A pidgin[1][2][3] /pdn/, or pidgin language, is a grammatically simplified means of communication that develops between two or more groups of people that do not have a language in common: typically, its vocabulary and grammar are limited and often drawn from several languages. It is most commonly employed in situations such as trade, or where both groups speak languages different from the language of the country in which they reside (but where there is no common language between the groups). Linguists do not typically consider pidgins as full or complete languages.

Fundamentally, a pidgin is a simplified means of linguistic communication, as it is constructed impromptu, or by convention, between individuals or groups of people. A pidgin is not the native language of any speech community, but is instead learned as a second language.[4][5]

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A pidgin may be built from words, sounds, or body language from a multitude of languages as well as onomatopoeia. As the lexicon of any pidgin will be limited to core vocabulary, words with only a specific meaning in the lexifier language may acquire a completely new (or additional) meaning in the pidgin.

Pidgins have historically been considered a form of patois, unsophisticated simplified versions of their lexifiers, and as such usually have low prestige with respect to other languages.[6] However, not all simplified or "unsophisticated" forms of a language are pidgins. Each pidgin has its own norms of usage which must be learned for proficiency in the pidgin.[7]

A pidgin differs from a creole, which is the first language of a speech community of native speakers that at one point arose from a pidgin. Unlike pidgins, creoles have fully developed vocabulary and patterned grammar. Most linguists believe that a creole develops through a process of nativization of a pidgin when children of speakers of an acquired pidgin learn it and use it as their native language.

Pidgin derives from a Chinese pronunciation of the English word business, and all attestations from the first half of the nineteenth century given in the third edition of the Oxford English Dictionary mean "business; an action, occupation, or affair" (the earliest being from 1807). The term pidgin English ('business English'), first attested in 1855, shows the term in transition to referring to language, and by the 1860s the term pidgin alone could refer to Pidgin English. The term came to be used in a more general linguistic sense to refer to any simplified language by the late 19th century.[8][9]

The word pidgin, formerly also spelled pigion,[9] used to refer originally to Chinese Pidgin English, but was later generalized to refer to any pidgin.[11] Pidgin may also be used as the specific name for local pidgins or creoles, in places where they are spoken. For example, the name of the creole language Tok Pisin derives from the English words talk pidgin. Its speakers usually refer to it simply as "pidgin" when speaking English.[12][13] Likewise, Hawaiian Creole English is commonly referred to by its speakers as "Pidgin".

The term jargon has also been used to refer to pidgins, and is found in the names of some pidgins, such as Chinook Jargon. In this context, linguists today use jargon to denote a particularly rudimentary type of pidgin;[14] however, this usage is rather rare, and the term jargon most often refers to the words particular to a given profession.

Pidgins may start out as or become trade languages, such as Tok Pisin. Trade languages can eventually evolve into fully developed languages in their own right such as Swahili, distinct from the languages they were originally influenced by. Trade languages and pidgins can also influence an established language's vernacular, especially amongst people who are directly involved in a trade where that pidgin is commonly used, which can alternatively result in a regional dialect being developed.

Linguists sometimes posit that pidgins can become creole languages when a generation of children learn a pidgin as their first language,[15]a process that regularizes speaker-dependent variation in grammar. Creoles can then replace the existing mix of languages to become the native language of a community (such as the Chavacano language in the Philippines, Krio in Sierra Leone, and Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea). However, not all pidgins become creole languages; a pidgin may die out before this phase would occur (e.g. the Mediterranean Lingua Franca).

Other scholars, such as Salikoko Mufwene, argue that pidgins and creoles arise independently under different circumstances, and that a pidgin need not always precede a creole nor a creole evolve from a pidgin. Pidgins, according to Mufwene, emerged among trade colonies among "users who preserved their native vernaculars for their day-to-day interactions". Creoles, meanwhile, developed in settlement colonies in which speakers of a European language, often indentured servants whose language would be far from the standard in the first place, interacted extensively with non-European slaves, absorbing certain words and features from the slaves' non-European native languages, resulting in a heavily basilectalized version of the original language. These servants and slaves would come to use the creole as an everyday vernacular, rather than merely in situations in which contact with a speaker of the superstrate was necessary.[16]

Hawai'i was first visited by Europeans in 1778, and it quickly became an important stopover for ships involved in whaling and trading with Asia. At this time, some of the expressions from the Pidgin English of China and the Pacific were introduced to Hawai'i. Tragically, diseases were also introduced which drastically decreased the indigenous Hawaiian population. The first sugarcane plantation was established in 1835, and the industry expanded rapidly in the last quarter of the century. Thousands of laborers were brought from China, Portugal, Japan, Korea, Puerto Rico, Russia, Spain, the Philippines and other countries. With so many nationalities, a common language was needed on the plantations. At first, this was Hawaiian and Pidgin Hawaiian, but later in the century a new variety of pidgin began to develop.

In the 1870s immigrant families began to arrive and more children were born on the plantations. Children learned their parents' languages and picked up English at school. But the kind of English they spoke on the playground was influenced by the Pidgin English earlier brought to Hawai'i, by the Hawaiian spoken by their parents, and by their own first languages, especially Portuguese. By the turn of the century a new Hawai‘i Pidgin English began to emerge with features from all of these sources. This pidgin became the primary language of many of those who grew up in Hawai'i, and children began to acquire it as their first language. This was the beginning of Hawai'i Creole English. By the 1920s it was the language of the majority of Hawai'i's population.

What this does is an an option to the pidgin launcher called "Display Buddy List" that always will show the list whenever selected. But, if the list is showing already, it will not open a second one.

Note: To those wondering why I didn't advice to copy the Pidgin launcher to .local/share/applications, it is because the launcher in the messaging menu launches /usr/share/applications/pidgin.desktop. So, rather than editing the messaging menu, I advised to edit the original launcher.

i want to ask how to install a chat client like Pidgin with OTR Plugin in Qubes-Whonix WS. Secondly i want to ask, how i can tunnel everything in Pidgin over tor? So that all messages in pidgin uses tor network.

The Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages (JPCL) aims to provide a forum for the scholarly study of pidgins, creoles, and other contact language varieties, from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The journal places special emphasis on current research devoted to empirical description, theoretical issues, and the broader implications of the study of contact languages for, among others, theories of language development, use, change and acquisition. The editors also encourage contributions on pragmatics and language ideologies, and that explore the application of linguistic research to language planning, education, and social reform, as well as studies that examine the role of contact languages in the social life and culture, including the literature and other media, of their communities.

Am using Pidgin 2.7.10, not able to connect in proxy, but its working good with out proxy. Even though i have configure pidgin in preference by adding http proxy address and username and password. But still its not connecting.

Thanks for your reply. I have done all the steps as you said, but still am not able to connect. Kindly tell me how identify whether the pidgin in using that proxy information and how to capture the pidgin proxy details.

Complicated ideas can be communicated in pidgin, Bumatai said, relaying a story about sitting behind Governor Waihee on a flight some years ago, and hearing Waihee speak with a colleague about important matters of state entirely in pidgin. In addition, state officials frequently make speeches in English while using intonation and sentence structures to provide nuances that pidgin speakers will hear.

I did fresh install of Fedora 34 (workstation) yesterday. And pidgin and some other applications do not respect default gnome theme. On my previous installation (F32, originally F28 or simillar, upgraded over time) every app looked just fine out of the box. Both current and previous installations are using Gnome on Wayland.

Generally speaking, pidgins form in the context of a multicultural population. Historically, this has often happened in areas where multiple groups were trading with each other, or when groups of slaves from various nations were assimilated into a single population and developed a language. ff782bc1db

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