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At the Google I/O 2013 Developer Conference, Google announced the introduction of Google Play Games.[13] Google Play Games is an online gaming service for Android that features real-time multiplayer gaming capabilities, cloud saves, social and public leaderboards, and achievements. Its standalone mobile app was launched on July 24, 2013.[14]

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Google Play enables users to know the popularity of apps, by displaying the number of times the app has been downloaded. The download count is a color-coded badge, with special color designations for surpassing certain app download milestones, including grey for 100, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 downloads, blue for 10,000 and 50,000 downloads, green for 100,000 and 500,000 downloads, and red/orange for 1 million, 5 million, 10 million and 1 billion downloads.[65][66]

Users can submit reviews and ratings for apps and digital content distributed through Google Play, which are displayed publicly. Ratings are based on a 5-point scale. App developers can respond to reviews[67] using the Google Play Console.[68]

Google states in its Developer Policy Center that "Google Play supports a variety of monetization strategies to benefit developers and users, including paid distribution, in-app products, subscriptions, and ad-based models", and requires developers to comply with the policies in order to "ensure the best user experience". It requires that developers charging for apps and downloads through Google Play must use Google Play's payment system. In-app purchases unlocking additional app functionality must also use the Google Play payment system, except in cases where the purchase "is solely for physical products" or "is for digital content that may be consumed outside of the app itself (e.g. songs that can be played on other music players)."[90] Support for paid applications was introduced on February 13, 2009, for developers in the United States and the United Kingdom,[91] with support expanded to an additional 29 countries on September 30, 2010.[92] The in-app billing system was originally introduced in March 2011.[93] All developers on Google Play are required to feature a physical address on the app's page in Google Play, a requirement established in September 2014.[94]

Some developers publishing on Google Play have been sued for patent infringement by "patent trolls", people who own broad or vaguely worded patents that they use to target small developers. If the developer manages to successfully challenge the initial assertion, the "patent troll" changes the claim of the violation in order to accuse the developer of having violated a different assertion in the patent. This situation continues until the case goes into the legal system, which can have substantial economic costs, prompting some developers to settle.[211] In February 2013, Austin Meyer, a flight simulator game developer, was sued for having used a copy-protection system in his app, a system that he said "Google gave us! And, of course, this is what Google provides to everyone else that is making a game for Android!" Meyer claimed that Google would not assist in the lawsuit, and he stated that he would not settle the case.[212] His battle with the troll continued for several years, uploading a video in June 2016 discussing that he was then being sued for uploading his app to Google Play, because "the patent troll apparently owns the idea [sic] of the Google Play Store itself".[211] Android Authority wrote that "This scenario has played out against many other app developers for many years", and have prompted discussions over "a larger issue at stake", in which developers stop making apps out of fear of patent problems.[211]

I de fleste tilflde betyder det ogs, at Play Store er den primre destination for app-downloads, og at Google derfor har en endog meget dominerende markedsandel, nr det glder app-butikker. Det var tttere p at vre et monopol, dengang Android havde 85% af markedet, men med 70% kan Google stadig hste nogle af monopolets fordele.

I den konkrete sag handler det blandt andet om, hvad Google gjorde for at give fordele til de spilselskaber, der gik med til at udbyde deres spil eksklusivt gennem Play Store, modsat dem, der ikke gjorde. Blandt de sidstnvnte er Epic Games, der akkurat som de gjorde p iOS, valgte at tilbyde sine Android-spil gennem sin egen app-butik.

Epic anklagede ogs Google for at have lavet lignende aftaler med Nintendo, Riot Games og Ubisoft. Fordi sdanne eksklusivaftaler ikke blev tilbudt til alle spilproducenter (f.eks. ikke til Epic Games), og fordi aftalerne frst blev indget efter at Epic havde bnet sin egen butik, mente Epic Games at Google havde handlet i strid med amerikansk konkurrencelovgivning.

Everything we make is based on play. So each app requires some creativity and imagination to work. Also, you won't find any high-scores, levels, competition or pre-determined stories. By staying true to this formula we allow each kid the freedom to play the way they want to.

Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then youshould wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

Vlkommen till Fair Play Store p System Verification Fair Play Stadion! Hr hittar du allt du behver fr ditt och ditt barns tennis-, badminton-, bordtennis- och padelspel. Vi har ett brett utbud av racketar av alla ledande mrken s som Wilson, Babolat, Head, Adidas, Prince och Stiga till konkurrensmssiga priser. Hos oss hittar du racketar fr alla spelniver, frn juniorer till elitspelare. Du hittar ocks ett stort sortiment av skor och klder fr herr, dam och junior frn Adidas, Nike, Wilson, Babolat och Head. Som medlem i Fair Play TK och Fair Play Sport Club har du rabatt p all sportutrustning i butiken. Butikens eventuella vinst gr oavkortat tillbaka till Fair Plays barn- och ungdomsverksamhet och hjlper till att bland annat finansiera trnarutbildning, trningslger, tvlingsspelarnas verksamhet och seriespel.

Google kommer att genomfra en rad olika frndringar fr sin app-butik under nsta r, och mnga av frndringarna handlar om att anpassa butiken fr andra enheter n bara mobiler. Bland annat handlar det om frndringar i designen dr man kommer att anpassa den fr stora skrmar, ngot som till viss del lr ha att gra med Googles kommande Pixel-surfplatta. Den nya designen ska bland annat gra det enklare fr utvecklare att kunna visa upp sina appar med text och bild p ett stt som bttre passar de enheter som apparna r skapade fr, frn smartklockor hela vgen upp till smarta TV-apparater.

Google har redan nu presenterat nya riktlinjer fr utvecklare fr att kunna utnyttja de kommande frndringarna av butiken s att apparna presenteras p rtt stt. Dessa omfattar ven mjligheter att p ett bttre stt kunna presentera appar fr Chromebooks, d dessa vanligtvis brukar ha annorlunda skrmproportioner n plattor och mobiler, ngot som man tidigare inte har tagit hnsyn till.

S hvad er Google Play Butik? Google Play Butik er en digital butiksfacade til forskellige former for medietyper. Kunderne bruger oftest appen til at downloade forskellige typer af apps og spil. Play Butik slger dog ogs e-bger, musik, tv-shows og film. Alt bortset fra apps og spil har sin egen app, s du valgfrit kun kan fokuserer og gennemse disse sektioner.

This study concerns the effect that music has on consumer behavior in two different retail contexts during regular opening hours. Two studies were conducted in a field setting with consumers (N=550). Consumers were recruited to answer questions regarding behavioral measures, attitudes, and mood during days when background music was played. The conclusions from the two studies are that music affects consumer behavior, but also that the type of retail store and gender influences both the strength and direction of the effect

Mnniskor pverkas hela tiden av det eller de som r nrvarande runt omkring oss nr vi ska fatta beslut. S r ven fallet nr vi agerar som konsumenter. Speciellt ngot som benmns butikers upplevelserum (servicescape) har visat sig pverka konsumenter. Upplevelserummet delas in i tv dimensioner, fysisk och social. Inom dessa tv dimensioner finns en mngd olika pverkansstimuli. Fysiska stimuli r den fysiska miljn s som doft, mblering, skyltar eller musik som spelas i butik. De sociala stimuli r den sociala miljn s som antal kunder i butiken och deras agerande, antal butikspersonal och deras agerande. Miljpsykologer har studerat sambandet mellan fysisk milj och mnskligt beteende under flera decennier. Mehrabian och Russell (1974) presenterade en vrdefull teoretisk modell fr att visa effekterna av fysisk milj p mnniskors beteende. Genom en stimuli-organism-respons (S-O-R) paradigm, frklarar modellen att externa miljstimuli (S) kan generera knslomssiga reaktioner i en individ (O). Dessa knslomssiga reaktioner pverkar i sin tur individens nrmande eller undvikande beteende gentemot miljn (R). ven om M-R-modellen inte ursprungligen utvecklats fr att studera butikers upplevelserum, har det konstaterats vara lmplig fr att frklara effekten av upplevelserummets dimensioner p konsumenternas beteende. Syftet med licentiatuppsatsen r att underska och frst effekterna av stimuli i butikers upplevelserum p konsumenters knslor och beteende. I licentiatuppsatsen undersks drfr tv stimuli i upplevelserummet, nmligen fysiska (musik) och sociala (butikpersonalens verbala beteende). 17dc91bb1f

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