The 2006 IAU Resolution means that the Solar System officially consists of eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In the same resolution, a new distinct class of objects, called dwarf planets, was also defined. A dwarf planet is an object in orbit around the Sun that is large enough to pull itself into a nearly round shape but has not been able to clear its orbit of debris. Generally, dwarf planets are smaller than Mercury. A dwarf planet may also orbit in a zone that has many other objects in it. For example, an object within the asteroid belt is in a zone with many other objects that are all about the same size. Pluto now falls into the dwarf planet category because it resides within a zone of other objects that might cross its orbital path, known as the Trans-Neptunian region. Pluto is additionally recognised as an important prototype of a new class of Trans-Neptunian Objects: plutoids. Defining this class of objects helps astronomers distinguish different types of dwarf planets in our Solar System.

So, long story short, finding the places where you have deployed a deprecated apiVersion can be challenging. This is where pluto comes in. You can use pluto to check a couple different places where you might have placed a deprecated version:

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Pluto+'s modeling of transformations allows transformation coefficients to be negative (unlike Pluto); it thus also models compositions of transformations that involve loop reversal and loop skewing by negative factors. The new transformations modeled are required for example to enable tiling for stencils defined on grids with periodic boundary conditions. Pluto+ is available in the pluto+ branch. To use this:

Please post any questions or comments related to installation, usage, or development (bug reports, patches, and requests for new features) at Pluto's Github or on

Hydra is about 5.000 times fainter than Pluto. The water ice on Hydra's surface is relatively pure and shows no significant darkening compared to Charon. The surface spectrum of Hydra is slightly bluish compared to that of Nix. At the time of the New Horizons flyby of Pluto and its moons, Hydra's rotation period was approximately 10 hours and its rotational axis was tilted about 110 degrees to its orbit. Hydra is the only plutonian moon that completes a rotation in less than a day, making it the fastest. ff782bc1db

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