Trying to start fresh after factory reset I don't want old photos on device phone gallery app I rather have old photos that are backed up on Dropbox cloud storage and keep phone gallery free for new photos not photos that are backed up on device

Do not want to share phone storage for old photos and videos I would like to have phone storage for new stuff only and cloud storage for old stuff only

If I delete photos on phone it will delete that same photos on cloud I do not want that I do not want old stuff on phone it would be pointless of cloud storage if old things are on my phone no point in online storage

When you take a picture, it takes up some of your phone's storage space indeed. However, if you upload the content into your Dropbox, and then delete it off of your camera roll, then the picture would only take up some of your Dropbox storage.

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Your phone may have limitations on the file types and native resolution it supports for images. My suggestion would be to use a sharing utility such as One Drive or DropBox or a photos app such as Amazon, Google Photos, etc which would allow you to access stored photos via a cloud based service.

Yes! And it is so hard to manually sort out which photos are inat photos. If I take them through the app they get named differently, which helps, but putting them in a seperate folder would be way better.

I was just wondering the same thing (about deleting the photos). As a test, I moved the photos elsewhere and the photos were still present in the (Android) app. I guessed that the app (after syncing) references the photos from the Internet. However, I was glad to hear a confirmation from you (@tiwane) .

With a normal cloud once my photos from my phone are uploaded, i can delete the photos on my phone and they will stay saved in the cloud. BUT with my cloud home when i delete a photo from my phone it deletes from my cloud too-like a mirror. How do i fix this?! It brings up a warning msg to say that if i delete it from phone any synced devices it will delete out of too. It will go into a folder in my cloud for 30 days and then completely delete

I have received a replacement phone, have backed up the contacts and have moved the memory card from the old phone to the new, but I can't figure out how to move all the photos and videos that are on the phone. I really want to retrieve them as there are so many little videos of my old Lab that I lost a month ago.

The charging port on the phone is damaged, so I don't have a way to hook it to the PC. I thought I could individually email the photos to my PC, but the service on the original phone has been disconnected. Then I thought maybe I need to get another memory card or a larger one and transfer to it, then to the new phone... The original memory card is full, so I guess the balance of the photos are just in the phone. I've transferred the images on the card

to my PC so maybe I should format it and see if I can somehow transfer the images on the phone to the card. I'm almost out of time as I have to send the original phone to Asurion, the insurance company who replaced it.

I used this very briefly to test the downloading of photos from iCloud. It worked fine, but every so often you have to refresh the cookie to keep downloading, so it's not a "set and forget" solution. It also will not *only* download new photos.. it will download ALL your photos, or only the X-number of new photos. There's no in-between to only download new/missing photos. So in effect, if you download 50 photos -- move those photos from the download location to your photo storage location -- and then download again, you'll have all the same photos downloaded. This can create a nightmare of duplicate photos to have to sort through.

Essentially no matter what you do it will not be an automatic process. There will be some degree of "problems" due to duplicate photos, etc. I'm still trying to figure out the best process for myself. The main problem is that leaving the photos on the phone necessitates anti-duplication.

Yes ! I Like & Use Next Cloud to auto back up all of my pics from my Iphone & Ipad ! It Isnt Hard to set Up Either ! I Used To Use Plex to Do That But Plex said Thou Shalt not do that any more ! So NextCloud Works Really Well for me !

I'm looking for a solution with a gallery-app, which allows to browse all the synced photos as if they were on the phone. Especially to safely clear up the phone from old photos, that already are synced to the server. Easy to browse. Just like Google Photos (and also iCloud I guess?).

iCloud Photos keeps your photos and videos safe, up to date, and available automatically on all of your Apple devices, on, and even your PC. When you use iCloud Photos, you don't need to import photos from one iCloud device to another. iCloud Photos always uploads and stores your original, full-resolution photos. You can keep full-resolution originals on each of your devices, or save space with device-optimized versions instead. Either way, you can download your originals whenever you need them. Any organizational changes or edits you make are always kept up to date across all your Apple devices. Learn how to set up and use iCloud Photos.

The photos and videos that you keep in iCloud Photos use your iCloud storage. Before you turn on iCloud Photos, make sure that you have enough space in iCloud to store your entire collection. You can see how much space you need and then upgrade your storage plan if necessary.

When you import videos from your iOS or iPadOS device to your PC, some might be rotated incorrectly in the Windows Photos app. You can add these videos to iTunes to play them in the correct orientation.

I just got a new phone, and I want iCloud to upload all images and videos made on the new phone but I do not want images and videos from the old phone in my new phone's camera roll, or indeed, in any other albums on that new phone. Importantly, I do still want my images from older phones backed up in my recently purchased 2TB of iCloud storage.

I understand I can remove these old images by switching off iCloud but I still want to use iCloud backup for my new images/videos. How do I continue uploading new images without the old iCloud images from previous phones in my new camera roll? I keep feeling like this, for some ridiculous reason, is impossible.

Alternatively, how can I move these iCloud images (the one's not stored on the phone but loaded when clicked) into another album on my new phone which is out of the way and not at all part of the camera roll of the new phone.

If you have Optimize Storage turned on, you might not have all of your original photos and videos on your device. To download the original photos and videos on your iOS device, go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Photos and select Download and Keep Originals.

Thank you for posting in Apple Support Communities! From our understanding, you would like to use iCloud Photos on your new device but do not want the photos that are already syncing to iCloud to sync to your new iPhone, is that right? It is not possible to use iCloud Photos on the same account and not sync the old photos to your new device.

I have over 2,000 pics in my phone and I have backed them up to a computer. A lot of them are on my Instagram account but I need to free up space and delete a lot of them. If i do that will they be deleted from Instagram?

Camera uploads can use a large amount of battery power the first time your photos are uploaded. After the photos are uploaded, battery usage should return to normal. By default, the Dropbox app stops auto-uploading when your battery is low to save battery life.

If you shoot mostly small items, a table-top or mini tripod will do. If you shoot larger items (i.e. furniture) you might want a full-size tripod. Make sure the one you buy either comes with, or is compatible with, a smartphone clip attachment.

Choosing the right camera app is an important part of the shooting process. Most smartphones come with a serviceable app, but there are third-party apps that offer many of the same manual controls as a DSLR camera that you can use to customize to your needs. ff782bc1db

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