Give your dataset a name, and select whether this is a public or private dataset. A public dataset is visible to anyone, whereas a private dataset can only be viewed by you or members of your organization.

Once you have created a repository, navigate to the Files and versions tab to add a file. Select Add file to upload your dataset files. We currently support the following data formats: CSV, JSON, JSON lines, text, and Parquet.

Download Private Dataset Huggingface


Now that you have a solid grasp of what ? Datasets can do, you can begin formulating your own questions about how you can use it with your dataset. Please take a look at our How-to guides for more practical help on solving common use-cases, or read our Conceptual guides to deepen your understanding about ? Datasets.

I used wget to retrieve data from my space on colab. It worked as long as it was public, but I made it private so it now no longer works. How do I insert a passcode, or PAT as I had to do with github?

You can also look at the Dataset Card specifications, which has a complete set of allowed tags, including optional like annotations_creators, to help you choose the ones that are useful for your dataset.

Write your dataset documentation in the Dataset Card to introduce your dataset to the community and help users understand what is inside: what are the use cases and limitations, where the data comes from, what are important ethical considerations, and any other relevant details.

You can click on the Import dataset card template link at the top of the editor to automatically create a dataset card template. For a detailed example of what a good Dataset card should look like, take a look at the CNN DailyMail Dataset card.

Around 90% of machine learning models never make it into production. Unfamiliar tools and non-standard workflows slow down ML development. Efforts get duplicated as models and datasets aren't shared internally, and similar artifacts are built from scratch across teams all the time. Data scientists find it hard to show their technical work to business stakeholders, who struggle to share precise and timely feedback. And machine learning teams waste time on Docker/Kubernetes and optimizing models for production.

The Hugging Face Hub offers over 60K models, 6K datasets, and 6K ML demo apps, all open source and publicly available, in an online platform where people can easily collaborate and build ML together. The Hub works as a central place where anyone can explore, experiment, collaborate and build technology with machine learning.

Each model, dataset or space uploaded to the Hub is a Git-based repository, which are version-controlled places that can contain all your files. You can use the traditional git commands to pull, push, clone, and/or manipulate your files. You can see the commit history for your models, datasets and spaces, and see who did what and when.

The Hugging Face Hub is also a central place for feedback and development in machine learning. Teams use pull requests and discussions to support peer reviews on models, datasets, and spaces, improve collaboration and accelerate their ML work.

Data is a key part of building machine learning models; without the right data, you won't get accurate models. The ? Hub hosts more than 6,000 open source, ready-to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools. Like with models, you can find the right dataset for your use case by using the search bar or filtering by tags. For example, you can easily find 96 models for sentiment analysis by filtering by the task "sentiment-classification":

Similar to models, datasets uploaded to the ? Hub have Dataset Cards to help users understand the contents of the dataset, how the dataset should be used, how it was created and know relevant considerations for using the dataset. You can use the Dataset Viewer to easily view the data and quickly understand if a particular dataset is useful for your machine learning project:

With the Private Hub, data scientists can seamlessly work with Transformers, Datasets and other open source libraries with models, datasets and spaces privately and securely hosted on your own servers, and get machine learning done faster by leveraging the Hub features:

Managed Private Hub (SaaS): runs in segregated virtual private servers (VPCs) owned by Hugging Face. You can enjoy the full Hugging Face experience on your own private Hub without having to manage any infrastructure.

First, we will search for a pre-trained model relevant to our use case and fine-tune it on a custom dataset for sentiment analysis. Next, we will build an ML web app to show how this model works to business stakeholders. Finally, we will use the Inference API to run inferences with an infrastructure that can handle production-level loads. All artifacts for this ML demo app can be found in this organization on the Hub.

So, we first upload a custom dataset for sentiment analysis that we built internally with the team to our Private Hub. This dataset has several thousand sentences from financial news in English and proprietary financial data manually categorized by our team according to their sentiment. This data contains sensitive information, so our compliance team only allows us to upload this data on our own servers. Luckily, this is not an issue as we run the Private Hub on our own AWS instance.

{'error': 'The dataset does not exist, or is not accessible without authentication (private or gated). Please retry with authentication.'}

However, when I make the repository public, it returns {'valid': True}. But, when I run the first-rows API, I get the following message

uploading a .parquet file to a repo should be enough to have the dataset viewer work. See julien-c/impressionistsĀ  Datasets at Hugging Face for example.

As mentioned by @mariosasko, the dataset viewer is not available for the private datasets.

I'm migrating a to SageMaker. At the moment it fine-tunes a classifier that is hosted on HF Hub (privately) and the dataset I'm using is also privately hosted. All the examples seem to copy the dataset to s3 and use a public foundation model.

So far with the example of fine tuning I see examples of summarisation, chatbot based on specific use cases etc. However, I want to build the a chatbot based on my own private data (100s of PDF & word files). How can I fine tune on this. The approach I am thinking is

1-> LoRA fine tuning of the base alpaca model on my own private data

2-> LoRA fine tuning of the above model on some input output prompts.

I have two spaces: a private space which contains image files and displays them in a gradio gallery, and a public space which loads this private space to run the app. The issue I am running into is that the images are loaded correctly while using the app in the private space, but the app in the public space fails to load them (the app continues running, just fails to load the data).

Thank you for your response! Below is the file in the public space. I am not making a request, but rather loading a gradio Hugging Face repo. Is it possible to specify a Bearer token using this method? Or should I go about loading a private space in a different manner?

However, the real challenge lies in preparing the data. A massive wiki of product documentation, a thousand PDFs of your processes, or even a bustling support forum with countless topics - they all amount to nothing if you don't have your data in the right format. Projects like Dolly and Orca have shown us how enriching data with context or system prompts can significantly improve the final model's quality. Other projects, like Vicuna, use chains of multi-step Q&A with solid results. There are many other datasets formats, depending of the expected result. For example, a dataset for quotes is much simpler, because there will be no actual interaction, the quote is a quote.

However, if you're working with a smaller dataset, a LoRA or qLoRA fine-tuning would be more suitable. For this, start with examples from LoRA or qLoRA repositories, use booga UI, or experiment with different settings. Getting a good LoRA is a trial and error process, but with time, you'll become good at it.

For anything larger than a 13B model, whether it's LoRA or full fine-tuning, I'd recommend using A100. Depending on the model and dataset size, and parameters, I run 1, 4, or 8 A100s. Most tools are tested and run smoothly on A100, so it's a safe bet. I once got a good deal on H100, but the hassle of adapting the tools was too overwhelming, so I let it go.

#instruction,#input,#output is a popular data format and can be used to train for both chat and instruction following. This is an example dataset in this format: -cleaned . I am using this format the most because it is the easiest to format unstructured data into, having the optional #input it makes it very flexible

A newer dataset that further proved that data format and quality is the most important in the output is Orca format. It is using a series of system prompts to categorize each data row (similar with a tagging system). -Orca/OpenOrca

A clear illustration of the privacy risks in machine learning is the AOL search data leak in 2006, where search queries of 650,000 AOL users were publicly released. Despite anonymizing the usernames, reporters from The New York Times were still able to identify an individual solely based on their search queries. This underscores the potential risks associated with training AI models on sensitive datasets, even when care is taken to anonymize the data.

To address this, we'll show how to fine-tune a sentiment analysis model while ensuring that personally identifiable information (PII) is removed from the training set. We'll be using the IMDB dataset to fine-tune a DistilBERT model, a smaller, faster variant of BERT that retains over 95% of BERT's performance. For the deidentification process, we'll use the Private AI Docker container and the Python Thin Client to interface with it. 17dc91bb1f

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