I know a long time ago that Pivot stick figure animation software was really popular with my middle school math/sci teachers. It hadn't been mentioned for a long time until today. My firewall blocks the download page (all's fine at DOT net, but on the downloads page, the link redirects to DOT com/weird alphanumba string/version number/pivot_v4-2 DOT exe).

Pivot Animator is designed to be a user friendly way of creating 2D stick-man animations. The basic concept is that stick figures can be easily moved and positioned by dragging handles. An animation is made up of frames added to the time-line, which are shown at the top of the screen. This can require more time to create a smooth animation than it does in flash for example, because Pivot doesn't support frame tweening. This however makes Pivot very easy to use and gives the animator full control over figure movement.

Download Pivot Animator 4

Download 🔥 https://ssurll.com/2y2Glj 🔥

Due to licensing restrictions we cannot make latest version (4.2.6) of this great application available on rollApp. Please, visit pivotanimator.net to download latest version of the application to run on your computer.

I have used this app and it is very good for beginning animators. it does not crash for me so maybe get a better internet connection, this is not 5 stars because there is no tutorial on the page. for a tutorial go to you tube that is where I learned how to use this program.

Now all I need to know is, can you have multiple pivoting planes? Can you have Plane A set as the pivot, then three planes all attached to it, each one swinging and spinning around as they follow Plane A? Preferably with each plane attached to a different side of Plane A. Such as Plane B attached at the left side of Plane A, and Plane C attached at the right side of Plane A, and so on.

I can see what you did there, how you connected things up, but when I animate it, the three smaller planes, Planes B, C, and D, just fall straight down instead of swinging along the pivot. As in, each plane maintains its flat orientation, and simply falls downs, without swinging or following Plane A.

Firstly, Thanks for the response. I really appreciate it.

I was always aware that the fbx exports from any 3d program, whether, Maya or Mixamo, is always defaulting the pivot to worldSpace, but thought there must be a way to keep the pivot local with the characters translations.

does aseprite has something similar as pivot?

the black background in this is supposed to be transparent but when i try to replace all the black with the transparent colour it mostly messes it up,

this is before

image786266 39 KB

But how can I have a consistent pivot point when the size of the caracter needs to change ? For exemple :

when my hero is jumping, his legs are getting closer to his body so the player is getting smaller. What can I do to avoid those weird movement between frames ?

Now in left top corner we can set how sheet should be sliced. Automatic one is quite good, but sets also automatically pivot point. Best pivot is probably left-bottom or center. Hit slice and You will have frames.

There is this solution already discussed but thought it useful to post here as I have just spent about an hour trying to figure out what is wrong. This issue is when you set the pivot point away from centre in sprite editor, but this is not shown or working in scene editor and always gives you centre. This causes problem when trying to record animations using the record function in Animator and switching to scene view to tweak. ff782bc1db

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