position on the tank, you can move the tank all over the screen hopefully the turret will be moving with it but then using z and x keyboard press to rotate the turret around point tank of turret if the player then changes direction the turret slowly rotates back to the front of the tank. here is what i have for it to follow the tank that doesnt work,

look what it does aswell i think it is because i rotated the file then reput the tank in the game but i can sort that problem i just need to get the turret to move with the tank smoothly i know how to implement the rest i think lol


I'm trying to code the ball so that when the button is clicked it would move towards a random location for few seconds and then change the direction and repeat it until it reaches X = 270.

image1525685 61.3 KB

When I want to try it out, it just freezes.

Any ideas why or how to do it?

Here's a small sample, using a small Ball as a target for the move...

 Move to a point(x,y) smoothly MIT App Inventor Help move_to.aia (17.3 KB) [when imagesprite1 collidedWith] [when button1 click] [when imagesprite1 dragged] run time video:

Thanks, but do you know how to make it so that the ball would move forward a bit and up or down each few seconds randomly till it reaches the border or just X 270? Sorry I'm new to the ball component and overall to mit app inventor.

We understand moving is stressful and the TxDMV wants to help you to protect yourself. That's why we say "Don't Make A Move Without Us!" By law, Texas movers must be licensed with the TxDMV. If you hire one that isn't, you risk losing your belongings.

Before you hire a mover, first check our Truck Stop, the database that can tell you whether a company is licensed with the TxDMV. A licensed Texas mover will have an "Active" TxDMV certificate number on file.

We also prepared Moving Tips and a Moving Checklist to help you with your move. If you do have a problem, we'll try to help. Please take the time to read the information below so you know what steps to take before and after the move.

This presentation will provide anyone looking to hire a moving company with guidance to help prepare for their upcoming household goods move. Representatives from the TxDMV Enforcement Division will provide valuable information to assist consumers with thoroughly searching for a licensed moving company and will promote awareness of the potential red flags for moving fraud.

You will have many choices when it comes to selecting a moving company. If your mover isn't licensed to conduct moves in Texas, you could risk losing your material possessions, family heirlooms or other items of personal and irreplaceable value. It is illegal for a mover to operate without a license to conduct moves. You can check that your mover is licensed in Texas by checking our Truck Stop Motor Carrier Lookup.

If it's too good to be true, it probably is. What may look like a low cost move may not turn out to be a smart move. Unlicensed movers may advertise a very low cost for a move then increase the price once your items are loaded onto their truck. Your items would be in their custody until you pay the higher price.

Unlicensed movers typically have no local business address, use cell phones as their business phones or answer the phone with vague terms as "Movers" or "Moving Company". Ask questions. Ask the mover to give you their TxDMV certificate number; then check their number in our Truck Stop database.

Unlicensed movers will typically have no markings on their trucks or use rental trucks. TxDMV requires all licensed movers to have their name, TxDMV certificate number, USDOT number on both sides of their truck either permanently attached or with a magnetic sign.

Unlicensed movers may not provide you with a proposal or contract document, or, may rush you through a contract form and make you sign it before reading it. A licensed mover will provide you with both a proposal and a contract document and will ask you to sign it at different stages of the move. A licensed mover will not assess additional charges after the contract is signed unless you both agree to them in writing. Please make sure you read any documents before you sign them.

Once you've selected your mover, make sure to get your agreement in writing. A licensed mover will provide you with both a proposal/estimate and a moving services contract BEFORE they begin to load your items. Some will give you a combined form that includes both the proposal and the contract together.

Prior to loading, the mover must provide you with a written proposal describing the services to be performed and indicating the maximum amount that you could be required to pay for their services. The proposal may be either binding or not-to-exceed:

To receive an accurate estimate, you must notify your mover of all items to be moved and specify required services such as moving your items up or down several flights of stairs, via long carries to/from your dwelling or using an elevator. Some movers will provide services such as these at an additional cost. The proposal should also indicate when payment is due and what forms of payment are accepted.

Licensed movers will also provide you with a moving services contract prior to loading your items. The items written on your proposal become a part of your contract along with the contract terms and conditions.

Transit insurance can be purchased to help cover loss or damage to your goods. Some movers offer transit insurance, or you can purchase this type of policy from a separate insurance company. The insurance policy must cover loss or damage in excess of the household goods carrier liability as specified above. A copy of this policy or other appropriate evidence of purchased insurance must be issued to the shipper before the shipment is loaded. Policies must be written in a clear and concise manner, specifying the nature and extent of coverage included as well as any deductibles. The policy must also clearly indicate the name, address, and telephone number of the insurance company, the policy number, and a statement of whether claims are to be filed with the insurance company or with the mover.

Some licensed movers may offer to prepare a descriptive inventory of your items for an additional cost. The inventory should list all items to be moved and their condition. The document should be signed by both you and the mover at both the point of origin and the destination. Remember to review the inventory for accuracy before you sign it.

Check the condition of your property and make any notations on the contract document before signing. Signing the contract upon delivery does not release the mover from any liabilities. The signatures only confirm that the shipment was delivered.

The proposal document must explain when you will be required to pay your mover and what form of payment is accepted. Remember that the last amended contract or written proposal lists the total price that you will be required to pay at the time of delivery. 2351a5e196

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